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The Value of Consciousness

Handle With Care, and Wisdom

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 6 months ago 4 min read
Ignite The Light Of Pure Consciousness

We live in a world that seems to think that having mental illness is some sort of abnormality, in a large amount of the masses, regarding their opinion towards it. Mental illness, is the result of trauma experienced in the past, which has sat within the one who has been exposed to it, slowly becoming toxic and building up in the system as a form of sickness, mainly because the result of the trauma was not taken care of in a healthy manner. We must remain vigilant in regards to our emotions, and our mental state, otherwise, even the smallest in degrees of trauma, can have a detrimental impact on the psyche, to a substantial degree.

Being complacent when it comes to ones own sense of self, is self defeating, and will not result in a positive experience. Many people in this world, become so absorbed in what is going on with the world, and the chaos that seems to be looming in so many different aspects, that it makes it hard to keep a sense of direction, in a peaceful manner. Fear is the opposite of what we need right now, fearfulness leaves one vulnerable in so many ways, that it is scary. When we are scared of that which challenges us, it makes our capacity to overcome such things, in essence we are creating an obstacle in our own way, that is insurmountable in scope and breadth.

The world we live in produces fear in mass quantities, we must not allow the system as it is currently, to negate our spiritual purpose and capability, depriving us of our right to the divine realm that is ever present around us, at all times. Through destruction of the spirit, and similar things, that redirect our attention away from that which is truly important, into a direction that is full of falsities, and false promises, meant to reinforce the concept of instant gratification. We must strive for that which is truly lasting, enduring and eternally meant for us to ultimately experience, within, as well as without.

When it is time to move in a direction that inspires growth, do not be afraid to do just that, it is natural to have a degree of fear when faced with change. Change always brings about at least a slight degree of fear, because change is growth in some way, and when you are growing spiritually, it can be a rather challenging time in ones life. Always continue holding fast to your faith, and do not become deterred by the sometimes never ending stream of what can sometimes be daunting challenges that may arise. Look at these as opportunities to better yourself in some way, to some degree, even if it is small. You do not have to wait for the new year to initiate changes in yourself, and in your life that are for not just your benefit, but the benefit of all those who may be within your vicinity.

Life is a never ending journey, and when the journey in the physical body ends, it will continue in a new form that we are not yet accustomed to. Do not be afraid of pursuing that course, for the more familiar you are with that side of who you in fact are, the more you are able to accomplish, and put forth into this world, which is all too often empty and void of true authenticity, and meaning. Empty words and action without intention, is simply wasted energy, and with all the challenges this life can hold at times, this energy must always be utilized wisely. Do not throw your energy frivolously to the wind, and just hope everything always works out for your benefit.

We must always make decisions that are wise in their purpose, as to always have the best effect on the world around us, that we can. In truth, we are much stronger together than we are separately. We as a unified race, moving towards true advancement in our evolutionary journey, should be taken into a more metaphysical and spiritual way. We have reached the pinnacle of what we can I believe in regards to our physical capacities alone. Technology is able to re write the fabric of reality now, as quantum technology begins to take center stage, as well as the progression of Artificial Intelligence. We must ascend beyond our current state, realizing our true potential as co creators of our reality, so as not to be superseded and potentially, enslaved by the technology that holds the purpose of making a task more efficient and less taxing for the individual performing it.

We should not make a technology that is so advanced, that we ourselves are rendered useless, for in so doing, we are only replacing ourselves in this grand tapestry of life. We must, with conviction and wisdom, utilize the technology we have yet to master, before moving onto something as unpredictably dangerous, as Quantum technology, as well as Artificial intelligence. If our end goal was to produce sentient life, how are we to determine the moral scope of that life, and ensure that it does not manifest itself in a form that holds intention of malevolent nature. Consciousness is something that should never be taken lightly, for it is what makes us who and what we are.

Brightest Blessings.


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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    Kaylon ForsythWritten by Kaylon Forsyth

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