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The Total Package

The Perfect Wine and Dine Date

By E.L. MartinPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
The Total Package
Photo by Brandable Box on Unsplash

"Is this boy worth this amount of trouble? You don't even like to wear your hair curled. If he wants you to look a certain way for a date, that's a warning sign in my book. " Latasha said while primping Amelia's eyebrows, and set the curling iron to warm.

"That is why you’re single. He’s not just some boy. He’s a doctor. Frankly, I'm shocked someone like him is interested in me. Look at his Instagram! He's the total package!"

"He is good lookin', but it looks like he cares more about his workout routine and pearly whites than he'll care about a significant other.” Latasha replied.

"If he cares enough to put that time and effort into his figure, he'll take the same level of care for someone he likes.” Amelia stated.

Amelia’s past relationships ended badly. She tried to please her exes but to no avail. She thought it was her fault they cheated. She would be better, and then it wouldn't happen again. She hadn't taken the break-ups well, and even gave them second chances. She hadn't deserved their unkindness, right? She was worth more than that, wasn't she? She stood by the mirror wondering if she should have worn Spanx under her long red dress. She tried to suck in her belly, then breathed.

By Bulbul Ahmed on Unsplash

She was nervous but didn’t want to show up early. She was shocked to see Mr. Total Package was already waiting at the restaurant. He hadn't stood her up! Even better, he was just as handsome as his online profile had suggested.

"You look even better in person. You even curled your hair just the way I like it." he replied, giving a strand of her hair a twirl. He was already ticking the boxes on her mental checklist.

The restaurant was lavish for a mere first date, but with a doctor’s salary he must have been used to it. While she was taking in the restaurant’s details, the waiter arrived.

"Two waters, please"

"Will that be all?" the waiter asked

"Yes, that will be all." Amelia’s date interrupted.

"Sir, I believe the lady next to you was trying to order." the waiter commented.

"She'll need some time to think it over. She'll be ordering from the red wine menu." he replied and waved the waiter away.

Amelia was surprised, but willing to overlook it for now. "Um, did you know I liked wine?" she asked.

"No, but if you must drink, red wine is the only healthy option so I ensured you would choose it.”

"Oh." She chose to look over the red wine pairings instead of speaking out.

Upon the waiter’s return, her date responded immediately, "Yes, she would like a glass of merlot, and only one glass: 4oz, no more no less."

The waiter looked at her, "Miss, is that what you would like?"

"Just get whatever, he is paying after all." she said, trying to hide her angst. It wasn't convincing, but the waiter left.

"Well, that was rude of you." Mr. Package responded, and calmly outstretched a napkin over his lap. Amelia felt her temperature rising.

"Do you think you weren’t?"

"I'm looking out for your health. Someone has to." he said smiling.

She wanted to knock her fist through his shiny perfect teeth, but the wine came just in time. She should at least enjoy her four ounces. That was all she was getting under his supervision, but she might need more just to get through this date.

By Christian Bowen on Unsplash

"Wine is meant to be drank with a meal, as an accent to highlight your food. It is unfair to the restaurant’s exquisite food to finish the wine before the main dish." he educated.

"Obviously you have never heard of an aperitif," she said, pinky up sipping her wine.

"You have quite the sense of humor." he said and let out a chuckle.

Amelia busied herself looking over the menu. The least she deserved was a fine meal. When the waiter came to take their order, she had decided on the Veal Scaloppini.

Her suiter looked at her with chagrin, "Red meat? Surely, you'd prefer to order a salad or a healthier seafood dish. I never anticipated you would select one of the few red meat options on this menu. Your figure indicates more refined tastes.”

Amelia's jaw dropped. "What I choose to order is my decision; NOT YOURS. My figure is also my business."

"I had quite the wrong impression of you. I thought you hated drama and making a scene. Please quite yourself and stay seated.”

"You aren't the only one who had the wrong impression." she huffed and turned to the waiter, "Sir, please bring my order in a to go box. I don't think I will be eating here."

"You can't leave our date. We've barely been here for half an hour." Mr. Package replied.

"I can and I am. Place my order on his tab. It's the least he can do for the time and energy he has cost me."

Mr. Package argued over the bill with the wait staff. Amelia went to the restroom and blocked his number. A waitress who had overheard the charade let her know her order was up, and that the man she was with had left. Her waiter gave her the to go box and added a small chocolate dessert. The waiter apologized for the experience he had witnessed firsthand. It may have been a rough evening, but she was glad she didn't endure it like usual. She was also relieved that the restaurant staff had shown kindness and understanding.

When she returned home, she wept with anger and frustration. She needed a shower after dealing with that "creep." Her neat curls Latasha worked so hard on would have to go. She threw a heel at the ceiling and yelled. Why had she been so optimistic about someone she hadn't even met before? After her shower, she felt a bit better. She didn’t feel like drying her hair. She would put on pajamas, and Netflix and Chill for the night. She heard a knock at her door, and yelled, "You better be Latasha or I'm going to throw my other shoe at you!"

"You were so upset you didn't even notice the box on your own front porch. It might make your evening better." Latasha said cheerily.

"I didn't order anything. Bright Cellars Wine? Josh? How did they get my address?" Amelia said out-loud, wondering if she had a stalker.

"The FedEx delivery guy, you dummy!" Latasha said.

"Oh! That Josh? Why would he buy me wine?!"

"That boy has been making eyes at you since you first moved into this apartment complex. I'm not even sure he was out of high school back then. He came up the stairs whistling and hopping to deliver that package to your doorstep. A little birdie told him you were finally on the dating scene again. When he found out you were on a date, he left looking like a whipped puppy. Call him and invite him over to try those with you."

"I'm already in my pajamas and don't want to go through the hassle of freshening up again."

Latasha sighed, "It's just Josh."

Amelia thought about all the times she had rushed out to get her package deliveries. She felt embarrassed by all the ensembles he must have seen her wearing over the past six years. Lord knows after her breakups she certainly didn't look or smell the best.

Amelia's eyes saddened. "All this time, he's liked me? He does seem to keep track of my likes and interests and cheer me up when I'm feeling blue. I've ranted to him about all my problems, but never really gave him much thought before now. He was always just a kid in my eyes.”

"He isn't a kid anymore, honey, he's 24. Call the boy. I'll be next door if you need anything.” Latasha said with a wink.

Josh showed up with his cute, dark, curly hair that always seemed to be a mess. His teeth weren't perfect, and he didn't have a muscular build. Most days he had a cheerful disposition. Seeing him show up on her doorstep made her smile more than she thought it would.

By June Heredia on Unsplash

“I brought popcorn.” Josh said.

"Is it movie theatre butter?" she asked.

"Why would I buy any other?" he smiled.

Amelia sighed with relief and laughed.

"I've heard we're supposed to start with the driest one first. I know you like sweet things, so most of these are fairly sweet."

"How do you know so much about wine?" she asked.

"Honestly, I don't, but I knew you liked it. I took a taste preference quiz on the website to help choose. I know you prefer white chocolate, and you always have a glass of grape juice when I deliver in the mornings. I had to guess at some questions, but I tried to get it right. Sorry if it’s creepy that I paid so much attention. When I found out you were considering dating again, I wanted to find the right way to ask you out."

"I had no idea you were even interested in me. I thought you were hung up on the same girl from high school. This was quite a surprise."

Josh laughed, "That girl was you! I started working part-time in high school after I turned 18. You helped me out on my first day. Ever since then, I've always enjoyed our conversations. I thought I missed my chance to tell you when I heard you were on a date tonight."

"Sorry, I had no idea." Amelia responded.

"No apology necessary. Things don't always happen how you plan them." he shrugged then smiled, "Besides, you still called, and now I'm here."

"Yeah, but it isn't much of a date."

"Because you think of me as a friend?" he asked as the color drained out of his face.

She shook her head, "I'm in my pajamas, my hair is a wreck, and I just want to Netflix and Chill after this evening's events. I put no effort in for this to be a date."

Josh erupted with laughter. "If that’s all, that makes this the perfect date."

"Are you out of your mind?"

"No if you're this comfortable around me, that's perfect. Dates shouldn't stress you out. I don't want you to bottle yourself up or fit some type of mold. I want to get to know more about the real you. That's what makes this perfect." He replied.

"Well, the real me is in the mood for movie theatre popcorn, so get popping. We can't drink all this wine without having something to nosh on." she said letting out a chuckle.

By Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

"Will do, your highness." he took a bow, "Oh, but the Jetbird merlot might not go with this. Should I order some red meat?"

"If your fine with sharing, I actually have veal scaloppini and a chocolate dessert I brought back from the restaurant."

"I have no idea what veal scaloppini is, but it sounds better than the hamburgers I was going to order."

"Save the burgers for next time." she said.

"Noting that there will be a next time." he said, giving her a wink.

"Sit down and try some wine, you goof. I'm a big fan of this Chardonnay.”

"Crisp and refreshing, like me!" he said and brought over another bottle, "This one suits you."

The bottle was labeled "Meet Cute, Colombard 2019."

"Haha You’re so funny!" she chided.

Her words were met with a handful of buttered popcorn. Both parties laughed. Maybe the perfect date wasn't about the dinner, events, standards, or salary at all. The perfect date was about enjoying the person you're with, and for the first time in a long time Amelia enjoyed it. It seems the total package showed up right at her door.


About the Creator

E.L. Martin

Powered by Nature, Humanity, Humor, Food, Lifestyle, Fiction, and Culture; Oh, and a questionable amount of coffee.

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    E.L. MartinWritten by E.L. Martin

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