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The Empress

The Fools Journey

By Dark Moon EmpirePublished 11 months ago Updated 6 months ago 3 min read
The Empress
Photo by Viva Luna Studios on Unsplash

As the Fool continues on their journey, the next encounter, after the magician and High priestess, is The Empress. She is the Queen of Queens. She is the Mother figure and the embodiment of the Divine Feminine. She is the result of lessons learned in order to acquire her current status. She is steps away from the High Priestess. Just about next in line.

She is the Queen of Pentacles in her ability to be grounded, stable and nurturing of her children. She is the the Queen of Cups as her heart is fully open and she trusts where her intuition is leading her. She is not afraid of love and is comfortable in her vulnerability. She is the Queen of Wands. Her creativity leaps tremendous bounds and her inspiration fuels from deep within. She is passionate and carefully seductive. She is the Queen of Swords. She speaks her truth and roars loudly as the lioness that she is. She knows her worth and she refuses to back down.

She is the Yin to the Yin and Yang. She isn't afraid of the night as she strolls along the light from the full moon. She doesn't fear the darkness within and around her. She is beautiful, irresistible, and she's everything you aspire to be. She is humble and loving, but don't you dare cross her. She motivates you to be a resilient woman, and she inspires you to be a better man. If you refuse to hold yourself to those standards, she isn't afraid to leave you behind. She doesn't have time for self pity and your inability to face your brokenness.

By Cat Crawford on Unsplash

The Empress is the Maternal energy the fool needs to experience along their path toward enlightenment, towards healing, and toward ascension. This may be an extremely difficult dynamic for those of us with disconnected or negative relationships with our physical maternal entities. How do we utilize the nurturing energy of a mother when the experiences with our own were not such? An answer you’ll have to dig into before proceeding on this journey.

Our maternal relationship is what creates the feminine energies within us, whether you are male or female. This is important so that we may be creative, open, and yes even in touch with our emotions. So the inspiration flows securely from within, unblocked. So your relationships with others flourish without constantly seeking outside validation. Perhaps the complications with your maternal relationship is what drives your creativity, but a wounded inner feminine can not sustain a healthy and stable energy for too long. Your relationships will fail and eventually you’ll have to confront that, especially if you plan on continuing through the Fool's Journey.

The Empress is the encouragement from within. She is the vibrant full moon in the deep dark. She breaks down the encounter from the Magician and High Priestess, and she highlights the teachings of her spiritual elders. She guides you in the direction to begin to put the practices into place, and she teaches you the connection between mind, body and soul. She embodies everything within you that gets in your own way, and she molds it into the inspiration and creativity you need to go after your dreams. She breaks down the walls that keep you closed off. With her you no longer fear love. Instead you welcome it in regardless of the havoc it tries to wreck within you. This is because the Empress teaches you to be sound and solid enough to move on from it, but not before alchemizing it into the fuel and inspiration you need to turn it into something more beautiful.

By Viva Luna Studios on Unsplash

The Empress trusts the Universe to bring in her manifestations because she knows everything is happening for her. She is healed from the inside out, and she continuously creates works of art. Art that she births for the world because she fulfills her divine purpose. The Empress wants you to go within and explore what it is that is holding you back. What is blocking you from creating the life you so desperately desire? What is stopping you from achieving your goals? She challenges you to face it, sit with it, and potentially love it just a little. Be kind to it and give space for it until it falls away into something amazing and magical.

The Magician & The High Priestess

The Emperor


About the Creator

Dark Moon Empire

Just think of all the places you could go, and all the things you could do, with all of that magical potential.

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Comments (1)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran11 months ago

    I've always been fascinating with tarot cards! I enjoyed reading this!

Dark Moon EmpireWritten by Dark Moon Empire

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