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Sticks & Stones

— Cancel Culture —

By Jay KantorPublished 2 years ago Updated 11 months ago 3 min read
© Darlene M. Wescombe~Painting Adapted from Birgit O'Connor

Author © Jay Kantor


— Phobias-Idioms —

We all have phobias - big or small - that we often 'mask' as too embarrassing to tell anyone. Example: Fear of clowns 'Coulrophobia' perhaps your not-everyday 'Fear of Heights' or 'Closed in Elevator' issues? There was once an entire 'Seinfeld' episode that focused on Goofy-Kramer's fear of Clowns! Although a 'Biggie' with me is 'Fear of Women!'

– Doesn't everyone have some kind of phobia? Do You? –

So often many of us simply go out of our way to avoid uncomfortable situations that we just don't want to take the time to confront anymore; you may have one of those that you've just 'Tucked-Away?' I once had a 'Shrink' that told me, "If ever there was a time to 'Block' an issue, it was now!" Bad advice: We should have worked through the problem. But, at the time, I would just shrug. After all HE was the Doctor!

– Favorite Words 'Over & Next' –

How can issues that, once upon a time, just be referred to as 'stupid'–then we just moved on–go so off-base of late? It's not always about WHAT you get away with – It's HOW you get away with it!

– Collateral Damage –

Whatever happened to the expression "Sticks & Stones will break your bones, but mere words will never hurt you?" At what stage do you 'Go over the Line' or do folks look for any 'interpretation' they just choose to select at the time? There are those that make a living ranting-randomly by putting their targets under a microscope. But, you know that!

— A Stream of Consciousness Approach —

This hoopla is a true indication of the more is NOT more, 'Tude! You never know how you might be perceived and, of course, we all know "Perception Trumps Reality" every single time. I know, cynical, just in that kind of mood. So cancel me. A Canadian expression, Quote: "Ya-know, we aren't 'Bout' all good, but we aren't ALL bad either." Silly Example: You see a car totally wrecked, but the rear tire is completely intact: Hence, nothing is ALL bad! I could go on but, of course, none of you would want me to!

How about the old 'Glass is 1/2 full/half empty' analogy along with the stream 'Live & Let Live or Bait & Switch' my least favorite on so many levels! Expressions/Adages such as: 'No excuse for bad-behavior - Pick your Battles – He gave me a slap in the face, so just turn, don't put your face into it – No kisser damage there.' *Philosophically speaking: Kantor - Immanuel Kant = Turn the other cheek is not always workable. So, Got Anything Else? It takes Two to Tango!

— OMG Gag me with a Spoon: I know NOT a current expression, but it could be on Tik-Tok? — I do like looking at our absurd idioms and out-of-date expressions, particularly ones from our generation, that we often intertwine into our everyday colloquial conversations.

A current idiom: reverting to 'mom-isms' cautioning not to pay too much for something just because I wanted it, especially these days! Sibling rivalry – "So, do I have to separate you two?" Remembering: Constant childish curiosities to just 'Know Things'–which I had before learning as a student became a duty instead of a Game–learning was my duty–now it's become my Game.

The one I always hated was, "Girls will be girls and boys will be boys." I always thought it was said to keep girls from competing with boys (particularly in the classroom) and give boys a Huge-Pass for truly bad {often demeaning to women} behavior!

I wonder about the disparity between, 'Fake it until you make it and be true to yourself.' Am I being true to myself if I'm faking it? It is not what you make-of-yourself – But what others make of you.

Penny for your thoughts? You get what you paid for!

— Told Ya So —

Jay Kantor, Chatsworth, Cal

'Senior' Vocal Author'

Co-Creators, INK


About the Creator

Jay Kantor

Retired: Write for "The Kids Someday"

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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Comments (5)

  • Shirley Belk8 months ago

    OK....I've never really thought this much about expressions before....and now, "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

  • Novel Allenabout a year ago

    I love empty, it leaves room to fill it up with whatever i like personally. Filled comes with too many complications and energy is needed to empty it and refill it with me, and a tiny bit of you. Lovely sentiments here,

  • C. Rommial Butlerabout a year ago

    I didn't see your "Shout-Out", so it may have gotten hung up somewhere? The glass holds liquid. Use it however you like! Half-full, half-empty, only matters in relation to what we need at the time. Sometimes, emptiness is peaceful and fulfilling, and satiety--or as the French more aptly call it, ennui--bloats us and makes us torpid. Since we all die one day, and we only ever accrue it to give it away, an overflowing cup can be a bit of a burden, if not a waste. Always a pleasure to read your work, friend! Keep on truckin!

  • Gigi Gibsonabout a year ago

    Funny piece Jay… because it’s so true! Many of us could write a book about the sayings that our parents used to tell us!!

  • F. Leonora Solomonabout a year ago

    i love the way you play with words Jay, that is what words should be to writers like us--to explore them without fear. speaking of fear, i used to "collect" the names of phobias. it made me very good with prefixes!😊

Jay KantorWritten by Jay Kantor

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