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The Media Frenzy Over Joe Biden's Debate Performance

By Mankine Published 5 days ago 4 min read

In the wake of the recent debates, the political landscape has been shaken, particularly among mainstream media and prominent Democrats, who have reacted with intense concern over Joe Biden's perceived lackluster performance. This anxiety has pervaded the airwaves and digital spaces for the past week and a half, with a relentless chorus declaring Biden too old to lead, suggesting he should step aside. The reaction has sent the Democratic Party into a state of disarray, desperately seeking answers and a way forward.

In typical fashion, the Democrats appear disjointed and fraught with worry. Unlike their Republican counterparts, Democrats often struggle to present a unified front or to spin events coherently in their favor. This contrast became starkly evident during and after the debates. The world watched as Donald Trump repeatedly dodged questions, deflected criticism, and changed the subject, while Republicans circled the wagons, defending his actions with unwavering loyalty. Despite Trump's documented dishonesty—lying nearly 40 times during the debate—Republicans steadfastly refused to admit any shortcomings, instead defending his record and criminal investigations with fervor.

The media's narrative quickly latched onto the idea that Biden is too old, sidelining critical discussions about Trump's glaring lack of policy understanding and his tendency for off-the-cuff, often misleading banter. This myopic focus disregards Biden's commendable track record, which should speak volumes on its own. Under Biden's leadership, the economy has seen unprecedented growth, with the best economic and job creation record of any president in the past 55 years. In stark contrast, Trump's tenure was marred by incompetence and scandal, so much so that 140 Presidential historians have ranked him as the worst president in American history.

The crux of Biden's current challenge lies not in his age or debate performance but in the media's failure to fulfill their fundamental role. Today's news organizations are more concerned with sensational 'hot takes' and profit-generating headlines than with delivering factual, informative journalism. This shift has left the public poorly informed about the real dangers facing the country and the substantive achievements of Biden's administration.

Instead of educating and enlightening the public, many journalists have become more akin to marketers, prioritizing engagement over integrity. This trend has created a distorted view of reality, where critical issues are often overshadowed by trivial controversies. In this environment, the media's fixation on Biden's age becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, overshadowing his accomplishments and the pressing challenges that demand attention.

The media's role in shaping public perception cannot be overstated. When journalists focus on sensationalism rather than substance, they contribute to a fragmented and polarized political landscape. For Biden, this means that his significant achievements—such as robust economic growth and effective job creation—are often overlooked in favor of more superficial critiques. This is not only unfair to Biden but also detrimental to the public's understanding of the broader political context.

Moreover, this media-driven narrative creates a false equivalence between Biden and Trump, suggesting that both are equally flawed. This ignores the stark differences in their records and approaches to governance. While Biden has worked diligently to address the nation's challenges and improve the lives of Americans, Trump's presidency was characterized by chaos and division. By failing to highlight these distinctions, the media does a disservice to the public and undermines the democratic process.

The current media landscape is a far cry from the era of investigative journalism and in-depth reporting that once held powerful figures accountable and informed the public. Today, the relentless pursuit of clicks and ratings has led to a proliferation of shallow, sensationalist coverage that prioritizes drama over truth. This shift has had profound implications for American democracy, contributing to the erosion of trust in institutions and the polarization of society.

In this context, it is imperative for the media to reevaluate their priorities and recommit to their role as the fourth estate. Journalists must strive to provide comprehensive, fact-based reporting that informs the public and holds leaders accountable. By doing so, they can help restore faith in the democratic process and ensure that the electorate is well-informed and engaged.

For the Democratic Party, this means resisting the temptation to succumb to media-driven panic and instead focusing on the substantive issues that matter to voters. Biden's age and debate performance, while not insignificant, should not overshadow his considerable achievements and the pressing challenges facing the nation. By staying the course and emphasizing the positive impacts of Biden's policies, Democrats can present a compelling case for his continued leadership.

The recent media frenzy over Joe Biden's debate performance highlights a broader issue in American journalism: the prioritization of sensationalism over substance. This trend has significant implications for public perception and the democratic process, contributing to a distorted view of reality and a polarized political landscape. To address these challenges, it is essential for the media to refocus on their core mission of informing and educating the public. By doing so, they can help ensure a more informed and engaged electorate and support a healthier democracy.

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    Mankine Written by Mankine

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