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Spoiled Rotten

What Has Gone Wrong With Relationships?

By Nicole McClurePublished 4 years ago 5 min read

Dating, marriage, hanging out. It all has different meaning to everyone, and everyone has their own way of how they keep their relationships going.

Have you ever heard people use the following quotes:

"She's so spoiled, he buys her everything"

"She's so spoiled"

Pretty much anything to do with the word spoiled.

Now, this is where it really does differ for me. Whenever I hear these comments, it's usually because their husband or SO went and bout them something fancy or expensive. I always roll my eyes a little.

Now, I have nothing against men showering their women with gifts. Believe me, in that way I am especially spoiled. Ty gets me whatever I want, and I don't take that lightly. I appreciate every little thing he gets me, and I try my hardest every day to prove to him that I do appreciate him and all he does for our little family and our farm.

That also leads to the real reason I wrote this.

I think this is one of the biggest issues in the world today. Everyone expects expensive presents. Material things. To me that just isn't what a relationship should be about. I grew up in a household like this, and I really do hate it. I can literally ask my dad to buy me anything I want, and he won't say no. I don't like it. He thinks that is an excuse not to have a real relationship with people, and that is just not okay.


That is why my father and I don't have a relationship. He never knew how to be that way, and has always tried to buy his way to my heart. Never worked then, won't work now.

When it comes to my fiance and I's relationship, I am spoiled in more ways than one. We recently had a baby, and let me tell you. I am a walking nightmare almost 24/7. Eventhough it has been 3 months already, I have not been able to quite get the swing of things yet. I'm emberassed to say that, but it's very true. I can't sleep at night, sleep most of the day. Cry all the time, stress out over nothing. Overthink every single little thing, that both go good and bad. The parels of motherhood are all too real.

Let me tell you though, this man is the one. This man is my hero, my love, my savior. He's saved me in more ways than one, more times than I can even count. He has spoiled me from the very begining. And I don't mean buying me a bunch of stuff. I am talking about being spoiled the way a woman should.

He moved me in with him, made sure I was okay every single day. Put up with my crazy antics and all of my animals that came with me. When we decided to try and have our little one, he was behind me every step of the way. Every single day, no matter how hard it was for me. He was always there, trying to make me feel better. If you've ever dealt personally with someone that has sever depression and anxiety, or just one of them, you know how hard that is. So he has his work cut out for him from the very beginning. And I told him that, and he never blinked an eye and took the challenge head on. He'd buy me cards at the store for me randomly with sweet notes in it, or buy me a soda and some candy on the way home from work. And he still surprises me once in a while with a nice card in it and a sweet note written in it. Little things like that just make my heart happy.

My pregnancy was rough, and he made sure all of that went smooth too. From feeding the animals for me (We have tons of livestock outside and they suck to take care of in winter), to rubbing my feet when they hurt, even though he just worked a 12+ hour day.

He would send flowers to me at work when he knew I was down. If was around town he showed up a few times with coffee, just because he knew it would make my day. (This man had my favorite drink memorized after the first time we got a coffee). He would come home from work, drained and tired, and still make me dinner without hesitation. Even though I was home four hours before him and just sucked and didn't do anything. I remember one day when I was sick, I asked him to bring home some chicken noodle soup. He wasn't sure what kind I liked, so this man comes home with 6 cans of soup to make sure he didn't get me the wrong one. It both made me laugh and also made my heart melt a little bit.

The end of my pregnancy was even worse, my baby tried to come 6 weeks early. I was put on bedrest for 3 weeks, and he stepped up and took care of every little thing. He never once blinked an eye lash at anything that happened.

Fast forward to now. 3 months in and he's still got this down. I am a stay at home mom now, so now he spoils me in different ways. As soon as he gets home he always takes over baby duty. Always offers to watch the baby so I can just go outside and hang with the goats, or I can make soap, or do anything that I want without having to take her with. (Sounds selfish, but momma needs time to do stuff by herself. And feeding 70+ animals is a bit easier without a tiny helpless baby to worry about. I always worry about something happening to her.)

He even gives me Friday and Saturday nights off from baby duty. This doesn't seem like a big deal to some, but it is huge. Sunday night through Thursday I watch the baby and make sure she isn't crying and waking him up so he can be rested up for work. So I live for Friday and Saturday night. It is amazing how two nights of unitterupted sleep can be so great (even though I sleep most of the day). Although I am still exhuasted 24/7, I appreciate every little break I get. He's great at being a dad, and I couldn't have asked for a better man to raise our daughter with, in the insane world we live in.

So the next time you hear someone say that she's "spoiled" think about it. Is she really spoiled? Yeah they buy them things, but do they really connect with them? Do they understand them, or at least make the effort to try? Do they show them how much they love them, without spending money doing so?

To me that makes the biggest difference.

All of the little things make the biggest difference.


About the Creator

Nicole McClure

I'm a mom, fiancé, CEO, and many others things here on our little farm.

We have goats, chickens, ducks, cats, 1 Dalmatian, and a Great Pyrenees.

Follow us through our amazing journey, I know you'll enoy it!

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    Nicole McClureWritten by Nicole McClure

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