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Hope Leads To Faith

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 8 months ago 4 min read
Embrace Your Light

I have been working very hard for the last 5 years to overcome trials that have been rather difficult to overcome, but as I have been consistently working on my own shortcomings, It would seem that I have inspired hope in those who are close to me. Through gaining the strength, through my own spiritual practices, and faith in my higher power, I have been on the road to recovery, Stable in my actions, and also very consistent in helping others to do the same thing, through perceptional awareness as well as through situational awareness in regards to battling the disease of addiction.

I have fought many internal battles with my own demons, which stemmed from the affliction that addiction truly is, and in my battles I have come out on the other end victorious in my own right, against the darkness that not only addiction can bring into ones life, but also in regards to the increasing power of the human spirit which I am so very blessed and grateful to have learned to cultivate throughout my time in active addiction.

I did not realize that my own personal actions in my battle against addiction, to be such a profoundly impactful resource from which others have been able to derive strength from, but the fact that it has in fact played out this way, makes me incredibly happy for those who have chosen the path of recovery. This world is full of distractions in many different areas, whether it be drugs, technology, or something else, these distractions are meant to take our perception away from bettering ourselves, and instead tie us into a cycle of self defeat through empty avenues of instant gratification which are designed to take one away from that which is truly important and direct our attention towards things which are frivolous in nature, when compared to bettering oneself in an attempt to not just create a better situation for the individual, but also to better the circumstances of those which may be effected by each individual.

I have assisted my family, in getting on the track to their own recovery, through providing my own insights from my own trials in regards to addiction which I have suffered, and through consistent actions that have taken me in the direction of prioritizing self care above all else, for if we are unable to care successfully for ourselves, in an emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual way, we are not able to help anyone else in this regard. Never underestimate the power of one persons actions, and how impactful they can be on others who may be having their own struggles.

While it has taken me 5 years to get to where I am, the progress, and growth which has strengthened my spirit, and also helped to strengthen the resolve of those around me. I believe that addiction when cultivated through generations of behavior in this area, creates what I have come to know as a generational curse, we tend to follow the example of those who we looked up to, and if that behavior has been that of which is destructive to not only the physical form, but also the spiritual fortitude that we each possess, it leads to a dysfunction in the lives of all those who are within range of the actions therein. I have chosen to break this generational curse, through acting in accordance with sound ethical, moral, and spiritual practices, to create a world that is peaceful and progressive in a healthy manner, and within my capacity to in fact implement this change.

Our actions and words are able to shape the world around us in profound ways, so always ensure that your words and actions are in alignment with one another, for if a person says something, yet does the exact opposite of that which they speak, they will not be considered a credible source from which others are able to derive strength. My family is now in a drug treatment program, and I am so very proud of the progress they are making, and so very excited to see the bright life which they are going to experience now that they are on a path towards healing, of their own personal traumas which addiction can certainly bring. The inception of the treatment program is paramount, for anyone who is in active addiction, if they are hoping to succeed towards the necessary healing that must take place on the internal landscape of the psyche. Addiction decimates all hope that a person holds in their heart, if the behavior of this nature, persists for long enough.

This world needs healing, and it needs those who are brave enough to take a stand in this light, by taking the reigns of their own life, and making certain to take accountability for their own actions, for without accountability the healing can never truly take place.

I can sense the bright light that the future holds for my family, now that they are on this path towards their own healing, and just feeling the success that I know they are able to achieve in this right, makes me profoundly happy for them, as well as very proud of their choices, for while it has been a long time coming, it has finally taken place.

Brightest Blessings


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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    Kaylon ForsythWritten by Kaylon Forsyth

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