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This Will Happen In The Next Month

By Zondra Dos AnjosPublished 6 months ago 15 min read
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In this Tarotscope prediction, we will see which energy surrounds you next month in the main fields of your life. You can count 30 days from reading this article to follow up with the energies around you.

This prediction is excellent for seeing the next month in various aspects of your life; you can see your sun, moon, and ascendant signs in this prediction.

You can also get more from this reading by seeing which signs you have in the house placements of your birth chart.

For example, if you have Leo in the 10 House, the astrological house of career achievements, then look at the Leo prediction.

I will use The Blue Bird Lenormand cards in this reading; by clicking the link, you support me to get a small commission. If you want to get a reading with me, you can do it here. You can also support my work by giving a tip here.


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A lone tower stands confident and secure. Ground your strength in all this is pure. When troubles surround you, weakness may come, and Problems that abound you must overcome.

💼 Career

Things may feel heavy in your workplace or business in the next 30 days; the Tower indicates that you need to take a step back and see how the situations are so that you can solve them from a realistic point of view.

There is a better time to talk to your boss about that raise or something that might bother you at work because right now, the energies are intense, and a conversation about a delicate topic might bring misunderstanding into the picture.

It’s time for you, in general, to be solid and confident about your skills and the work you do, improving as much as you can, because remember, the Tower also brings the building possibility into your life.


You must build confidence to deal with your finances; the Tower advises you to determine what you want and start acting on it without excuses. You already know what you need to do regarding your finances.

Be honest with yourself and correct the areas in your finances where you need to. Be grounded in what is going on in your finances at this moment.

❤️ Love

Single, you might feel the urge to spend time on yourself and be by yourself. You will be declining an invitation from someone who got distant in communication two weeks after you started dating.

In general, right now, the best thing is to pay attention to what you want and need in your love life; don’t isolate yourself if you feel hurt by someone or are frustrated about something in your love life.

The Tower brings the energy for you to detach from the things that do not resonate with you and rebuild your self-esteem and confidence.

In your relationship, you are strong together; do not allow opinions from people to weaken your relationship. Put people where they belong in your lives; you have the right to privacy, and boundaries are much needed now.

The Tower also brings detachment, which is why it’s so important to rebuild instead of thinking about what could have been if this or that hadn’t happened.


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A stork in flight promises delight. A stock in range signals change. Progress heals pain drawn from the past. Embrace kindness, and new friendships will last.

💼 Career

You will be the carrier of good news in your workplace; this might bring the responsibility for you to give your team the motivation to keep up the work and productivity you guys have been having so far.

Generally, this is a great time to apply for new jobs and get positive answers about your career situation. The stork advises you to remain optimistic, even when your emotions tell you the contrary.

Positive changes are on the horizon in your Career. Just be sure to welcome everything the Universe presents you with gratitude.


Unexpected money is coming to you; you might receive a money gift from a loved one.

In general, money appears surprisingly in your finances and comes in handy to you the times it arrives.

❤️ Love

Now are times of good news and surprises, times to give and receive news.

You might receive a surprise visit or invitation from your point of interest, and a surprising date might occur.

In your relationship, it’s a good time to surprise your partner and discuss what you need to discuss, and your partner will take it positively.

The stork also brings the energy of pregnancy and fertility.


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This principal card shows a man tried and true. Held high in regard, he tells fortunes for you. And upon your behest, if the cards are read well, The worst and the best cards will foretell.

💼 Career

In your Career, the time is perfect to discuss your projects, a raise, or relocation.

The gentleman gives you the energy of courage and confidence in your communication.


You are in charge of your finances, even if this moment makes you feel the contrary.

This card brings a new start to your finances, not because something new has arrived, but because you made changes that will work for you.

❤️ Love

If you are single, this card indicates the time to put yourself out there to find Love. On the other hand, this card also says that you will meet someone new and go out on a date.

If you are in a relationship, this card conveys that your relationship is solid and you can overcome any adversities in the next 30 days as long as you can communicate maturely.


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Ring to the right — your Love is alive! It will ever be bright and continue to thrive. Ring to the left — and troubles begin. Your heart will be cleft and filled with chagrin.

💼 Career

In the next 30 days, the energies are positive for agreements, changes in contracts, new contracts, and teamwork in your Career.

An extra hand in the project you are on at this moment might have a positive impact.


The ring in your finances is the message from the Universe that your finances will be balanced in this next cycle, and it’s a great moment to buy, sell, invest, and borrow money.

❤️ Love

If you are single, a new relationship might take place this cycle, and this relationship will last. This card also brings the energies about lasting romance and relationships.

A new wave of positivity is ahead if you are in a relationship. Your relationship is ready to take the next step. Now it’s a great time to introduce your significant other to your family or be presented to their family.


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The anchor is a sign of a stable event, Basked in sunshine secure and content. When the anchor is some distance away from you, Hope will fade and leave life askew.

💼 Career

In your Career, the moment asks you to say less than necessary because something you say might make you feel stuck in a conversation that you didn’t want to engage in in the first place.

Be aware of the people who have a negative language; the energy of the anchor on the shadow side can bring you down to a negative vibration. So, avoid that work colleague who complains too much.


You are firm in your finances and ready to take the next step. Now is a great time to put money aside, for the energy of the anchor gives you certainty and firmness in your decisions.

❤️ Love

If you are single, you might find it comfortable to interact with the people you are acquainted with.

You will observe the behavior of an ex and see that this person is not adding much positivity to your life.

You are starting to realize how you want your next relationship to be, and that’s why you will be more selective in the next 30 days about who you invite or get invited to a date.

In a relationship, you will find strength in your partner in this next cycle and see how solid you are together.

I sense worries about trust; this card indicated that in this next cycle, you will allow life to play out as it is by being firm in your judgment and fair in your relationship.


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Man’s best friend, faithful and true. His soul he’d lend in trust to you. A pat on the head delights the old boy, And rewards you greater, with loyalty and joy.

💼 Career

You are going to be recognized for the work that you do. People will trust you to talk about issues and solve situations.

You will have a helping hand from one or more friends in your business. This is a good time to start a team project with people you trust because they won’t disappoint you.


The dog asks you to keep the promises you make for yourself. Be loyal to your finances and see the value in the money you bring home.

The value I mention here is that you recognize where the spending leaks at your finances and don’t spend on useless things for instant gratification.

❤️ Love

If you are single, a friendly and truthful person will show their loyalty to you.

A friendship might evolve into a loving relationship, but if you want the person only to be your friend, you might find difficulties in dealing with this situation. Make sure to communicate your intentions.

If you are in a relationship, the feeling that you can trust your partner will return, and you will start focusing on the next step in the relationship.

This is an excellent time to arrange dinner parties for the friends and couples you have and enjoy.


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This charming woman with flowers in hand, As with the gentleman her cards will command. The fortunes revealed once the cards have been placed Unveil the fate that destiny traced.

💼 Career

Regarding your Career, this card advises you to be aligned with your true purposes and focus on your goals.

You must understand when it’s time to rest as well; it might feel like you are late on what you must do; however, it’s just an impression.


Your finances will be aligned and stable in this next cycle; if you get off track, you will easily adjust it back to normal.

This is a good time to invest in your personal growth and appearance.

❤️ Love

If you are single, you will feel desired by the person you like and feel an attractive energy, and you will be wise in your decisions.

Just be aware to set your standards high enough and retain the opportunity to get to know someone who might be an excellent connection for you.

If you are in a relationship, you will feel that the energy when you are together is intense; you can sense your partner’s energy and what they might be feeling.

This card brings empathy to your relationship, which you will see in your partner.


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The gardens entreat to a party you’ll go to. New friends will arrive, and romance may flow. Life’s to be enjoyed with nature all around. In this verdant setting, beauty and peace abound.

💼 Career

The next cycle brings opportunities for you to close the deal with that client you have been trying to in the last month.

This card indicates that you will do well on your presentation at work, making a speech at a meeting, and closing deals for your company.

This energy advises you to be prepared to confidently present yourself at the work event because you know more than you think you do.


Your earnings will increase because of the networking you will be doing in the next 30 days. More people to know, more knowledge, and more achievements.

This card advises you to enjoy the money you have earned wisely and enjoy life, gatherings, and events that motivate you to take the next step.

❤️ Love

If you are single, this next cycle will be great for you to go out on dates, meet new people, or go out with your friends and have a good time.

The garden brings the energy of meeting people and connecting with them. You will also likely hear from someone who has not contacted you for over a month.

If you are in a relationship, the garden asks you to find new places to go out with your partner or find new ways to interact socially.


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The unopen book weaves stories concealed, When pages are read the truth is revealed. The book guards tales of inner emotion. Blessed are the words of deep devotion.

💼 Career

This cycle allows you to work on projects secretly and be confident about it.

In your workplace, you might feel the need to say less and keep things private about your life outside work.

This cycle is perfect for doing deep-focus work, creating, starting projects, and brainstorming. This card indicates the need to put into practice your knowledge to attain what you want.


This moment requires you to be low profile regarding your money. The time might be suitable to spend on things that are not a priority in your life right now.

On the other hand, this card brings gains and abundance as long as you keep your plans and dreams to yourself. Remember that what we keep Careere doesn’t create much expectations.

❤️ Love

If you are single, you might feel the urge to be by yourself and review some of your love life goals. This time for yourself is good to rest your mind and heart from dating.

After a while, I see you going back to dating but with a more confident approach and more detached from expectations.

Regarding your crush, there is going to be less communication than usual, and the reason is that this card brings the energy of introspection and quietness.

If you are in a relationship, the time will be pushing you to speak wisely to your partner about your plans for the relationship.

This cycle will bring you closer together because your communication will be more profound, and insights you and your partner will have.

In times of a fight in the relationship, this card advises you not to try to make a point, to say what you mean, and to let your partner also make a point about what you are discussing. It’s all about keeping the inner peace while you are trying to solve things.


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Happiness anew from the flower’s scent. The outlook for you means encouragement. Days will be filled with pleasures come true; Face has so willed the best unto you.

💼 Career

The flowers ask you to focus on your Career in this next cycle; this focus is needed because opportunities will appear to you, and if you are not focused on your goals, the opportunity will pass unseen.

Invitations are also on the energy for your next cycle; prepare to express your skills and build a reputation at work. Your boss might ask you to come up with a subject idea or ask you to solve a situation.

In this cycle, you must keep your ambitions in your mind and take the daily steps to achieve them. The queen of swords in this card reminds you to plan strategically ahead.


In your finances, this card brings new ways to earn money; now is an excellent moment to start the new source of income you want. Remember that if you start, stick to it and be consistent.

Otherwise, in your finances, you might receive a money gift or help from someone you know. The flowers also tell you that what you have been doing regarding your money has grown, even if you don’t see changes.

It goes both ways; if you have been treating your finances poorly, the results will follow it, and vice versa. Keep in mind that this card brings the idea of growth.

❤️ Love

If you are single, harmony and balance will guide your next cycle; you will feel it’s easy to communicate, interact, and understand your crush and vice versa.

If you have yet to meet someone, this card brings a secret admirer who can communicate and ask you out.

In a relationship, situations will feel light and easy between you and your partner. The connection between you will be of romance and sensuality in this next cycle, allowing you to evolve the relationship.


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One Tree from earth is best to see, It springs from birth good health for thee. And if the Tree should reappear, Close to the Querent your goal is near.

💼 Career

What you want to achieve in your Career is near, regardless of what you have seen, heard, or said. The Tree wants you to know that you have planted the right seeds and that what you have been doing has started to come to fruition.

This card advises you to keep yourself down to earth, goal-oriented, and patient about what is happening in your Career.


The energies in your finances are positive. The money you have invested and the times you have controlled your spending impulses will reward you soon.

If you want to start saving, this energy helps you to keep your financial goals in place. The time is good for rearranging your budget and beginning new money goals.

❤️ Love

If you are single, this card advises you not to be so rigid in your beliefs regarding Love.

The Tree reminds you that what is in the past is in the past, and you can’t do anything about it; stop allowing your ex to control your present.

I know that fear of being hurt again, but you know what: If you respect yourself and take care of yourself, you will find someone who does the same to you. This card asks you to be patient and allow the Universe to do its job.

If you are in a relationship, this next cycle asks you to ground your relationship and bring points to the table about the “big elephant in the room” for you. The thing you and your partner know you need to talk about but postpone it.

Your patience in attaining a mutual goal will be tested, and the goal can be achieved in a year.


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Heed well good news from the Cavalier. Impassioned views promise good cheer. Sadness that hides veiled in the day, Once disguised soon flies away.

💼 Career

News, news and Love are arriving! The answer you have been waiting for will arrive in this next cycle.

This time is good for giving news, writing new proposals, and starting new projects because the Cavalier is about starting something or giving a new meaning to what is already in the picture.


You are ready to take the next step on your finances; you have prepared yourself, and in this next cycle, you will reap good results from what you want.

The Cavalier also brings an energy of extra income or unexpected money arriving.

❤️ Love

If you are single, the time is perfect for you to date and date. This card asks you to go for what you want, even if it requires you to call, message, or go out with your point of interest; this cycle is about enjoying the pleasures of life.

On the other hand, someone might show an unusual interest in you and ask you out on a date. This person has feelings for you but hasn’t yet found the right time to express themselves. Give time to time.

In your relationship, time is good for traveling and trying new things together, and a new baby might also arrive if you want.

The Cavalier brings good news to your relationship and confirms that you and your partner are aligned and on the right path.

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© 2023 Zondra dos Anjos.

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Zondra Dos Anjos

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