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Never Lose Hope

Be A Source Of Inspiration

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 7 months ago 3 min read
The storm will pass

I see a gathering of individuals, with a desire, that burns deep within their hearts, to make a positive impact on this world, and doing their due diligence, to ensure they do just that. I find that when we express the unique identity that each one of us share, we become more than we were, and ascend further towards who we are meant to be. I have had a drastic experiential event transpire, in which a mental shift has been able to take place, and which was invoked by a desire to become someone that not only my wife could be proud of, but someone that I am proud of as well.

We all share that love of wanting to create a better world, for all of us, and the sense of separation and individualistic ideals in my experience, has began to take a turn towards the concept of unity, in heart, spirit and action. I have began to fully realize the depth and meaning of not just knowledge, but wisdom that has been attained through making oh so many mistakes, but also learning from them, how to become a better version of myself.

I have taken the time to delve introspectively into who I am at my core, and have realized that which makes me the unique perception of divinity that is ever present, and forever in kindness do the ripples from each act of kindness spread outwards, the chain reaction is a wave of kindness, that flows outwards, effecting not just the people around you, but the environment as well, to match on the outside, that which you have realized exists on the inside. We are all so very capable of realizing who we are, at the very depths of our spirit, and this is something that is evident in the majority of the population seeking for these answers in the deep recesses of ancient teachings, as well as the inception of a new energy that is emanating from us as we take the path to creating a more spiritually fulfilling life.

We should always do our best to shine as beacons of hope, in the dark, for it is up to each and every one of us to set the best example that we are able to, for the following generations to follow. We must act in unison with our intentions to become more like the one who created us, for in the image of divinity we have been made, and in its likeness also. This world can be a place that is void of such consideration for others, however if you are the one who wishes to make the change of fixing such a thing, you must take action in regards to it, only when action is taken, does the effect of that action become apparent.

Do not lose hope along the way, which is something that we are at risk of doing on many occurrences throughout our lifetime, yet, holding hope in our hearts is the beginning, of fostering love towards everyone who may cross our path, in the way that it has been taught for us to do, for this raises the vibrations of those involved, and as it becomes stronger, it begins to emanate from this source, and spread outwards, creating an effect on everything and everyone that surrounds us. As our vibrations raise, so to does the stature of our purpose, for in kind as it is stated, with power comes responsibility, and the greater that power grows, the greater the necessity to practice utilizing it in a responsible manner, for too many have chosen to do otherwise. Let us be the fire, ignited by the spark of those who have come before, shared what they knew, and fanned the flames of the fire of hope, kindness, and love in all hearts.

Brightest Blessings.


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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Comments (2)

  • Lamar Wiggins6 months ago

    I can always count on being lifted up by your words... It's very therapeutic to face self-awareness head on. We should never be afraid to ask ourselves honest questions and allow the answers we receive be the confirmation or maybe it will smack some sense into us so we pay better attention to what the universe is saying. Thanks again for sharing some deep thoughts! 🙏🏽

  • Love your story 🌹

Kaylon ForsythWritten by Kaylon Forsyth

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