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My last love letter

Goodbye, My Love

By unknown personPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
Byeee Love

It was a rainy autumn evening when I sat down by the window, pen in hand, ready to write my last love letter. The steady rhythm of raindrops on the glass echoed the melancholy that had taken residence in my heart. I knew this letter would be the final thread connecting our souls, and I couldn't help but feel the weight of its words as I began to write.

My Dearest,

As I pen these words, my heart trembles, for I know that they mark the end of an era—the end of our journey together. Our love story, once vivid and enchanting, now stands at a crossroad, and I have come to a heartbreaking decision. I have to set you free, for love cannot thrive in the shadows of doubts and insecurities.

You came into my life like a gentle breeze, brushing away the cobwebs of my past and filling the air with the fragrance of hope. With each passing day, you became the center of my universe—the anchor that kept me grounded when the storms of life threatened to sweep me away. We shared laughter and tears, dreams and fears, and every moment we spent together was a treasure etched into the tapestry of my soul.

But as time flowed like a river, I couldn't ignore the whispers of uncertainty that gradually grew louder in my heart. I saw the way you looked at me, a mix of love and fear, as if you were guarding a fragile piece of glass that could shatter at any moment. And I realized that our love had become a delicate dance, stepping around the cracks in our hearts, fearing one wrong move would lead to irreparable damage.

I don't blame you, nor do I blame myself. We both tried to hold on with all our might, to mend what was broken, but some fractures are too deep to heal completely. And as much as it pains me, I know that it's time to let go. To release each other from the chains that have bound us to this love, which, though beautiful, has also been suffocating.

My darling, please know that this decision hasn't been taken lightly. I've wrestled with my heart and battled the waves of emotions crashing against my soul. But sometimes, love demands a sacrifice—for our happiness, our growth, and our peace of mind.

I want you to remember me not with bitterness or regret but as the one who loved you with all her being. You are etched into my heart like poetry, and nothing can erase the memories we created together. Even as we part ways, our love will forever dwell in the tender corners of my soul, and I hope you find solace in that thought.

As I fold this letter and seal it with a tear, I imagine a new chapter beginning for both of us. I pray that life showers you with happiness and blessings, and that you find the love that you truly deserve—a love that will embrace you wholly, without hesitations or fears.

Goodbye, my love. Though this letter marks the end of our romantic tale, it is also the beginning of a new journey of self-discovery and healing. As we step into a world without each other, I believe that our paths will continue to cross in subtle ways, leaving a mark on each other's lives forever.

With all the love that my heart can hold,

So take care of yourself I hope we didn't meet again.....


[Unknown Person]


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unknown person

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Comments (1)

  • Chloe Rose Violet 🌹12 months ago

    Beautiful work! ❤️Check out my latest for the Short and Sweet challenge!

unknown personWritten by unknown person

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