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Memory Lapses

How to Retrieve Lost Information?

By Massinissa AmranePublished 9 days ago 3 min read
Memory Lapses
Photo by Abraham Suna on Unsplash

Human memory is a complex and fascinating phenomenon that enables us to capture, retain, and retrieve information. This process involves a network of neurons that activate to create and recover memories. However, this system sometimes encounters issues, such as in the case of memory lapses.

To understand how memory functions, it is crucial to recognize that there are different types of memory located in various regions of the brain. Working memory, for instance, is used to temporarily hold information, like a phone number that needs to be dialed. Once the task is completed, this information is generally forgotten. This is not considered a memory lapse, as the information was never stored in long-term memory.

Long-term memory, on the other hand, is stored in the hippocampus, a region of the brain. It is divided into several subcategories: semantic memory for general knowledge, episodic memory for personal events, procedural memory for skills and habits, and perceptual memory for senses like faces, sounds, and smells.

So, why do we experience memory lapses? The information that eludes us during a memory lapse has been recorded in our long-term memory. The issue is not that the information has been forgotten, but rather that we have difficulty accessing it. This phenomenon is often referred to as "The tip of the tongue" or "TOT," meaning that the information is there, somewhere in our brain, but we cannot articulate it.

Experts believe that this "bug" is more of an access issue than an actual memory problem. The brain has identified the sought-after information but fails to retrieve its auditory formulation. This kind of forgetfulness can last a few seconds, several minutes, or even hours.

So, what can one do when this occurs? There are tricks to attempt to bring the information to the surface, although the text does not elaborate on them. In summary, memory is a complex system that, although generally reliable, is subject to occasional errors and lapses.

If you have ever forgotten the name of a famous actress or the title of a popular song, you know how frustrating memory lapses can be. To retrieve lost information, several strategies can be useful. For instance, you can try to recall the context in which you encountered this information, such as a specific scene from a movie. Scanning the alphabet to find the first letter of the actress's name or humming the tune of a song may also help.

However, it is important to note that memory lapses are not always a sign of cognitive decline. In fact, being aware of one's forgetfulness is often a good sign. Individuals suffering from pathological memory disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, are generally not aware of their memory loss. In such cases, memory loss is often linked to the degradation of neurons or connections between them, making daily life challenging for the affected individual and their loved ones.

Memory lapses can also occur in everyday situations, like forgetting one's bank card PIN. To avoid such situations, it may be helpful to make the practice of your code more conscious. For example, articulate the numbers in your head as you enter them. Another trick is to associate the numbers of your PIN with other information already well-anchored in your memory, such as French departments.

As for the effect of alcohol on memory, it is often said that excessive alcohol consumption can lead to "blackouts." However, it is not the memory that is at fault, but rather the alcohol intake that prevents the formation of new memories. Alcohol, when consumed in excess, can interfere with the transfer of information from short-term to long-term memory.

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Massinissa Amrane

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