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Love - The Highest Vibrational Frequency

This Valentine's Day (And All Days)

By Aurea GonzalezPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

This Valentine's Day, date yourself. In fact, date yourself everyday. Don't get got in this commercially run "holiday."

If you're a woman (or a man - but this is mostly for women), you know we grew up in a society that emphasizes women finding love, settling down, growing a family, and so forth. It's in the movies and TV shows we watched and continue to watch, it's in the novels we read, it's plastered all over social media (#couplegoals), and as you approach your late twenties and thirties, the pressure is on.

Your friends are getting married, having children, and your family members are asking when will you meet the right one, as if you were freaking Psychic and purposely repelling all the "right ones." It becomes invasive, and you probably feel the weight of the world as you watch your biological clock tick away (if you want to conceive).

Personally I feel like that at times with birthing children as I approach 30, but I remind myself I have time and it will happen when it's meant to. I mean there are parents out there with children who are still looking for love. But I don't want to talk about having children. I want to talk about the truest love that can ever exist for you: Yourself.

This may sound cliché, but loving yourself is the best way to truly attract a partner you're seeking. Hear me out.

This is super multi-layered but simple at the same time. Keep in mind I said simple, not easy. Your mind determines what you even think you want. Some of us grew up learning what we think love is, what values we want in a partner, feeling a partner is meant to complete us, make us whole. In reality, that is all the way faulty and meant to set you up for disappointment.

Step one in this journey is reprogram your mind by healing and identifying things about yourself that you love. Celebrating those while giving love and nurturing the parts of yourself that need work. Now you might not feel your thoughts and opinions need fixing, but if that were true, we'd never go through life experiences that teach us and therefore change us.

Learning yourself, rediscovering yourself, is a love journey. If you're focused on looking and seeking romantic love in someone else without first learning to love yourself, you might attract a trauma bond or someone you might not truly want throughout time. You might attract an old version of you that you are clinging onto because you've not met your higher self worthy of the love you deserve.

Step two in loving yourself will be to do things that you love, activities that make time become an illusion, that get you fired up, that shifts your energy to a higher vibrational frequency. Focus on those things throughout your life consistently. Never give these things up. Finding new hobbies are great but make sure you continue to do these things as they become a backbone in raising your vibration. These things can be exercising, reading, hiking, sports, dancing, volunteering, etc.

Next up, I'd like for you to keep a journal. You probably do this already, and if you don't, give it a shot for 90 days. This is a great way to express whatever you like, your feelings, thoughts, activities done throughout the day, something you learned, or want to improve on. The purpose of this is to not only express, but to reflect. A lot of times this self love journey feels lonely, and while you may have friends, family, or a therapist to confide in, they aren't going to be accessible everyday. This also helps with learning to shift your perspective from loneliness to solitude. Solitude is fulfilling. Loneliness is not. Inner commitment to your own excellence is where miracles happen. If this pandemic has taught us anything, it's if you can't go outside, you must go in.

What is your love language? So many times couples get into riffs because they don't know how to love one another in their partner's love language. A lot of times, partners haven't given much thought to identify what that is. Getting a jump start to identify yours is a great way to not only communicate that to your ideal partner, but to love on yourself as well. Buy yourself gifts from flowers to a dinner date. Leave sticky notes of affirmations on your mirror to remind yourself how loved and bomb you are every day. Get yourself pampered by a beauty professional. Nourish your body with whole nutritional foods. Drink more water, less alcohol (alcohol is a serious depressant so it's a contradiction to your love with self).

Do not be afraid to ask yourself deeper questions as you dive into your relationship with self. Visualize what you want and where you see yourself in 10 years, in 5, and in 2. Make a vision board that reflects those things and keep it above your work station. Feed your mind as it controls your body. Read more books that circle around self healing, spirituality, and things of that nature to expand. But don't stay stuck in your head and get into your body as well. Spending time grounding in nature, meditating, and doing physical body movement will help you stop overthinking, while scientifically curing the mind. I like to mediate with Solfreggio Frequencies for deeper healing and clarity. Reiki is also a spiritual practice worth looking into with the right healer/practioner.

You see it's all energy. Love is just the highest vibration of it all. These acts of self love are vital because the Universe operates on the law of attraction. You don't attract what you want, you attract what you are. It can seem impossible to think "I'm rich. I am happily married. I have a wonderful partner who loves and respects me." But if you think about what you don't have, you will only continue to attract more of that. If you think to yourself, envision and feel with every fiber of your being what you want as if you already have it, you're already there, you will attract it. As you think, you shall be - not the other way around. But this stuff comes easier when you have built a better loving and consistent relationship with yourself.

Work on you, love on you. Express gratitude more and complain less. The rest will follow in faith. When you become so in tune with your body and spirit, you will know what you need to know. Be open to everything, but be attached to nothing. Attachment to ideas, people, even plans can hold you back from what (or who) is meant for you. If you are struggling during this time, know that life is not happening to you, it is happening for you. Look at every obstacle as an opportunity, an opportunity to learn, to grow, to shift, to adjust and so forth. Be patient with yourself. Prosperity is about process, process is about purpose, and purpose is about loving and giving. So continue to love and give to you and realize that the journey and the goal are always the same.

With love,

Aurea G.


About the Creator

Aurea Gonzalez

Puerto Rican Artist from NYC. Actress/Model/Writer/Singer. I write about everything: raw and real. I aspire to provoke emotion and spark change with my words. To learn more about me, visit

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    Aurea GonzalezWritten by Aurea Gonzalez

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