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Love PART 1

The inevitable

By Karun Published about a year ago 3 min read
Love PART 1
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a world very different from ours, there was a strange phenomenon that happened whenever two people engaged in a fight. No matter how angry or hurtful their words or actions were, at some point during the conflict, they would suddenly feel an overwhelming sense of love and compassion for their opponent.

This phenomenon had been happening for as long as anyone could remember and was simply accepted as a part of life. People fought all the time, over everything from minor disagreements to major disputes, but they always knew that eventually, they would be overcome by love.

One day, a young woman named Aria found herself in the middle of a fight with her best friend, Kai. They had been arguing over a trivial matter, but as the argument escalated, Aria found herself growing angrier and more frustrated by the second.

Suddenly, as if on cue, a wave of warmth and affection washed over her, and she found herself looking at Kai in an entirely different light. The anger and frustration melted away, replaced by a deep sense of love and gratitude for her friend.

Kai too was experiencing the same phenomenon, and as their eyes met, they both knew what was happening. In that moment, all of their anger and hurt turned to love, and they embraced each other tightly.

From that day forward, Aria and Kai became inseparable, bound together by their shared experience and the love that had grown out of their fight. They would often look back on that moment with wonder, marveling at the strange and beautiful way that love had emerged from conflict.

As time went on, more and more people in the world began to understand the power of this phenomenon. They began to approach their fights with a sense of hope and optimism, knowing that no matter how bad things got, they would always end in love.

And so, in this world, fights were not seen as something to be feared or avoided, but as a necessary step on the path to love and understanding. It was a world where conflict was celebrated, not for the hurt it caused, but for the love it inevitably brought forth.

As more and more people in this world experienced the power of love that emerged from conflict, something remarkable began to happen. The frequency and intensity of fights started to decrease, as people learned to approach disagreements and disputes with a greater sense of empathy and understanding.

People began to see that when they focused on love instead of anger or frustration, they could resolve conflicts in a much more positive and constructive way. They became better listeners, more patient and compassionate, and more willing to put aside their differences in order to find common ground.

Over time, this led to a shift in the overall culture of this world. Rather than being a place of constant conflict and strife, it became a place of love and harmony, where people could live together in peace and mutual respect.

Of course, fights still happened from time to time, but they no longer held the same power over people that they once did. Instead, they were seen as opportunities for growth and understanding, chances for people to come together and work through their differences in a positive and constructive way.

In this way, the power of love had transformed this world in a profound way. People had discovered that when they approached their lives with love and compassion, they could create a better, more harmonious world for themselves and for those around them.

As Aria and Kai looked out over this transformed world, they knew that they had played a small but important part in bringing about this change. And as they embraced each other once again, they knew that the power of love would continue to guide them, now and always!!!



About the Creator


🌿✨ Karun, a poet weaving emotions into verses, embarked on the journey of words to unearth the beauty of feelings. In the delicate dance of ink and emotion, my poetry delves into the nexus of the human heart and the natural world.✍️

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