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Love on the Battery


By Cindy CalderPublished 3 years ago Updated 10 months ago 8 min read

Sitting on the second floor balcony of the historical home situated at the far end of the Battery, Anabelle watched the boats move fluidly through the Charleston harbor, their sails full in the strong February winds. The beautiful three-story home she had lived in since birth was originally built in 1787, withstanding many a hurricane, war, and uprising throughout the years.

The year was 1908, and it was an unseasonably warm February in the Carolinas. While the climate was mild nearly all year in Charleston, February normally carried the bite of winter, but due to the warmer temperatures of late, flowers and trees alike had begun to bud. T afternoon wind coming off the water provided a measure of comfortableness, despite the heaviness of her day gown as Anabelle sat shamelessly reading Lord Byron’s poetry.

Sipping a glass of sherry, Anabelle looked across the harbor, her eye straying beyond Fort Sumter’s silhouette in the fading light of day. The sun’s fading light glimmered off the waters of the Cooper and Ashley Rivers. She spied a large ship slowly approaching, and she wondered from where it had come. Ships were certainly no rare occurrence in Charleston as it was bustling port city, and Anabelle found little else as interesting as watching them in the harbor. Somehow, this served to soothe her restlessness. Secretly, at twenty years of age, Anabelle longed to sail far away to discover strange lands and new cultures. There was no real desire for a husband as was the case with most other young girls her age; instead, a deep-seated longing for the unknown and unfamiliar resided within.

Finishing the glass of sherry, Anabelle rose, returned to her room, and took a long bath in lavender scented water before dressing for the evening’s festivities. She would be attending a dance at her neighbor’s home, and it was a well-known fact that Mrs. Stoney threw the best parties in all of Charleston. Tonight, her guest of honor was her nephew, Grady, who was a sea captain from the British Isles. Anabelle was sure she would have a pleasant time. She was also looking forward to meeting Mrs. Stoney’s nephew as he would be able to recount stories of the many places and people in distant lands.

With the assistance of her bedchamber maid, Anabelle slipped into a flowing gown, a rich burgundy accentuated by shimmering strands of sage green filling the ends of the wispy thin sleeves, throughout the bodice, and in a brocaded band at the high waist. Small droplets of jade suspended from elaborate gold settings dangled from her earlobes along with a multi-strand necklace of the same gemstone and gold. The sheerness of the top and sleeves, along with the striations of green, added an ethereal effect as she moved, making her appear to glide effortlessly across the floor like an apparition.

Donning her three-quarter length gloves, Anabelle picked up the dainty purse that housed the necessities all ladies carried to such events and headed out the house with her parents. The lights from next door glowed into the street that was lined with carriages. From inside the massive mansion, Anabelle could hear the lovely strains of a Strauss waltz.

Once inside the home, they stepped into a long, lavish room where heavy furniture had been removed to make way for the many guests, as well as for dancing and refreshment. Anabelle felt as if she was on the precipice of something pivotal. A keen sense of awareness, and something more to which she could not lay a name, filled her, and she shivered with anticipation despite the warmth of the February evening.

Her parents were chatting with friends as Anabelle stood close, casually looking about. Peering across the long room, her eye was caught and held by a dark-haired stranger whom she had never seen. In the span of mere seconds, despite the distance and many guests, it felt as if there was no one else in the room save the two of them. Her emerald gaze was trapped, held for what felt like hours instead of only moments. The gentleman casually arched a dark brow above his left eye before lifting his glass ever so slightly in acknowledgement. Flushed and slightly embarrassed, Anabelle quickly looked elsewhere and reached for the small fan within her purse. It was suddenly inexplicably warm and she fanned herself with a fervor. Nonchalantly, she turned, stealing a glance in the direction of the stranger and signed with relief that he had disappeared.

Eager for a bit of breeze and with a need to regain a measure of her composure, Anabelle made her way to the veranda on the far side of the room. She stared out across the Battery. The breeze from the water helped to cool both her face and her thoughts. Who was the stranger? She was still flushed from the look he had given her. She stifled a smile. Perhaps she would meet him before the night was done.

At the thought, Anabelle swung about, eager to reenter the room and rejoin her parents, but she was stopped short by the broad expanse of shoulders belonging to none other than he who had so recently occupied all her thoughts. Anabelle’s breath caught in her throat as blue eyes gazed unabashedly at her. They were fierce, penetrating, encompassing blue eyes and she was transfixed. She wouldn't have thought it possible, but the man appeared ever so much more handsome up close than he had from across the room.

Finding her voice, she managed to say, “I beg your pardon. Please excuse me,” her eyes beseeched him as she sought a hasty retreat. She felt a reddened blush creep across her cheeks.

The stranger did not move, blocking her way while continuing his perusal with a vivid intensity. She was sure there was not one aspect of her being that was missed. Little did she know that the blush that suffused her cheeks was creating an enchanting picture which the stranger was inclined to study at his leisure.

Hesitantly, Anabelle glanced up at the stranger and curtsied. As she did so, the man gave a polite bow.

“Captain Grady Stoney, miss,” the man said with a deep, melodic British accent. "Whom might I have the pleasure of meeting?"

“Good evening Captain Grady. We've all heard so much about you from your aunt," Anabelle attempted to steady her voice. "I'm, Anabelle Grimball. It's nice to make your acquaintance.”

The Captain smiled, a large dimple creasing his left cheek as he did so. If Anabelle had thought him attractive before, she now saw that he was brutally and rakishly so. His time aboard the ship had left his smooth skin darkly tanned, which only served to enhance the allure of his striking blue eyes.

“Miss Grimball? The neighbor?” he asked in surprise.

“Yes, ” Anabelle replied, perplexed by his response.

“Ah, I fear my aunt has been longing for you and I to meet for well over a year now. It seems she is sure our destinies are entwined." Grady's eyes twinkled as he spoke, and Anabelle was further drawn into his spell. "Do you think she’s right, Miss Grimball?”

Leave it to Mrs. Stoney to play the matchmaker. A smile hovered on Anabelle’s lips. “Really? She said nothing to me, or I would have been sure to pencil you in for a dance or two this evening….and the next year or two.”

Grady laughed. “Or perhaps the next twenty?” he winked teasingly.

“Oh, but Captain Stoney, I think you flatter yourself. I fear my dance card is quite full for the next twenty years,” Anabelle said with a mischievious smile.

Deep laughter sounded. “Touché, Miss Grimball!” he said. Here was no meek, vapid female, but a quick-witted one, he thought and was immediately attracted even more than he had been before.

With the laughter between them, Anabelle could feel herself beginning to relax. This man’s playful nature was contagious. She took a sip of wine, acutely aware that the man was watching her in keen interest, uncaring that she saw him doing so.

“I envy you, Captain Stoney,” Anabelle said as she turned to look out over the harbor.

“How so?”

“I long to travel to faraway places. I can only imagine the things you’ve seen and the people you’ve met. How wonderful it must be to lead such an adventurous life. Oh, but to be a captain of a ship and travel!”

It was Grady’s turn to be surprised. Few women longed for events out of the ordinary. Most women he knew thought only of dresses, parties, marriage, and children. Perhaps his aunt had been right in the assumption Anabelle would interest him more than the average woman.

He leaned in closer, watching for a reaction as he softly said, “Perhaps one day I can show you some of those places. I assure you it would be my pleasure.”

Anabelle tried to hide her surprise, but she again felt the stain of a blush upon her cheeks and the ripple of excitement.

Grady was thoroughly captivated. Here indeed was a woman worth getting to know better. His aunt was much wiser than he knew.

Grady straightened and turned, offering his arm to Anabelle. “Shall we go back inside, Miss Middleton? Perhaps you can pencil me in for the next dance. I think you and I should take this opportunity to acquaint ourselves better, especially before we sail away on that ship into the far horizon.”

The man’s smile was infectious, and Anabelle felt an unexpected connection with him for which she was unprepared. She returned his smile as she accepted the extended arm.

“Yes, indeed, Captain Stoney. I am anxious to hear more about your travels.”

“And I, my dear, am anxious to tell you of them.” Grady’s arm was warm and strong as he led her inside.

Neither was aware of the handsome couple they made as they reentered the room. People all about them began to whisper, and Grady's aunt, spying them, hurriedly joined the couple from across the room.

“My dears, I’m so happy you’ve met one another,” Mrs. Stoney said with a gleeful smile. “This is so exciting. I always knew you’d look splendid together.”

“Well, aunt, Miss Grimball tells me she is occupied for the next twenty years, but I shall make every concentrated effort this evening to change her itinerary,” Grady said with conviction.

Anabelle smiled. coyly replying, “Nothing’s set in stone, but I fear it may take a bit of work.”

“I am always up for a challenge, Miss Grimball.”

Grady's aunt smiled, secretly sure of her profound matchmaking skills as she watched the couple in their lighthearted banter. As they excused themselves and headed to the dance floor, she knew the two were pre-destined, and the time Grady would spend in Charleston over the next two months would ensure that he learned this for himself. Nothing would make Mrs. Stoney happier than to see two of her favorite young people spend their lives together. She knew that new horizons were something for which Anabelle longed, and she was also sure Grady would have no trouble providing those adventures. It was a divine match derived from fate.

Joy filled Mrs. Stoney as she watched the couple dance, her imagination flooded with images of a beautiful Southern wedding. She could hardly wait to see her vision become a reality. Love was a beautiful thing, and there was certainly no more appropriate place on earth for it than in the beautiful, historical city of Charleston. It was perfection personified.


About the Creator

Cindy Calder

From Charleston SC - "I am still learning." Michelangelo

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    Cindy CalderWritten by Cindy Calder

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