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Is The US Giving VISAS to Black Africans Who Hate Black Americans?

The 'Back to Africa' movement ignores the fact that more then enough Africans HATE Black Americans Part One

By IwriteMywrongsPublished 3 months ago Updated 3 months ago 8 min read
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Tuesday, 16 April 2024

By: TB Obwoge

There is a video where Wode Maya, a Ghanaian influencer opens with some random clueless Black man from the United States, that says, "I always thought that Africans hates US!" Meaning Black Americans, this was an interview where the clueless Ghanaian stepped into something he clearly didn't research at all.

His words sound moronic and childish, he fumbles on as if he's reading from some prepared script. Where did he get this man from? The man then starts to speak as if he's never been to the United States a day in his life. Why would Wode Maya choose him? It is very questionable.

Most Black Americans have had an experience with an African living in the United States. When I was growing up, most Africans were just Black people like the rest of us. I don't know if it was shame or they were just children being children. None of them openly said they were from here or there, they were just our friends and we all played together as one.

As I got older, Africans refused to associate in Black American spaces, some were outright disgusted if anyone referred to them as African-Americans. They would correct anyone, often and quickly.

It was not until I lived in Kenya and Ghana that I realized so many of my childhood classmates had Kenyan, Ghanaian or Nigerian surames. It was only one Nigerian girl that told us all about her life in Nigeria. She wore a hat everyday to school. Hats on the head were not allowed back then, so some mostly boys got very upset about it.

One day a boy snatched her hat off her head, she had no hair. She was upset, very upset she cried.

I was a person that didn't mind smacking the shit out of someone that was a bully. After getting her hat back, later in the day she told a group of girls about her hair. She told us that in order to attend school in Nigeria that she had to shave her hair off. At the time she couldn't explain why, trust me all the girls were so upset and asking her.

Today I know the reason, the colonial roots of making Black African girls shave their hair off. The fact that to this day in countries in Africa that are so sexist and one-sided they still continue this practice. After we graduated I lost contact with Dayo, the small framed, happy and abused Nigerian girl, I regret it immensely even as I type these words my heart hurts.

One day her mother came into school to speak to her, she ended up beating her brutally. Her mother pushed her into the coat room and we could hear her punching, hitting and beating her. The white teacher was shocked as she tried to get the mother to stop beating the child. She yelled, "You can't do that!" I was proud that this meek, mild teacher tried so hard to protect this girl.

In an instance I hated her mother, I was being abused at home, my Black American mother knew to hide her abuse because you can be jailed in America for such acts. However Dayo's Nigerian mother couldn't care less, I could imagine how bad the abuse was for her in her home. I to this day hate her mother and for various reasons have no desire to ever go to Nigeria.

I don't hate Nigerian one bit as a matter of fact I have more DNA from Nigeria than any other country. I just don't think I can handle Nigeria, Ghana broke my soul, the hateful and judgemental Ghanaians that everyday insulted me just took too much from me. I don't feel like going to a country and battling to be in peace.

Plus if someone hit or beat a child near me, I would murder them, I don't want to be around that type of treatment of children.

Either way there are many Black Africans that seem to hate Black Americans, in the reverse there are Black Americans that hate Africans as well.

There are many Black Americans that have the mindset that all Africans are savages that behave badly, are poverty stricken, and inherently stupid. There is the mindset that they don't know anything and live in primative violent countries. Some Black Americans have no desire to ever go to any country in Africa.

The fact that there is this PanAfrican narrative that all Black Americans should go to Africa, annoys me. I don't think that anyone should force the narrative of traveling to Africa on anyone that is Black. The issues I've had with my skin shade in Kenya and Ghana were something that annoyed me very much.

Black people who've lived all their lives being Black, don't need to subject themselves to going where many Black people are going to consider them as white people. That for one is the biggest turn off for me, however I love & hate Africa for many reasons.

Anyone who claims they love Africa all the time, good for them, it is usually the people who were born and raised there. Or others who find no difficulty living there.

Black Africans immigrating to the United States in recent years, have been very vocal about several things. Many will openly admit that their parents, friends or family members have warned them to stay away from Black Americans.

Unlike many Africans, most Black Americans never had their parents tell them to not be friends with Black Africans. As a matter of fact over the years and the people I've asked for this writing purpose, none of the Black Americans I've asked ever remember such advice.

In the above video this Kenyan man speaks of how his parents taught him not to speak or befriend Black Americans, they seemed proud and hateful, many African parents who do this seem so.

However this is now coming to light that the US government is encouraging this to happen. More Black Africans who hate Black Americans are openly coming out to voice their hatred, I've watched many of the arguments onn the app formerly known as Twitter.

I've written about how Black Africans continue to not only call is AKATA, but openly call Black Americans stupid for not knowing all about Africa.

In an article entitled, 'Why I'm Black, Not African-American' the author suggests that we should go back to being Black with the capital B and I agree with many parts of this article. Especially sense living in 2 African countries where most refuse to see me as Black, then as in Ghana where this is a hateful & uneducated narrative of our existence.

It's time we descendants of slaves brought to the United States let go of the term "African American" and go back to calling ourselves Black - with a capital B.

Modern America is home now to millions of immigrants who were born in Africa. Their cultures and identities are split between Africa and the United States. They have last names like Onwughalu and Senkofa. They speak languages like Wolof, Twi, Yoruba and Hausa, and speak English with an accent. They were raised on African cuisine, music, dance and dress styles, customs and family dynamics. Their children often speak or at least understand their parents' native language.

Living descendants of slaves in America neither knew their African ancestors nor even have elder relatives who knew them. Most of us worship in Christian churches. Our cuisine is more southern U.S. than Senegalese. Starting with ragtime and jazz, we gave America intoxicating musical beats based on African conceptions of rhythm, but with melody and harmony based on Western traditions.

With the number of African immigrants in the U.S. nearly tripling since 1990, the use of "African American" is becoming increasingly strained. For example, Alan Keyes, the Republican Senate candidate in Illinois, has claimed that as a descendant of slaves, he is the "real" African American, compared with his Democratic rival, Barack Obama, who has an African father and white mother. And the reason Keyes and others are making arguments such as this is rather small, the idea being that "African American" should refer only to people with a history of subordination in this country - as if African immigrants such as Amadou Diallo, who was killed by police while reaching for his wallet, or Caribbean ones such as torture victim Abner Louima have found the U.S. to be the Land of Oz.

We are not African to any meaningful extent, but we are not white either - and that is much of why Jesse Jackson's presentation of the term "African American" caught on so fast. It sets us apart from the mainstream. It carries an air of standing protest, a reminder that our ancestors were brought here against their will, that their descendants were treated like animals for centuries, and that we have come a long way since then.

But what about the black business districts that thrived across the country after slavery was abolished? What about Frederick Douglass, Ida B. Wells, W.E.B. Du Bois, Gwendolyn Brooks, Richard Wright and Thurgood Marshall, none born in Africa and all deeply American people? And while we're on Marshall, what about the civil rights revolution, a moral awakening that we gave to ourselves and the nation. My roots trace back to working-class Black people - Americans, not foreigners - and I'm proud of it. I am John Hamilton McWhorter the Fifth. Four men with my name and appearance, doing their best in a segregated America, came before me. They and their dearest are the heritage that I can feel in my heart, and they knew the sidewalks of Philadelphia and Atlanta, not Sierra Leone.

Source Manhattan Institute

I find it rather sad and disgusting that people who immigrated to a country built on the enslavement of Black Africans and their offspring are allowed to hate them without fear or punishment.

It seems like an act of terrorism to go to another country only to hate over 12% of their population. The fact that this man's parents made a home in America from Kenya and were allowed to stay with their hatred is criminal to me. The same way it would be criminal to go to Kenya and hate anyone of their tribes or their people.

The fact that some people have shared with me that they were rewarded with a visa to come to the US because they showed distain for my people is sickening. I am currently trying to creat a video about these interviews, without revealing the identities of those I've spoken with.

Frankly I am angry and disgusted but not surprised that the US government is trying to fill the America with submissive Africans who hate Black Americans. They really are trying to eliminate us as much as possible. I would write a part two as I decide a way to present my interviews and information.

Thank you for reading 🙏🏽 Please consider buying a coffee for Lacey’s House efforts in Gender Equality & Children’s Rights.

©️TB Obwoge 2023 All Rights Reserved


About the Creator


I'm the president of a nonprofit. I've lived in 3 countries, I love to travel, take photos and help children and women around the world! One day I pray an end to Child Marriages, Rape and a start to equal Education for ALL children 🙏🏽

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    IwriteMywrongsWritten by IwriteMywrongs

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