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How to behave in a celeb/fan interactive world

Celebs are human too

By Raine fielderPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Let's say you are a fan wanting to get attention from someone famous, via twitter or something else, some amount of responsibility is necessary. I have been known by all my friends to be someone who gets a lot of follows and responses from celebs even when I'm not trying to, here are some tips or "rules":

1) Don't be rude, you may get attention but it won't be good attention. There are two ways it can go...

a) they will ignore you totally

b) they will point you out to the public by responding and you'll appear as a "hater", which is embarrassing for you. Or worse, they will say something way more clever than you in response and that's even more embarrassing

For example, I hate "50 shades" with a passion. I think it's bad for our society, but I have NEVER tweeted one thing to E.L james. Why? because she is a person for one, and for another, she won't listen to me, I'm sure. I have nothing to say to her, I criticize her book, but I don't want to attack her personally, it's rude and it won't fix anything.

2) Try not to complain to a celebrity about stuff you disagree with. If you feel the need to do so, or if it is important to you, be polite about it. I have done this myself, to a show creator and Justin Beiber. With Justin, it was when fans were cutting themselves "for him". I simply said "I know you may not want to give this any attention because it might encourage it more, but please consider all the options besides just ignoring, it's dangerous and some fans may think your non response is acceptance". I didn't get a response from him, nor was I looking for one (my next point) but I knew he might read it and I wanted him to really react the right way, so I was simply honest. I did understand why he wouldn't react to it, because the girls doing it would probably take any attention, even bad attention, from the beibs as a win. So maybe he was doing the right thing, but the point is, I didn't make him the villain. Fame doesn't make people less human, they have feelings and being mean to them is rude. Like Keegan Allen once told a person, who was really attacking his character, "I doubt you'd be saying these things to me, if we were talking in person". Celebrities usually don't respond to "haters" and that's why people do it. They think it's an outlet for their bullying, they think that they can get away with it. They think no one will call them out on it. It's really sad actually.

3) Don't say the same things as everyone else. You've seen a celebrity respond to others and you read what that person said. So, you say the same thing over and over to all of them. This may get you a response but it's just bland and pointless. This is about how to interact and treat them like people, not about "oh! they said 'hi' to me and I am excited". Like I said, famous people are just people. Like anyone else, they will get bored seeing the same thing from fans over and over. It probably makes them feel isolated to be talked to like some "idol" instead of being talked to like everyone else, which brings me to my next point...

4) Don't hound celebrities all the time with nonsense, I know it's fun and exciting to get a response, but don't make that your goal. It has no real value anyway, they are just regular people with a different job and lifestyle. I know we feel like we know them personally, but we don't. But I'm not saying don't talk to them at all, especially if you are going to say something nice, DO THAT A LOT. Don't just hold back compliments because you think that won't get a reply, because that shouldn't be the point. For example, when I watched "exiles" by troian bellisario (recommend highly) I went and told her on twitter how awesome I thought it was. Did I do it because I thought she might reply? No, of course not, I thought it was possible but it wasn't my "goal". I just wanted her to know that people like it and that she did a great job. I occasionally just randomly give celebs compliments, simply because I know they get a lot of hate for no reason and I don't want them to be sad. Other times I just say things to them like I would any of my other online friends. For example, if they post a pic and I can't see what it is, I ask because I am genuinely curious. Not because I think some person saying one thing to me, will make me happy forever lol. That's a real example of a time that Tammin Sursok posted a pic and I couldn't see what it was, I asked and she told me. No big deal, I wanted to know, I figured another fan would answer but she did, herself. Either way, I wasn't hounding her to talk to me and I didn't freak on her about it. It was just a normal Q&A between two real people.

So the point is, keep it simple and sweet and don't repeatedly hound them with random things you think they might respond to. So many people do that, and that's why most of them can't interact properly with fans. They are bombarded with a bunch of the same thing and they barely have time to respond, and I'm sure it gets a little annoying for them sometimes. Try to only say something to them if you actually think of something you genuinely want them to know. Because even if they don't respond, they might read it and you might make someone's day a little better, or give them an idea for their work, or life. And most importantly, RESPECT them, they aren't robots, they are people.


About the Creator

Raine fielder

Raine has been writing poetry since she was in seventh grade. She has written several poems, song lyrics, short stories and five books. Writing is her main purpose.

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    Raine fielderWritten by Raine fielder

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