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How do you think natural beauty differs from beauty enhanced by makeup or cosmetic procedures?

Beauty Enhanced

By WAQAS AHMADPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
How do you think natural beauty differs from beauty enhanced by makeup or cosmetic procedures?
Photo by Karoline Soares on Unsplash

Lily and Ava were two friends who lived in the charming village of Everwood, which was surrounded by glistening lakes and rolling hills. They loved art, nature, and each other equally, but they had different ideas about what beauty was. Their divergent viewpoints sparked a voyage of self-discovery, camaraderie, and inquiry into what it means to be truly beautiful.

Lily was a staunch supporter of unaltered beauty, with her auburn hair and freckles on her cheeks. She thought the actual essence of allure was accepting one's distinctive qualities and flaws. Her days were spent going on nature hikes and photographing the sun's reflection on the leaves. Lily found beauty in the wild flow of a river and the delicate symmetry of a flower caressed by dew.

Ava, on the other hand, felt a pull toward the arts and cosmetics industries. She was enthralled by the allure of improving one's appearance and was astounded by the transformational power of makeup. She would spend hours playing with different looks in her room, which was a swirl of colors, brushes, and mirrors. She viewed beauty as a blank canvas ready for painting, with each application of makeup adding layers to a work of art.

The pals were on a trip up to Starlight Peak one day as the sun warmed Everwood in its embrace. Awe-inspiring views of the town and the surroundings were available from the summit. They started talking about beauty when they were seated amongst the wildflowers.

"Do you ever imagine what it would be like to enhance our appearance through cosmetic treatments or makeup?"

Ava asked, gazing at the distant horizon.

Lily gave it some thought before answering. "Our natural beauty, in my opinion, is a gift that expresses who we are and where we've come from. Although cosmetic procedures and makeup can be innovative and enjoyable, I believe it's crucial to appreciate oneself just as you are."

Ava cast a somber downward glance. "But occasionally, makeup enables us to express various aspects of who we are. It's like creating art on a white canvas by using our faces as the canvas."

Liz grinned. "That is accurate, Ava. Makeup is an art, and I'm impressed by your talent and originality. However, I also think that genuine beauty comes from the inside out, and that the more we embrace our actual selves, the more genuine our beauty becomes."

As the sun dipped below the horizon and the sky became orange and pink, the sound of their talk lingered in the air.

Weeks became months, and Lily and Ava continued to discuss how they saw beauty differently. Everwood once had its yearly Spring Festival as a way to celebrate art, music, and culture. Lily made the decision to put up a photography booth where she could record unscripted images of partygoers having a good time. While this was going on, Ava set up a temporary makeup booth where festival-goers could check out her talent.

Lily's camera captured smiles, hugs, and sincere excitement throughout the day. Her images appeared to exude the kind of natural beauty that results from times of unrestrained joy.

At Ava's booth, she expertly applied makeup to change faces. The festival-goers marveled at their reflections, discovering new sides to themselves. Others found they were just as gorgeous without the improvements, while some felt empowered by the transformation.Lily and Ava met in the center of the town square as the celebration came to an end. They were immersed in meditation as they regarded the night sky beneath a blanket of stars.

"Ava," Lily said, "I've learned that beauty isn't limited to a single description. It is a gem with many facets, and each one reveals a distinct truth about who we are.

Ava agreed with a nod." And the elegance of our natural features or the skill of makeup might reveal the truth. Each route has its own magic."

A smile spread across Lily's face as she continued, "Perhaps the real beauty lies in our ability to choose - to embrace our natural selves while also expressing our creativity through makeup, if we so desire."

The buddies recognized they had learned an important lesson from their different perceptions on beauty as the stars twinkled above them. Beauty was a continuum that valued uniqueness, originality, and authenticity rather than being an exclusive world. The voyage they set out on had strengthened their relationship and served as a reminder that true beauty transcended outward looks and lay within each person's heart and spirit.

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  • Allan Njarumi11 months ago

    Hello there, great connect btw... please read my stories, I'm kinda new here need the surport


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