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Homeless Adventures Part One

The Birth of My Picture Diary

By Zoleeta Myers-WestPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Bubba and His Human

They call this area the “18th Street Bridge”.

"Who's they?" you may be asking yourself. Well, it's predominately the homeless that call it that. It's where some of us homeless folk like to congregate for Church at The Garden. Yes, let me clear that up for you... I am homeless.

I could have announced that I was homeless at the very beginning of my story. However, it's awkward to start out by saying “Hi, my name is Zoey, and I'm homeless”. The only place I can think that would be acceptable is in an anonymous group for people who are addicted to something.

That's a story for another time though, and no, I'm not addicted to being homeless. *Insert awkward chuckle here*

I took this picture one cold Sunday afternoon. I just left Church Under the Bridge (yes, it's legitimately called that) to walk a few blocks and attend more Church. What can I say, they were feeding us. When you're homeless and there's the promise of food... You show up. Not to say that I wasn't going for the purpose of attending church because I very much was. 

It's just that church is more interesting with food? 

I don't even want to know who I just offended by saying that... 

I digress. I love getting to know people and hearing their stories. Especially from those who are also homeless. It is such a humbling and educational experience listening to others and putting yourself in their shoes. There's a decent sized homeless population in my city. There's people I see all the time, but I don't know their names or their stories. All I know is that they're homeless. That's the only thing I have in common with the other homeless people. The fact that we're homeless. That's what makes this my "homeless adventures" because I never know who I'm going to meet. 

Or, who's story I'm going to hear and possibly relate to. 

Or, what lesson I'm going to learn that day. 

Back to the photo - This man was sitting with his dog waiting for services to begin. I was on the phone with my Mom checking in with her that morning. I was minding my business and talking to my mother on my headset. I must've startled the dog because out of nowhere he started to bark at me. So, naturally, I stopped and asked "Aw, what's wrong? Did I scare you? Can I love on you? I promise I'm a good human" 

Yes, I was talking to the dog. Doesn't everyone do that? 

Funny thing about me is that I make friends with animals faster and easier than with humans. I'm not sure why — I've always been like that.

Anyway, I then learned that my new friend's name was Bubba. His human was actually pretty cool as well (I don't really remember the man's name. Go figure, right?). Bubba was actually, in fact, a very sweet and love-able dog. His human wasn't too bad either. I showered the dog with love and I thanked the man for allowing me do so.

I was off to the side away from people just observing my surrounding and saw Bubba with his human and thought “Hey, that would make a cool black and white photo” I'm into photography. By "into photography" I literally mean that "I have absolutely no photography experience, but I take several random photos on my cell phone, apply a filter and call it art".  I don't think my photos are bad. I've seen worse. 

I have seen better... but definitely, definitely worse. 

And that is how my homeless picture diary was born.


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    Zoleeta Myers-WestWritten by Zoleeta Myers-West

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