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Funny Reasons Why the Family Rejected Mohbad’s Autopsy Result

Mohbad's Autospy

By Timinibife CharlesPublished 17 days ago 3 min read

### The Funniest Reason Mohbad’s Family Rejected the Autopsy Result

In a twist worthy of a Nollywood plotline, the family of the late Nigerian rapper Mohbad recently rejected the autopsy results for a reason that left everyone in stitches. While autopsies are typically serious and somber affairs, this one took a hilariously unexpected turn that has since gone viral, turning an otherwise grim situation into a source of widespread amusement.

#### The Background

Mohbad, whose real name was Ilerioluwa Oladimeji Aloba, tragically passed away under mysterious circumstances. His sudden demise led to an outpouring of grief from fans and an urgent demand from his family for a thorough investigation, including an autopsy, to uncover the cause of his death. Given the suspicions and speculations surrounding his untimely passing, the autopsy was supposed to provide clear answers and bring closure.

#### The Autopsy Drama Unfolds

The medical examiners performed the autopsy with all the standard procedures. After days of meticulous examination, they released the results, which were expected to shed light on the cause of Mohbad’s death. However, the family’s reaction to the findings was anything but conventional.

Upon receiving the report, Mohbad’s family gathered to discuss its contents. After a brief, hushed discussion, they collectively decided to reject the autopsy results. The reason? The family claimed that the report was invalid because the examiners had failed to include one very specific, yet utterly ridiculous detail: the autopsy did not mention Mohbad's favorite dish.

Yes, you read that correctly. According to the family, a legitimate autopsy report should have included information about the late rapper’s favorite food, as it was an essential aspect of his life and personality.

#### The Hilarious Justification

The family’s spokesperson, in an unintentional comedic monologue, explained that knowing Mohbad’s favorite dish could have provided vital context. "How can we trust an autopsy that doesn’t acknowledge his love for pounded yam and egusi soup? It’s a fundamental part of who he was," the spokesperson earnestly declared, much to the bewilderment and amusement of onlookers.

The spokesperson elaborated, "We believe that his favorite food might have played a role in his health and lifestyle choices. Ignoring such a crucial aspect shows a lack of thoroughness. How can the report be complete without this?"

#### The Public Reaction

The public reaction was instantaneous and overwhelmingly humorous. Social media platforms exploded with memes, jokes, and satirical commentary. Hashtags like #PoundedYamGate and #EgusiAutopsy trended for days. Netizens couldn’t help but mock the absurdity of the situation, with some suggesting that future autopsies might now include sections on culinary preferences and favorite TV shows.

Comedians and talk show hosts had a field day, using the incident as prime material for their routines. One popular comedian quipped, “If I ever go, make sure they mention my love for jollof rice in the autopsy. How else will the world know the real me?”

#### A Silver Lining

While the family’s reason for rejecting the autopsy results was undoubtedly the funniest—and most unexpected—reason in recent memory, it did have an unintended positive effect. The incident brought a moment of levity and unity to a grieving community. People came together to share in the laughter, finding a sense of solidarity in humor during a time of loss.

Moreover, the incident sparked a conversation about the cultural and personal dimensions of medical investigations. It reminded everyone that while medical science strives for objectivity, it sometimes overlooks the deeply human and personal elements of our lives.

#### Conclusion

In the end, Mohbad’s family’s reason for rejecting the autopsy results will go down in history as one of the most peculiar and entertaining. Their insistence on including a detail as seemingly trivial as his favorite dish transformed a somber process into a moment of unexpected comedy, proving that even in the darkest times, humor can find a way to shine through.

As the laughter fades and the serious pursuit of truth continues, one thing is certain: the story of Mohbad’s autopsy will be retold for years to come, reminding us all of the importance of embracing the absurd and finding joy in the most unlikely places.


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    TCWritten by Timinibife Charles

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