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How did it come to this?

By Penned by RiaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

In life, everyone faces their fair share of challenges. Sometimes, those challenges come in the form of frenemies.

What's a frenemy? A frenemy is someone you trust and care about, who also seems to have it out for you. They're not just a mean person on the street who you've never met before—they're someone you thought was on your side. Someone who knows what your deepest vulnerabilities are, and isn't afraid to exploit them or spread rumours about you behind your back. It can feel like an especially deep betrayal when a friend becomes your enemy. The problem is that sometimes the people involved don't even realize what's happening until they've lost the friendship forever.

When you're a kid, your friends are everything. You're inseparable, and you can't imagine anything changing that.

Then one day, you don't get invited to their birthday party. Or they ask to borrow something from you and never give it back. Or maybe they just stop calling you altogether.

And then the worst thing happens: one day your friend starts telling people lies about YOU! You can't believe it! How could this be true? You wonder if maybe there's some sort of misunderstanding—maybe she's just confused or upset about something else that happened recently? But then more people start saying similar things about her, and everyone seems pretty sure that it's true… but how could it be true? It makes no sense at all!

The problem with friendships is that they're built on trust, but sometimes that trust can be misdirected. We feel comfortable sharing our darkest secrets with our best friends, but do we know that they'll keep those secrets? If not, we're putting ourselves in danger of being betrayed by someone we think we can trust (and who we've trusted in the past).

The truth is, people change—and so do their motivations. The friends who once thought you were the most amazing person in the world may one day find themselves jealous of you or envious of something you have or want. That's when things start to go wrong. Instead of telling you why they're mad at you (which would be the healthy way to address their feelings), they may begin to backbite behind your back and try to sabotage your friendships with other people by spreading gossip and rumours about you.

Sometimes, friends turn enemies. Sometimes, you can't help but be jealous of someone else's success. Sometimes, you're just not into the same things as your friends anymore—you've grown apart, or maybe their interests have changed and you haven't caught up yet.

And sometimes, your friends are just really mean people who want to bring you down.

You think you've got a friend, but then they turn on you. They say things behind your back, they betray your trust, and they hate you for no reason.

It can be hard to understand why someone would act like that, but try to put yourself in their shoes: they probably feel insecure, threatened by your success, or jealous of the life you have. Maybe they feel like they're missing out on something and they're angry about it, or maybe they think you have something that should be theirs. It's difficult to know what goes on in other people's minds, and it doesn't help that frenemies seem unable to control themselves or contain their emotions.

Try not to take it too personally, though! It's most likely a reflection of their insecurities or desires. Don't let them bring you down—instead, focus on yourself and your own beliefs. Even if you feel hurt by a frenemy's actions, remember that you don't have to let them affect you long-term. Stay strong!

But no matter what: if the person who used to be your best friend is now a frenemy, take it from me: you don't need them in your life. They'll just make you feel bad about yourself and ruin any chance for happiness in your life.

I know that it can be hard to cut people out of your life when they're such an important part of it—but trust me: there are other people out there who will love you just as much and have more positive things to say about what's going on with you!

It's important to remember that not everyone who has an issue with you is your enemy. Some people will have an issue with you because they love you and care about your well-being, and they want to help you learn from your mistakes so you can grow into a better person. It's important not to let yourself become blinded by hatred when someone tries to confront you about something they feel needs changing in your life.


About the Creator

Penned by Ria

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    Penned by RiaWritten by Penned by Ria

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