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By Wallace Esua MbahPublished 3 months ago 4 min read
Photo by Liane Metzler on Unsplash

Normally, earning respect takes years of demonstrating high character, but there are exceptions. In this video, we will explore six psychological tricks that can help you command more respect almost instantly. We will analyze the commanding presences of individuals we have covered on this channel.

The first trick to immediately command more respect is to enhance your first impression, also known as the 'thin slice.' People often form their initial judgment of someone within just 5 seconds of seeing them. While this may seem shallow, it's a common experience we can all relate to. To improve your thin slice, one lever within your control is your clothing. Many people make the mistake of dressing to blend in, out of fear of being judged. However, by dressing one level nicer than the situation calls for, you can make a positive impression. Additionally, focusing on finding clothes that fit and flatter your body type, rather than solely relying on expensive brands, can make a significant difference.

Another easy trick to influence your thin slice and command more respect is to physically take up more space. Observing how Tony Robbins owns the space around him when he speaks can be inspiring. Taking up more space doesn't mean dominating others but rather conveying confidence and comfort with your body. This can be achieved through simple actions like sitting asymmetrically or maintaining good posture. Rolling your shoulders back and standing taller can make you feel more confident and positively impact how others perceive you.

A related trick is to get comfortable with platonic touching, although it's important to note that during social distancing, physical contact should be avoided. Many people in Western cultures tend to be awkward when it comes to physical contact, opting for waves instead of handshakes and generally avoiding touch. However, touch plays a significant role in human connection, building trust, and creating a sense of closeness. Oprah Winfrey, for example, uses touch to connect with people quickly.

Now, it's crucial to handle touch correctly to avoid discomfort. There are four key principles to ensure that your touch is appropriate and well-received. First, limit your touch to non-central areas of the body, such as the hands, arms, shoulders, and upper back. Second, keep each touch brief, lasting roughly under five seconds. Lingering touch can start to feel creepy. Third, offer universal touch, showing care to people around you regardless of your attraction to them. This conveys friendliness and confidence. However, focusing on just one person you have a crush on can come across as weird or even predatory. Fourth, be mindful of how people react and adjust accordingly. If someone stiffens or leans back, you've gone too far and should pull back yourself. Avoid being oblivious like Seinfeld's close talker friend who disregards people's reactions.

Moving on to the first trick related to what you say, if you want to command more respect instantly, don't allow yourself to be cut off mid-sentence. Many people think it's polite to stop talking when someone interrupts them in conversation. However, when you let someone bulldoze you into silence, you signal that their opinions take precedence over yours. This is particularly noticeable in group conversations. Regardless of your political affiliation, you may have observed this dynamic in the 2016 Republican primaries, where Trump's ability to make his opponents look weak was partly due to their inability to finish their sentences. To be clear, this doesn't mean you should dominate conversations or talk excessively. It simply means that when you have the floor, you should assert yourself and finish your thoughts, even if someone tries to talk over you.

You can see examples of this in action with Jaden Smith giving up on being heard quickly, compared to his father, Will Smith, who confidently comes in a little louder than everyone else, making his sentence unstoppable. Will's assertiveness gets his joke heard, earns a big laugh from the audience, and immediately engages Bradley Cooper in the conversation. Another example is Russell Brand in his viral interview with MSNBC, where he maintains his presence and finishes his sentences despite interruptions.

Additionally, it's important to note that complementing your competition can be a counterintuitive but effective psychological trick. Instead of tearing down someone's successes or talents, praising your opposition demonstrates confidence and respect. This approach can make others more receptive to your perspective and earn their respect. Jordan Peterson's example of acknowledging the strengths of atheism, despite his religious beliefs, illustrates this point well.

In various aspects of life, such as work and dating, applying this principle can be beneficial. Complimenting a coworker's work not only elevates them but also showcases your fairness, honesty, and confidence. Conversely, badmouthing someone in an attempt to gain favor with a crush can backfire, as it may make you appear insecure and petty. However, it's worth noting that there are exceptions to this rule, as some individuals can command respect while criticizing their rivals, as exemplified by Muhammad Ali's ability to trash talk his opponents in a way that garnered admiration.

It's interesting to note how humor and over-the-topness can turn potentially arrogant statements into confident and fun ones, as exemplified by Olli and Conor McGregor. Additionally, openly sharing your shortcomings can demonstrate confidence and authenticity. People often judge you based on how you perceive and handle your own imperfections, rather than the shortcomings themselves. The examples you provided, such as Eminem's battle in "8 Mile" and Brad Pitt's award acceptance speech, showcase the power of owning and embracing one's flaws.

If you're interested in further developing authentic confidence, you may find value by waiting for the next article. This article focuses on improving your relationship with yourself, helping you master your emotions and subconscious beliefs. By raising your baseline level of joy and addressing fear of rejection, failure, or conflict, you can enhance your overall confidence.

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About the Creator

Wallace Esua Mbah

Wallace Esua: Writer with six years' experience crafting captivating stories across genres. From fiction to journalism, I evoke emotions and provoke thought through my words. Currently engrossed in a novel and freelance projects.

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