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Even the Sidekick Can be the Hero.

point of view of a sidekick, someone who is happy to stay away from the limelight.

By Yogesh SawantPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Even the Sidekick Can be the Hero.
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

My name is Sam and I've always been content to stay in the background. I'm not the hero of this story, nor do I wish to be. I'm just a simple sidekick, happy to support and assist the person who does take the lead. I've never been one for the limelight or the attention that comes with it.

Growing up, I was always the one in the shadows, watching as others took center stage. I was the quiet one in the corner, observing and learning from those around me. I was content with my role and didn't feel the need to compete with others for attention.

It wasn't until I met my best friend, Sarah, that I found my true calling as a sidekick. Sarah was always the one who stood out in a crowd, with her confident demeanor and outgoing personality. She had a natural talent for leadership and always knew how to rally people to her cause.

At first, I was intimidated by her presence and wondered if I could keep up. But as I got to know her better, I realized that my role was just as important as hers. While Sarah took charge and made bold decisions, I was there to offer support and help her see things from a different perspective.

Together, we made a great team. Sarah would come up with the big ideas, and I would help her figure out how to make them happen. I was the one who did the behind-the-scenes work, the one who made sure everything ran smoothly.

And while Sarah basked in the spotlight, I was content to stay in the background, watching from afar. I didn't need the recognition or the praise. Seeing Sarah succeed was reward enough for me.

Over the years, Sarah and I tackled many challenges together. We faced obstacles head-on, and through it all, we remained a strong team. Together, we accomplished things that we never could have done alone.

One day, Sarah and I were on a mission to retrieve a valuable artifact that had been stolen from a museum. We had been tracking down the thieves for weeks, and we finally had a lead on their whereabouts.

As we approached the abandoned warehouse where the artifact was being held, we were ambushed by the thieves. They were heavily armed and outnumbered us, and it quickly became clear that we were in over our heads.

Sarah sprang into action, engaging the thieves in a fierce battle. But despite her best efforts, she was quickly overwhelmed by their superior numbers. I could see the fear in her eyes as she struggled to defend herself.

In that moment, I knew I had to act. I may not have been the hero of the story, but I wasn't going to let my best friend die. I picked up a nearby metal pipe and charged into the fray, swinging wildly at the thieves.

The fight was brutal and intense. I took blow after blow, but I refused to give up. I fought with everything I had, driven by my love for Sarah and my determination to protect her.

In the end, we emerged victorious. We had defeated the thieves and retrieved the artifact. Sarah was badly injured, but she would recover with time. As we walked away from the warehouse, battered and bruised, Sarah turned to me and thanked me for saving her life.

I simply shrugged it off, saying that it was all in a day's work for a sidekick like me. But deep down, I knew that this was the most important thing I had ever done. In that moment, I realized that sometimes, even the sidekick can be the hero.

And so, as I sit here today, reflecting on our journey, I am proud of the role I played in Sarah's success. I may not have been the hero of the story, but I was a vital part of it. And that's enough for me.


About the Creator

Yogesh Sawant

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    YSWritten by Yogesh Sawant

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