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Ethical Medicine

Embracing Compassion, Empathy, and Understanding

By Kaylon ForsythPublished about a month ago 5 min read
Do not seek to simply alleviate the symptoms. Seek To Heal

I as well as many of those with which I engage with, have been noticing that those who are supposed to be professional in their field, specifically mainstream medicine, are becoming very complacent, in their efforts to help those for which they are supposed to care. I am not entirely certain what the reasoning for this is, but I do have theories. I am a firm believer, that if you are going to be practicing in a field, as a professional of such high regard, you must ensure that you are going into this field for the right reasons. I have had experiences where those who were supposed to be over the care of someone I loved very much, did not take that responsibility very seriously. These people instead placed my wife on observation status, and considering the nature of her illness, they should have stayed in the room with her, to ensure that her circumstances did not worsen, even though I was present, these professional saw that my Wifes symptoms, which were those of a rare illness known as conversion somatization disorder, resembled a state of intoxication which is very similar in its appearance sedation, which they more often than not attribute to substance abuse.

My wife, when going into an episode of conversion/somatization, goes through a series of stages, which are triggered by intense emotional or psychological stress, the stages include, the first, which is somatization, and it causes her to appear very drowsy, and also would present slurred speech once this stage progressed far enough, this would then there after be followed by her body, shutting down all biological systems, necessary to sustain life. My Wifes diagnosis, was not even found by the doctor which was over her care, and the reason for this is because the professional which was over her care, did not think the information which she was providing was relevant to her current circumstances, even though between her and I, we knew what needed to happen under these circumstances.

When a patient comes into a doctor's office, and begins to describe their specific set of symptoms, which they may be suffering from, the doctor acknowledges what was said, and then continues on as if they heard nothing, continuing to make their assessment of what they feel is going on.

All too often physicians presume to know what is going on with a patient, when in fact the patient is the one who knows their body the best. Doctors should take the time to hear the patient out, especially if the information being presented is pertinent to the circumstances at hand. I am seeing younger professionals come into the medical field, and many of them, from what I have noticed are not going into this field to help people, they are going into it for the money, which is never a good reason to go into a field, where the practice encompasses the healing, and alleviation of symptoms associated with the illness from which the patient is suffering. When a physician begins to see a patient as either a number, or instead, a walking set of symptoms, the human connection is lost, as well as the perception, of instead of them being seen as a patient, the doctors begin to see them as a means to an end, which is a profit to be made.

I have a friend who is currently going through dialysis, and her health is very fragile right now, both mentally and physically. This woman is one of the kindest hearted people that I know, and the doctors in this specific case are not handling her treatment as they should, they are not following through with getting her results processed, or even ensuring that her appointments for dialysis are scheduled, which has added a lot of unnecessary stress to be placed on this friends' shoulders.

Complacency is no place for those practicing in the medical field, whether they are technicians, CNA's, Nurses, or Doctors. The fact that this is becoming wide spread throughout the medical field, and is not simply a few isolated incidents, makes me wonder exactly what kind of education or training these individuals are receiving. From where I am sitting it would seem as though, these professionals are being coached in a way, that places the patients actual well-being on the back burner, as well as the true alleviation of the symptoms from which they are suffering. Doctors are not keen on finding the root cause to an illness, in my experience, and this is because if someone is healed from their affliction, at it's core, they would no longer need to continue going back for the management of symptoms, thus, causing the doctors, and the pharmaceutical companies to lose vast amounts of money.

When multiple sectors in the workforce, whether it be a fast food worker, or a doctor, begin to exhibit behavior that is in relation to intentional ignornace, due to whatever reasons this occurs, whether it be burnout, overwhelming workload, or issues that may be going on in the personal life of the professional, regardless of the field, it is very concerning, and it tells me one thing, Something Needs To Change.

The old way of doing things is no longer relevant and the way in which most doctors these days practice medicine is not the way in which it was originally established to be practiced. I am a firm believer in alternative medicine, for many reasons, one of which is because this is the type of treatment that helped my wife, in many instances, and which has also helped me, and others whom I care for. Mainstream medicine needs to back track in specific areas, especially in regard to patient care, as well as compassion, and the capacity to extend empathy to those for which they care, but this is something that is only rarely found, in this day and age.

Considering the fact that this is becoming a systemic problem, yet nothing is being done about it, lends credence to the true fact that this type of modality is no longer serving the masses who are in need of medical treatment, in the way that it should. Alternative, holistic, and homeopathic medicine are practices which take a look at the root cause of the illness which an individual is suffering from, and the treatment begins at the foundational state from which the illness started.

Unfortunately, doctors are more apt, to prescribe whatever they feel may help with alleviation of the symptoms, without doing the comprehensive research into what the cause of the symptoms in fact are.

The point I am trying to make, is this. If you are someone who feels compelled to go into the medical field, or another type of field, that encompasses healing, make sure that your intentions stay on point, in relation to your original intention for entering such a field. It takes compassion, and empathy for others, to be able to truly understand what they are going through, and be able to help them in the most beneficial way.

Never practice a healing modality for profit, never allow that to be your aim for entering such a field, because in so doing, you are only running the risk of hurting others, by not being invested for the right reason, which is to heal.

Brightest Blessings.


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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Comments (2)

  • Lamar Wigginsabout a month ago

    So very sorry you had to experience this firsthand. All doctors should be held accountable for their moral standards or lack thereof.

  • Sweileh 888about a month ago

    Interesting and delicious content. Keep posting more

Kaylon ForsythWritten by Kaylon Forsyth

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