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Do we all find the same thing cute?

What if being Fat, was NOT a bad thing?

By Ross E Fortune LombardiPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Do we all find the same thing cute?


What if being Fat, was NOT a bad thing?


What if being Fat, did NOT make you less attractive?


What if the whole world is lying?.


Do we all find the same thing cute?




No, of course, we don’t!



It is kinda buying into the media lie to believe that we are all attracted to the same type of person.



I have known men, who love 'Large' women, (BBW for short.)



I personally have a thing for true pale redheads. complete with freckles. (even more so if she's a scruffy Goth girl with loads of tattoos and piercings,)



I have known both women that have a 'thing for beards,' and those that cannot stand facial hair!



I know for a fact that I have talked to women I thought I was attracted to and become very bored and turned off very quickly!


I am not initially attracted to larger women with darker skin or blondes, but if she fascinates me with conversations about the sort of geeky comic book/gamer stuff I am heavily into, then I will become VERY attached to them quite quickly!


Because despite my initial aesthetic taste, what I really am, is a sapiosexual


How many times have a conventionally good looking woman with an unconventional looking man claimed: "He/She laughed me into bed."?


Look at the huge variety of the types of Porn there is!


There is BBW porn

There is Amputee porn

There is, adult "Little Person" porn (Full-grown adults of genetically reduced stature!)


I could type endlessly with yet more examples!


Set aside any moral side debate of whether porn is good or bad for the moment.

That is not the topic here!

The fact is that people are searching and masturbating to that porn!

The real point here is,

That they want to sleep with those people.

The media sell us the 'We are all attracted to the same type of stereotype' lie because it makes them money by preying on our insecurities!


They are very often NOT selling you a beauty product,

They are really selling you a security blanky, to suck the corner of,

After heavily implying to you that you are not good enough for some reason.

If you are wanting to purchase and enjoy all that stuff,

Then, Good for you!

If it is nice to treat and feel nice once in a while.

No problem,

Life is hard enough,

Treat and enjoy yourself


(And IS a VERY BIG BUTT - Pun fully intended! LOL )


(Rather than just want it.)

I tell you this.

I have Never not given any woman a second date...


Just because she had "Cracked Heals" or "Slightly off coloured toenails"!

(Yes, I may, very well indeed, look like a low rent version of "Jaba the hut" now,)

(However, I did not always look this crap!)

(I was young and atractive once!)





Look all around at real-life examples around you, and the popular media's argument soon falls apart!


Sure there are certain genetic imperatives in our base instincts,

But they do not dominate the common psyche as prevalently as personal memories and experience!


Or just use common sense knowledge of genetics and evolution,

If we were all only attracted and had children with the same type of person then we would not have the huge genetic variety of human that we have now!


Instead we have all sizes, heights, colours, and facial features

If any single one of those things were really and truly THAT abhorrent to us collectively as species,

Then natural selection would have bred it out by now!

"Oh I am unlovable because I have inherited my mum's thick hairy thighs"

Well, think about this...

Your dad was not put off enough by those "Thick Hairy Thighs" to stop him having an orgasm!


Unburden yourself of all the marketing Crap!


To someone,


You are the most beautiful creature in the world!

Second to none!

So says, common sense logic!

Go Fetch!


About the Creator

Ross E Fortune Lombardi

Writer. Gamer, Goth

A (Constantly Failing To Be Funny) satirist!

[email protected]

Mutare non est meum

Cantus moriar


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    Ross E Fortune LombardiWritten by Ross E Fortune Lombardi

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