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Dignity vs Ego

Are You Making These DIGNITY Mistakes?

By Yogesh SawantPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Dignity vs Ego
Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

What is the best quick cure for dignity? Well, I think that the answer is to take away that sense of self-importance. I mean to say it is a very humble way, but I am talking about getting rid of all your "I" statements.

Ego, in itself, is not evil. It is only when we allow our ego to control our lives, do we become evil.

So, what do we do when we have an ego, and it starts to dominate? Well, the first thing that you must do is to get rid of that self-doubt. The second thing is to take it all out of your life. And the third thing is to make sure that your ego stays under control.

If you have ever done anything to make it clear to others that your ego is in control, then you know how powerful it is. For example, when someone is complimenting you on your looks, you automatically feel proud of yourself. When your ego is strong, then it will show through in your appearance. It will also show through in your behavior, and all the other things you do.

You see, it's the same when you are talking to another person or when you are giving your opinion on something. When you have an ego, you automatically want to dominate the conversation. You will act and react in ways that make you look more attractive to others. And, at the same time, you will act as if you are really not interested in the other person's opinion.

By taking the ego out of this process, you are going to find it is easier to be yourself. You are also going to find that this person who is controlling your behavior is a very weak person because they cannot show their true personality.

When you take that ego out of the equation, you will find that it is easy to listen and to speak clearly. You will also be able to listen without feeling like you are being controlled. and speak with confidence.

This is not a quick cure for dignity, but it is a cure for being yourself. When you get rid of your ego, you will find that people are drawn to you in a different way. You will find that you will have more friends and that you will have a sense of self-worth.

As I said, this is not a quick cure for dignity. However, if you can give it up, you will find that it will make all of the other changes you need to make in order to become better.

The reason this is not a quick cure for dignity is that when you remove it from your life, you are going to find that you are happier and healthier. and better able to handle situations.

Once you remove your ego, you can be who you are. without self-esteem. In other words, you become what you want to be.

You see, by doing this, you are going to become much more successful in all areas of your life. For example, you will be more likely to make money, be more likely to get a promotion, be more likely to get a better job, etc.

In addition to that, you are going to be more likely to succeed in all areas of your relationships. And that will mean that you will enjoy life more. more importantly, you will live a life where you no longer have the problem of having an ego.

By Espolòn Tequila on Unsplash

Dignity in Relationship

things to avoid if you want to get into a relationship and make your girl happy!

Respect is important. You have to show your girl that you respect her opinion and feelings. When you respect your girl, you show her respect. It also shows her that you respect yourself. If you want to have fun, you have to treat your girl right.

Women want to be with men who show their woman's respect for them. They want to feel appreciated, loved, and respected for who they are. If you want to make your girl happy, respect her opinions.

When you respect her, she'll want to respect you in return. If you do this on a regular basis, you will be able to make your girl feel more secure about you.

If you want your girl's respect, you have to show your respect. By doing this, you show her that you value her opinions, that you value yourself, and that you value life in general.

When you're making your way into a relationship, you have to make sure you are on the same page as your girl. If you're not on the same page, you won't be able to build a solid foundation to build your relationship. Your girl will feel uncomfortable around you won't have anything to rely on. Instead of building a relationship on trust and comfort, you will have nothing to rely on.

So, when you talk to your girl, try to be respectful of her opinion and feelings. Make sure that you show her that you respect her opinions by respecting her body, her opinions, and her own feelings.

The last thing you want to do is make these DIGNITY mistakes when you're in a relationship. It will turn your relationship off fast and you will not have anything to lean on. instead, you will have to make all kinds of excuses to get out!

These bad habits include being jealous. You see, it's easy to fall into jealousy, especially if you are in a relationship. It's easy to get jealous if you don't feel respected, valued, or appreciated.

Respect yourself. Show her that you value and appreciate the things that she has to offer in a relationship. She will feel more comfortable with you if you respect your time and her time.

Show her that you respect her feelings. When you respect her feelings, she will feel confident and safe around you.

Be nice to everyone. Show your girl that you appreciate her and all people in your life.

This is one of the biggest reasons why so many women have problems with relationships. They make these common mistakes and they never have a chance to build a solid foundation. In order to get what you want out of life, you need to take the time and put the work in to become a better man.

Remember, you need to treat yourself like a king or queen. Take her out for dinner and show her that you can be a great gentleman. She will love you for it will show you how much you care. You will also impress her.

Remember this too: if you show your girl that you respect and appreciate her, it will show her that you appreciate her as well. She will love you even more.

Show her that you respect her wishes. This is important because if you respect her wishes, she will respect yours.

By giving her what she wants, you will show that you care about her. and that you are a good listener and a good giver.


About the Creator

Yogesh Sawant

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    YSWritten by Yogesh Sawant

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