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Different Signs of Emotional Weakness

Emotional weakness is a sign of weak personality.

By Ha Le SaPublished 2 months ago β€’ 7 min read
Different Signs of Emotional Weakness
Photo by Dev Asangbam on Unsplash

You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing everything with logic. If words control your temper that means everyone can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass.

You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing everything with logic. If words control your temper that means everyone can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass.

Emotional weakness refers to a state in which a person is unable to understand, handle, and optimistically operate his own emotions to lessen stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflicts. A person with these personality weaknesses is termed an emotionally weak person.

Different signs of emotional weakness are:

Defensive feedback

Several people are unable to tolerate productive criticism. Similarly, an emotionally weak person cannot face authentic and honest feedback. Criticism may bruise their delicate egos, and they get defensive over little things. For example, you are checking the work of an emotionally weak person while you catch a mistake and speak about it; he gives an unfavorable response to your feedback. They may get furious because they are not powerful enough to admit their mistakes.

Faking dominance

Emotionally weak people are usually arrogant and egoistic. They believe that their demands are more important than anyone else. They try to take advantage of every circumstance and every individual around them. An emotionally weak person is good at neglecting their loved ones because they create an over-magnifying self-image; they try to monopolize every possibility. They spend every instant showing off and boosting their ego to prove their strengths, but the fact is, these people are a lot more powerless than they appear, and deep inside, they fight shame, insecurity, and self-hatred.

Refusing exposure

An emotionally weak individual usually struggles to create trustful relationships based on honesty, contemplation, and emotional strength. An individual must behave realistically by overpowering emotional hurdles before deepening the association so his relationships may not stagnate and fall apart because an emotionally weak person lacks the required abilities for being in a healthy new relationship.

Shutting down

Emotionally weak individual runs away from demanding emotional circumstances. When something gets challenging or emotionally complicated, they shut down the doors and avoid the issue; they do it to rescue themselves and pretend that everything is fine. They try not to face their problems and worry about the after-effects such as pain or negative outcomes. Regardless of how challenging or undesirable something seems, confronting the crisis is always the solution, but they never understand this and continue ignoring the difficult circumstances.

Resisting change

An emotionally weak person struggles with changes in everyday life. Every change produces a new option for favorable long-term development. You may discover an impressive skill, encounter someone new, experience a different culture, or assume a diverse viewpoint. So, never be afraid of change or hesitate to take risks. Change is a necessary element of developing a stronger and more confident personality.

An emotionally weak person tries to evade uncertainties and risks because they do not believe in having the capabilities to crush new challenges in themselves. Emotionally weak people are frightened of new possibilities, so they never try to understand what is on the other side. Emotionally strong people are not afraid of the unknown.


Grief is not a disorder, a disease, or a sign of weakness.

Emotionally weak people often feel miserable and act like nothing is their fault. They prove themselves to be the target of someone else brutality. Taking accountability for their remarks and actions is another difficult challenge for them. If you encounter someone who is emotionally weak, you already have observed these signals before. An emotionally weak person loses multiple chances of finding success, happiness, or emotional strength as they bypass their fault.

Deserving success

Emotionally stable individuals understand that life is not a bed of flowers. If you want something, there is only one way to get it: hard work. Taking risks and giving your best are some other important aspects along the way to success. An emotionally weak person is afraid of failures rather than accepting that failure is not an obstacle on the challenging journey called life but one factor to keep you motivated.

Emotionally strong people chase their goals, and emotionally weak people do the opposite: instead of working hard, they sit back and think the universe owes them contentment or victory. In reality, things do not work this way, no matter how long you wait or how often you complain. Success is never going to fall into your lap. The universe owes you nothing, but hard work does.

Demanding revenge

Revenge-seeking behavior is commonly associated with emotional weakness. When someone does wrong with or embarrasses that kind of individual, it bruises their ego, triggers insecurities, and causes offense. An emotionally weak individual never sits calm until they punish the other person for what they have done. It is a fact that taking revenge is never the answer. No matter how many tricks you play, your insecurities are not going anywhere until you try hard to overcome them.

Emotional suppression

Many people struggle to access or identify the full range of their feelings. They keep their emotions bottled up inside, so they never experience complicated feelings or recognize deeper emotional issues. For example, you may feel angry on the outside, but you might be feeling afraid of being ashamed or dissatisfied on the inside. Unless you depict these emotions, you will always find it hard to understand yourself and your feelings. That is why emotionally intelligent people are open and demonstrative because they carefully analyze the root motives for their emotions and spend a lot of time reflecting on their feelings. So, never suppress your feelings or push them to the back of your mind. Instead, try to adopt a broad spectrum of emotions.

Stubborn opinions

An emotionally weak person denies changing his mentality by behaving stubbornly. It does not matter how often you prove them wrong; they always cling to the same amorphous concepts. Such individuals never develop or learn because they are unwilling to grow their perspective or question their importance. An emotionally weak person thinks they know everything and supposes their opinions are correct even if they do not understand the reason. They cling to the things they know and attack the things they do not know. The most decisive people are always open to new opinions that challenge their views about the world. Eventually, no one can know everything, and a few things in life are not straightforward.

Driving impatience

An emotionally weak person is always impatient or impulsive. At present age, we are living in the age of rush. Everyone is rushing to accomplish dreams or to find success. Rushing through life fades the judgment and may lead down the wrong path. The best things in life demand time and tolerance to happen. You can not force your dreams to come true like you can not create success out of thin air. It is decent to be ambitious and motivated, but emotionally intelligent people never complicate ambition with impatience. So, if you want something big, give it time and be patient.

Holding grudges

Emotionally weak people remain angry about something that happened a long time ago. Keeping grudges is a common sign of emotional weakness. If a person cannot make compromises or find meaningful solutions to the problems, the weight may accumulate in the back of their mind. It will cause anger, tension, and anxiety because the victim runs away from confronting the root cause of any issue instead of holding grudges. Emotionally intelligent people face difficulties head-on. They talk to the people who upset them and find ways to move past the confrontations in their lives. Holding a grudge makes you angry and bitter; the sooner you let go, the sooner you can drag on.

Seeking sympathy

A person who wants people to feel sorry for them is called emotionally weak. Emotionally weak people desire sympathy from others. They tell lament narratives and catastrophize their lives only to get sympathy from others. In other words, they look for attention and support even if their sob stories are fake. On the contrary, emotionally stable people do not want or need pity. They do not look for compassion or attention and never exploit others; they proudly portray who they are.

Blind rage

Some people like to sensationalize disputes and violence. When a person gets angry, they attack or insult others. Emotionally strong people never let their anger eliminate the best from their behavior. They feel rage, fear, and frustration just like everyone else, but they stay peaceful and composed. On the contrary, an emotionally weak person never de-escalates tense situations by balancing unnecessary emotions or walking away because some people think keeping your rage under control is a weakness.

Giving up

Anyone can give up; it is the easiest thing in the world to do.

Emotionally weak people struggle to recover from failures or disappointments. When something does not go as they thought, they crumble and give up on their goals because they don’t persevere or learn from their mistakes. It takes real emotional strength to bounce back yourself after unfavorable circumstances. Failure can be frustrating, embarrassing, and even heartbreaking, and if you want something better enough, you have to try hard.

Every failure is an important stepping stone towards victory because defeat shows you what you can do and what you do not know. It creates routes for development and improvement. Failure provides essential experiences that will be helpful in the future.

Disclaimer: The story has already been published on other platforms.

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Ha Le Sa

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  • Matthew van der Wegen5 months ago

    Unfortunately my money is tied up abroad and I have been rendered homeless. Please check out this link: Any help would be awesome! Even a $3 or $5 donation would be a great help. Thank you very much!

Ha Le SaWritten by Ha Le Sa

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