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Consistency in Compassion

Awaken From Your Slumber

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 14 days ago 3 min read

We are living in a world, where, from what I have experienced, and seen, a rift is beginning to form. There are those individuals, who are heeding the call to awaken, and become the best versions of themselves, and there are those who seem to be afraid to take this path, mainly I feel, because it is new, and change is scary.

Living this life in a state of complacency, is not living at all, it is instead, at least in my opinion, existing in a perpetual state of fear, due to being afraid to change, in all the ways that would make one more capable of living in a world, that is changing at a rapid pace. We must do our best, those of us who are awakening, to stand strong, and provide an example for which others can follow, by learning to see challenges, as opportunities for growth, and not simply hurdles that life likes to throw our way, this kind of perspective, is capable of building resilience at an astonishing rate.

I know I still have an exponential amount of work to do on myself, to get to where I want to be, but I am also aware of the work that I have put in to become the me that I am today. I used to be afraid of even leaving the house, I was afraid to engage with people in a social way, I was afraid to go to the grocery store, because I always felt as though I was less than those around me, for reasons that were simply fear induced states, that have been perpetuated by worldly powers, which are meant to impede free thinking ability, and instead lock us in a mental state, that is fueled by a constant state of fear, to some degree.

When you are able to break free from the grips of fear in your life, whatever the source of that fear may be, you are able to take control of your life, and start living as if each day is a fresh new beginning, to make a positive impact on this world in some way, whether that way is something small, or something large, it's the intention with which we conduct ourselves, in our actions, in our words, in our hearts, and in our minds, that truly makes the difference, and this difference is something that can not only be seen from those outside of ourselves, but it can also be felt by those who are around us. Spiritual expansion of consciousness, is something that this world in in dire need of, for as we ourselves are living beings, so too is the planet on which we live, and when we are abler to live in harmony, with our planet, we can become a more capable species, and have a healthier world at the same time.

I have a friend whose son is on the spectrum, and this little guy, is smarter than most adults who have college degrees. I was talking to him about the concept of barter and trade, and he has a perfect understanding of it, in a way that eliminates the potential for greed, which is what has fueld so much of the negative and destructive acts which have been perpetuated form such a long time. Money is certainly the root of all evil, which means that Satan is the seed from which this root sprouts. I implore you all who read this, to take a stand against the evils in this world, by being the best version of yourselves, and spreading kindness, and compassion wherever your steps may take you, for that is what I do, and I have seen the profound difference that it can make, not only in my own life, but in the lives of those, that such actions effect, for when we live like this, it ripples outward, and begins to bare fruit in amazing ways, that you wouldn't expect.

Always live with kindness, and love in your heart, and extend compassion to all, regardless of their circumstances, for this is the true meaning of ascension, in my opinion, living in a way that brings us closer to our creator.

Brightest Blessings.


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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    Kaylon ForsythWritten by Kaylon Forsyth

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