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An Alternate Universe: Where love doesn't exist

Love Beyond Arranged Marriages: Breaking Cultural Norms and Embracing Freedom

By Nachiketa Shiva Published about a year ago 4 min read

Once upon a time, in a world far different from our own, arranged marriages were the norm. People didn't marry for love but for practical reasons such as family connections, social status, and economic stability. Love, in fact, was a foreign concept to most people in this world. It was something they had only heard about in stories, a mythical force that supposedly had the power to bring two people together.

In this world lived a young woman named Amira. She was the daughter of a wealthy merchant, and her parents had already arranged a marriage for her with the son of another prominent family. The wedding was set to take place in a few months' time, and Amira had resigned herself to her fate. She had never thought much about love or marriage, and she knew that her own feelings were not important in this matter.

But then, one day, she met a young man named Khalid. He was a friend of her brother's, and he came to their house often to visit. At first, Amira didn't pay much attention to him. But then, as they spent more time together, she found herself drawn to him in a way she couldn't explain. She was fascinated by his intelligence, his sense of humor, and his kindness. She enjoyed their conversations and looked forward to his visits.

One day, however, she overheard her parents talking about Khalid. They said that he was engaged to be married to another woman, a daughter of a wealthy family. Amira was shocked and confused. How could someone be engaged to another person, without even knowing them? And how could her parents expect her to marry someone she barely knew when her heart was already spoken for?

She started to question everything she knew about love and marriage. Was it possible that there was more to life than just practical considerations? Could she really marry someone she didn't love, just because it was expected of her? And what about Khalid? Did he feel the same way about her, or was she just imagining things?

As she grappled with these questions, she started to feel more and more trapped. She knew that if she went ahead with her arranged marriage, she would never be truly happy. And yet, she didn't know how to break free from the expectations of her family and society.

One night, she decided to take a walk by herself, to clear her head. As she wandered through the streets, lost in thought, she suddenly heard someone calling her name. It was Khalid. He had been looking for her, he said, because he needed to talk to her.

They sat down on a bench in a nearby park, and Khalid told her his story. He explained that he had always been skeptical of arranged marriages and that he had never really believed in love until he met her. He said that he couldn't bear the thought of marrying someone he didn't love and that he was willing to risk everything for her.

Amira was stunned. She had never heard anyone talk about love in such a way before. It was as if Khalid had unlocked a door that she had never even known existed. As they talked, she realized that she felt the same way about him. She couldn't imagine a life without him, and she was willing to do whatever it took to be with him.

In the end, they decided to run away together. They knew that it would be difficult and that they would face many challenges along the way. But they also knew that they couldn't live without each other and that they were willing to take the risk.

They left their families and their old lives behind and set out into the unknown. They faced many hardships and obstacles, but they also discovered new joys and experiences that they had never dreamed of together. They traveled to new places, met new people, and learned new things about themselves and each other.

At first, it wasn't easy. They had no money, no home, and no support. But they had each other, and that was enough. They found odd jobs to make ends meet, and they slept under the stars or in cheap hostels. They ate what they could afford, and they wore the same clothes for weeks on end. But they didn't care. They were free, and they were in love.

As they journeyed together, they started to discover new things about themselves as well. They learned about their own strengths and weaknesses, and about their hopes and dreams for the future. They talked about their shared values and beliefs, and about the kind of life they wanted to build together.

It wasn't always easy, of course. They had arguments and misunderstandings, and they had to learn how to compromise and forgive. But they also had moments of deep joy and connection, when they felt like they were the only two people in the world.

Eventually, they settled down in a new city and started a new life together. They found jobs, made friends, and built a home. They still faced challenges, of course, but they faced them together. And they knew that they had something special, something that was worth fighting for.

In the end, Amira and Khalid proved that love was not just a myth, but a real force that could change lives. They showed that arranged marriages were not the only option and that people could choose who they loved and who they wanted to spend their lives with.

Their story inspired others to question the norms of their society and to follow their own hearts. And even though they knew that their journey was far from over, they also knew that they had each other, and that was all that mattered.


About the Creator

Nachiketa Shiva

Passionate writer exploring various topics. Lover of literature, travel, and all things creative. Join me on a journey through words and ideas. ✍️🌎🎨 #writing #creativity #travel

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    Nachiketa Shiva Written by Nachiketa Shiva

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