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A Land divided: The Story of Palestine in International Media

The portrayal of Palestine and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in internationa

By DIVINE OKOCHIPublished 9 days ago 6 min read
A Land divided: The Story of Palestine in International Media
Photo by Emad El Byed on Unsplash

In the quiet dawn of a small Palestinian village, the call to prayer echoed through the narrow streets, winding past ancient stone buildings and olive trees that had stood for centuries. For generations, families had lived here, their lives intertwined with the land, their stories etched into the soil. Yet, beyond these serene moments lay a turbulent history marked by conflict, displacement, and a struggle for identity. This was Palestine, a land whose name invoked emotions, opinions, and controversies around the globe, and whose story was told and retold through the lenses of international

Chapter 1: The Historical Narrative

From the beginning, the story of Palestine has been one of competing narratives. In the early 20th century, as the Ottoman Empire crumbled, the region was thrust into a new era of conflict and political maneuvering. The Balfour Declaration of 1917, in which Britain expressed support for a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, set the stage for decades of conflictWestern media, particularly in Britain and the United States, often framed this period as a heroic return of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland, glossing over the existing Arab population's fears and resistance. Newspapers of the time depicted Jewish settlers as pioneers, reclaiming a desolate land. Meanwhile, Arab resistance was often portrayed as irrational and violent, a trope that would persist in Western media for decades.

Chapter 2: The Nakba

In 1948, the establishment of the State of Israel marked a significant turning point. For Israelis, it was a moment of triumph and survival following the horrors of the Holocaust. For Palestinians, it was the Nakba, the catastrophe, leading to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people.

International media was split. Western outlets, particularly those in the U.S., celebrated the creation of Israel, often underplaying or ignoring the plight of Palestinian refugees. In contrast, media in Arab countries highlighted the suffering and displacement of Palestinians, casting Israel as an aggressor and occupier. This dichotomy in coverage would grow more pronounced over time, reflecting broader geopolitical alignments.

Chapter 3: The Occupation

The Six-Day War of 1967 resulted in Israel's occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem. This occupation has been a central issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with international media coverage varying widely.

In Western media, the narrative often focused on Israel's security concerns. News reports emphasized the threat from neighboring Arab countries and the need for defensible borders. Israeli settlements in the occupied territories were sometimes depicted as controversial but necessary for security.

Conversely, Arab and left-leaning media outlets highlighted the impact of the occupation on Palestinian lives. Reports from Al Jazeera and other regional networks focused on the daily hardships faced by Palestinians, including home demolitions, restrictions on movement, and violence from settlers and soldiers. These stories painted a starkly different picture, one of a people living under constant oppression.

Chapter 4: The Intifadas

The two Palestinian uprisings, or Intifadas, in the late 20th century brought intense international media attention. The First Intifada (1987-1993) was characterized by widespread civil disobedience, protests, and clashes with Israeli forces. Images of Palestinian youths throwing stones at heavily armed Israeli soldiers became iconic.

Western media coverage of the First Intifada was more balanced compared to earlier periods. Reports highlighted the Palestinian demand for independence and the harsh response from Israeli forces. The coverage humanized Palestinians, showing them not just as terrorists or refugees but as people fighting for their rights.

The Second Intifada (2000-2005) was far more violent, with suicide bombings and military operations causing heavy casualties on both sides. Media coverage during this period was deeply polarized. Western outlets often focused on the terror attacks carried out by Palestinian militants, emphasizing the threat to Israeli civilians. Arab media, on the other hand, highlighted the destruction in Palestinian areas and the high number of Palestinian casualties, portraying Israel as the aggressor.

Chapter 5: The Digital Age

The advent of social media in the 21st century transformed how the conflict was covered. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube allowed ordinary Palestinians and Israelis to share their experiences directly with a global audience. Hashtags like #GazaUnderAttack and #IsraelUnderFire became rallying points for activists and sympathizers worldwide.

This democratization of information challenged traditional media narratives. During conflicts such as the Gaza wars of 2008-2009, 2012, and 2014, real-time footage and personal stories flooded social media, providing unfiltered glimpses into the realities on the ground. These images and videos often contradicted official statements and mainstream media reports, leading to heated debates and a more informed, yet polarized, global audience.

Chapter 6: The Power of Propaganda

Both Israeli and Palestinian sides have employed sophisticated media strategies to sway international opinion. Israel has invested heavily in public relations, emphasizing its right to self-defense and its democratic values. Media tours for foreign journalists, carefully curated press releases, and a strong presence on social media are all part of this strategy.

Palestinian groups, including the Palestinian Authority and various NGOs, have also worked to get their message out. They highlight the humanitarian impact of the occupation, using powerful imagery and personal stories to garner sympathy and support. Organizations like B'Tselem and Breaking the Silence, which document human rights abuses, play a crucial role in shaping international perceptions.

Chapter 7: The Role of International Organizations

International organizations such as the United Nations have also influenced media coverage. Reports from UN agencies on the humanitarian situation in Gaza and the West Bank are often covered by international media, bringing attention to the ongoing crisis. These reports provide a semblance of objectivity, offering statistics and firsthand accounts that can cut through the polarized narratives.

Chapter 8: A Personal Story

In a small apartment in Gaza City, Amal sat by the window, watching her children play. Her son, Rami, was drawing on a piece of paper, sketching scenes of their neighborhood before it was destroyed in a recent airstrike. Her daughter, Layla, was reading a book about a peaceful land where people of all backgrounds lived together in harmony.

Amal's family had lived in Gaza for generations. She remembered her grandfather's stories of the Nakba, how he fled his village with nothing but the clothes on his back. She remembered her own childhood during the First Intifada, the fear and uncertainty, and now, as a mother, she faced the same fears for her children.

Every time conflict flared, Amal watched the news, hoping for a different narrative. She saw the same images repeated: rockets fired from Gaza, Israeli airstrikes in response, buildings reduced to rubble, and lives shattered. Western media often framed the story as a battle between two equal sides, but Amal knew the reality was far more complex.

One day, a foreign journalist knocked on her door. He was from a European news outlet and wanted to tell her story. Amal hesitated but agreed, hoping to show the world the human side of the conflict. She talked about her dreams for peace, the daily struggles of living under blockade, and her hope for her children to grow up in a world without fear.

The journalist listened intently, his questions thoughtful and compassionate. When the article was published, it portrayed Amal as a symbol of resilience and hope, a counterpoint to the often dehumanizing narratives. Her story touched many readers, sparking empathy and a deeper understanding of the Palestinian plight.

Chapter 9: The Ongoing Struggle

Despite moments of balanced coverage, the portrayal of Palestine and the conflict remains deeply divided. Media outlets continue to reflect their audiences' biases and the geopolitical interests of their home countries. Western media often emphasizes Israel's right to self-defense and its democratic values, while Arab media highlights Palestinian suffering and resistance.

However, there are glimmers of hope. Independent journalists, human rights organizations, and social media activists work tirelessly to present a more nuanced picture. Their efforts remind the world that behind the politics and propaganda are real people, with hopes, dreams, and stories that deserve to be heard.

Epilogue: Toward Understanding

As the sun set over the Mediterranean, casting a golden hue over the land, Amal stood on her balcony, watching the horizon. She knew that peace was still a distant dream, but she believed in the power of stories to bridge divides. She hoped that one day, the international media would tell the story of Palestine not as a land of conflict but as a place of resilience, hope, and potential for a brighter future.

In the end, the portrayal of Palestine in international media is a reflection of the world's broader struggles with truth, justice, and empathy. It is a reminder that in every headline, every news report, there are real lives at stake, and their stories deserve to be told with honesty and compassion.


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  • Joshua ipinamo8 days ago

    Interesting story

  • Moriah9 days ago



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