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3 Reactions Men Have To Romantic Rejection

How men react after getting rejected

By Dave's BookPublished 5 days ago 3 min read

Nobody likes getting rejected! Seriously, what's to like about wanting to be with someone who doesn't feel the same way? Rejection is something we'd rather skip, but it happens to everyone at some point. Today, we're diving into three types of guys who emerge after facing romantic rejection: the careless guy, the frustrated guy, and the heartbroken guy.

The Careless Guy

First up, the careless guy. For him, rejection is just a minor hiccup. He'll likely be pursuing another girl on the same day he got turned down. Not catching feelings easily works in his favor, allowing him to move on quickly. However, this means he might miss out on women who actually like him but play hard to get, if they don't decide to chase him back. But honestly, that's probably a good thing because chasing toxic women isn't healthy. If you rejected a careless guy, don't feel guilty—he's already over it.

The Frustrated Guy

Then, there's the frustrated guy. Like the careless guy, he might not be emotionally invested in the girl who turned him down, but his ego sure takes a hit. The idea that someone wouldn't want to date him messes with his pride, making him more determined to win her over just to boost his self-esteem. His behavior can become desperate, toxic, or even aggressive, usually failing to win over most women except those who thrive on drama. If you rejected a frustrated guy nicely, brace yourself—he might be a handful. If you were harsh, a quick apology and keeping your distance is your best bet.

The Heartbroken Guy

Finally, we have the heartbroken guy, who's genuinely in love. Rejecting him will definitely take a huge emotional toll on him because his feelings run deep but ironically he's probably the most exposed to the risk of rejection since women often tend to reject nervous guys, and it's really hard to not act nervous when asking out a girl you really like. If you rejected a heartbroken guy, he's probably feeling pretty down and might even get depressed, or he'll probably get on self-improvement. To him what happens in the aftermath is really important, and you both can have different reaction. He'd never hurt you but will probably keep asking you out, beg you to date him, keep you as a friend hoping you'll change your mind or distance himself. If he keeps away from you or tries to be your friend let him do it but never turn cold to him since it would bring him more unnecessary pain. But that doesn't mean you should lead him on if you really don't want to date him, so make sure your intentions are clear.

Now, let's take a closer look at how these different reactions can affect their future relationships and what they can do to move forward:

For the careless guy, his ability to bounce back quickly means he's less likely to dwell on the past. Luckily for him, he also tends to be more confident, which is a plus in approaching women.

The frustrated guy could benefit from some self-reflection and learning to handle rejection with grace. Working on his self-esteem independent of others' validation would help him build more genuine connections, rather than chasing women to prove his worth and feel better about himself.

The heartbroken guy has the hardest road to recovery, and the fact he only wants that one girl doesn't help at all. Getting on self-improvement is a good coping approach since it can help him to get his dream girl (or other women), but he needs to focus on healing and finding happiness within himself before jumping into a relationship. If he's feeling down, seeking support from friends, family, or even a therapist can help him navigate this tough time and come out stronger on the other side.

Sadly, rejection is a part of life, and how we handle it shapes who we are. Whether you're the one being rejected or the one doing the rejecting, understanding these different reactions can help you in these tricky situations.


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Dave's Book

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