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Whispers of Terror: Real-Life Horrors Unveiled

Explore bone-chilling encounters and haunting tragedies that will leave you breathless in this collection of true horror stories.

By Bhangs CorporationPublished 4 months ago • 16 min read

When I was 17, I went on a coming-of-age road trip with three of my friends.

We decided to get on this epic.

Cross-country Trek to Tennessee for Bonnaroo.

We were all super amped, so we had written on our back window, honk, if you're going to Bonnaroo.

Lots of people were driving by us honking and waving but this one SUV in particular stuck out to me.

It was full of pretty college-aged kids, and they were hanging out their Windows hitting our car as they blasted by on the freeway screaming and giggling.

The entire thing was light-hearted and awesome.

I felt a bit like I was in some sort of movie montage.

They drove biased, really fast were weaving in and out of traffic ahead of us and then they were gone.

About 15 minutes later.

We see this huge cloud of dust up ahead.

And we were trying to figure out what caused it as it was a sunny gorgeous day, and we were on a completely straight road with nothing but fields on either side.

Then receive the same SUV from earlier lying upside down on the side of the road with its tires spinning.

We drove by so fast.

I barely registered.

What I saw people were already stopping to help them.

So, my friend decided to keep going.

When I saw it, it was as if time had Frozen.

The girl who had been driving had been ejected through the windshield and was lying lifeless about 20 feet in front of the car.

Someone else was half hanging out of one of the windows with their head twisted around.

All of their sleeping bags and shit were all over the place.

I couldn't do anything but just cry because I realized how quickly things can change.

It was a pretty profound moment for a dumb 17-year-old.

When I was in my early teens, my best friend's parents split up.

I was over at his place, and he got the news that he wouldn't be able to see his dad anymore.

His mom had one, full custody, and denied his father visitation through a mix of lies that I won't go into.

He went into his parents' room, grabbed their gun loaded it, put it up to his chin, and pulled the trigger.

I was only 6 feet away from him.

When I was five, I was at an ice cream parlour with my parents.

When my dad started to act, really weird.

He got up and started talking to this guy who just entered the place and then came to me and said that I had to leave.

I asked why, but he insisted and nudged me out of my seat.

As I was walking out, I heard a woman start screaming and then a lot of loud noises.

My mom and dad were still in the place.

And for whatever reason, I thought my mom was hurt.

I couldn't stop crying.

I remember trying to run back in, but my mother's friend was holding me back.

The police came and everyone was told that one of the men, seated nearest, stabbed a lady up the block and then attempted to do so.

The same thing at the ice cream Parlor.

The owner offers us all free, ice cream, but I felt just too sick and shaken up to have any.

When I was 11, I witnessed a drive-by shooting.

I was walking up the street and as I turned the corner, I heard a gunshot.

And then I had brain matter splattered all over my face.

I stood there silently and shocked staring at the exploded back of this guy's head and remained there until a paramedic arrived and moved me away from the scene.

About 10 years ago.

I went out on a call with my dad.

He was in the volunteer fire department of our town at the time as the battalion chief recently.

He retired after 23 years.

When we arrived on the scene, we found two pastry trucks burning after a head-on collision, one driver only suffered minor injuries, but the other died from the Collision, he wasn't wearing a seatbelt.

After the fire was put out the two drivers were taken to the hospital.

The crew began to separate the trucks.

There was a van pancaked between the two trucks.

No, one had even been able to see any evidence of a third vehicle until the trucks were separated.

The shock wore off and EMS went to work looking for survivors.

What they found was a family of five charred and crushed beyond all recognition.

I sat in that car and watched two parents and three children extracted from the crumpled wreck of the van.

The image is still burned into my mind to this day.

When I was really little, we were taking a train in Mexico.

The train was pulling to a stop when we saw a guy run down a hill towards the tracks.

As the train stopped, we found out that the guy was drunk and had stumbled down the hill and smashed his head on the edge of a metal corner of the train.

Everyone went outside and was gathered around the guy, but I stayed inside and made my way to a window to look down where he was.

His forehead was completely smashed in, and you could see the brain matter and Bone fragments.

There was a pool of blood mixed with dirt and the man was twitching.

What really freaks me out?

The most was that his eyeballs were hanging out of where his eye sockets used to be.

Some lady was Fanning him and eventually, someone put some fabric over his face.

I sat there and watched the whole thing until the ambulance arrived and carried him off.

About 45 years ago.

I was driving behind, an armoured truck in a light rainstorm.

When it hydroplaned off the road and flipped onto a little girl who was waiting for her school bus.

The worst part is that she didn't die right away.

I was about 16 years old when this happened.

It was spring break, a week in high school.

So, I would say this happened about the first week of April.

The odd thing that year was that it was really cold and snowed that first week.

I live in North Texas.

So any snow we get is rare let alone in April.

Some friends.

And I decided to investigate some wooded areas around our neighbourhood.

There were some Woods on the other side of the highway from us, and we'd never been back there before.

So, it sounded like fun.

We stumbled onto an open-faced Barn in the middle of the Woods.

When we approached, we thought we saw someone standing under the opening.

I'm extremely nearsighted and I hate to wear my glasses.

So, all I could see was this huge black man standing under the barn.

As we approached, we noticed that he wasn't moving so we called out to him, but we didn't get a response.

We crept closer to him all the while calling out, but he never said a word.

Finally, we realized that something was wrong, and we jumped the fence and ran up to him.

It should be noted that before this on December 24th.

A man left his truck running at a local truck, stopped, and disappeared.

And wasn't heard from since the police were called in, but no one had a clue as to what happened to the driver.

As it turns out, the big black man standing before me wasn't standing at all.

He had hung himself from the rafters of the barn.

The man also wasn't black, but his blood had pulled under his skin, rotting away where he was hanging.

The disgusting bloated blobs from Doom can't even match up to what we saw that day.

I grew up as an army brat when I was six.

My dad was stationed in Syria.

One day, while walking through the local shops, with my family.

We saw a disturbing scene.

I was riding on my dad's shoulders.

So, I was the first one to see it.

There was a crowd surrounding two, women who were laughing.

I didn't know what they were laughing about.

So being a normal six-year-old I started to laugh along with them until I saw what was going on.

One of the women was holding a girl around my age by the hair, while the other was beating her to a pulp with a glass milk bottle.

The girl's face was swollen and bloody, and a couple of her teeth were chipped, and she kept sobbing and screaming.

Turns out the woman swinging her by the hair was her mother and the one with the bottle was her aunt.

Out of the crowd of about 30 people that had gathered.

My mom was the only one who tried to step in but was stopped by some men nearby for her, own safety.

That little girl's face often enters my mind and I wonder what her fate was.

When I was about 11 or 12, my dad, and I were driving home from a hockey tournament, and we were about to drive through an underpass for a very large Bridge.

We noticed firefighters and police stopping people to inform them to take a different route.

And the cop was telling my dad to take the proper route when we heard a scream and saw a person fall from the bridge.

My dad instinctively covered my eyes before the guy had the ground, but I still heard it.

It was a sickening crunch-splash kind of noise.

I'm really glad my dad.

Covered my eyes turns out, the guy was a suicide, and they closed the road to try and talk him out of it.

Another story that I have was that when I was 14, my dad and I were driving home from a hockey game, and we noticed Tire Treads going across the road through a guardrail and into a ravine.

We saw firemen pulling the car out of the Ravine.

So, we assumed that everything was okay.

When we got home, we found that the car contained, two of my friends and their parents who are friends with my dad.

Both of the kids were really messed up, and one of them died upon impact, and the other wound up being institutionalized from the mental trauma.

He suffered after being in the hospital, both of the parents suffered, some broken bones, but the roof of the car caved in in the backseat where my friends were and crushed, one of their skulls.

I walked into my room.

One morning and found my best friend cold blue and dead on my bed.

When I walked in, I noticed the window was open and I remembered saying your dumbass, you left the window open before crashing.

I bet you're cold as hell.

I jokingly slapped him on the shoulder as he was on his side facing away from me.

It felt all wrong, the temperature of his skin as I touched it.

Even the feel of it, when I slapped his shoulder.

It just felt wrong.

Like, I had slapped a steak.

I instantly knew that he was dead.

I rolled him over and saw his clouded eyes and his blue lips.

I still felt for a pulse even though I knew there wouldn't be one.

I walked into my roommate's room and shook him.

Wake up screaming that Adam is dead.

There aren't enough drugs, women's booze time, or anything else that can erase that one image burned into my memory Adam lying on his back, his lips blue.

His eyes clouded over in death.

God knows.

I've tried This story isn't mine.

But when my parents were dating, they went to a place called Galaxy Land, which is basically my City's Prime indoor amusement park.

They were standing next to the biggest roller coaster in the place, called The Mindbender trying to decide whether to ride it or not.

Keep in mind that this isn't really a remarkable rollercoaster or anything.

It's pretty fast and has a few loops and sharp turns.

But overall, it's a pretty standard ride.

I mean, it is indoors.

My parents were standing there watching The Ride when all of a sudden there was this ear-splitting screeching sound followed by huge Billows of black smoke.

When they're trying to see what the hell was going on.

My parents noticed that the rail car filled with people flew off the tracks and crashed into the wall behind it.

Every single person in the front seat was killed instantly.

And some of the people in the back seats were flung Every Which Way to Die, a horrible concrete, related death.

My mom remembers in Vivid detail watching this one particular poor sap fall within 10 feet of where she and my dad were standing.

He cracked his head on the wall and oozed brains everywhere.

My mom had been wearing her favourite.

Perfume, that day, my dad to this day.

Cannot stand it because it reminds him too much of what he saw.

When I was 19, my roommate and I were on a late-night munchies run, and we saw a motorcycle lying in the middle of the road.

We stopped to see if the guy riding it was okay since we saw him standing on the sidewalk.

We asked him if he was all right, and he said, I'm on the phone with 911.

Now I wasn't in the rack and pointed down.

We saw a body lying on the ground as we approached it slowly.

We could see that he wasn't moving.

He looked to be about our age.

So we were a little shocked.

There was a sign covering his head.

When we got to the other side of the sign, we noticed what had happened.

His head was gone.

It was smeared up the sidewalk about 20 feet away.

After Emergency Services arrived, they pulled another kid our age out from behind the wall that they had hit.

They put his body on a stretcher and as he was wheeled past us.

We saw his brain since half of his skull was missing.

I got off of work late one night and was heading home at about 12:30 in the morning.

The speed limit was 70 and I was going 65 because the roads were a little slick from rain earlier.

A few minutes passed and a little truck appeared out of nowhere.

I let him pass me because he had to be going at least 110 and was swerving all over the road.

We were passing over a bridge and not more than 50 feet in front of me.

He lost control and slammed into the wall.

I immediately slowed down but by then he had already slammed into the wall numerous times like a ping-pong ball.

I could see his body being thrown around in the truck and he eventually ended up slamming into the median.

I pulled over on the opposite side of the highway and called 911.

I got so mad while I was on the phone, because all the cars going by were gawking at this truck with a, possibly dead man inside, and didn't pull over to help.

After I called, I sat there and waited for EMS.

After a few minutes, the driver stumbled out covered in blood with his arm hanging off his body.

And then he started to scream.

I've never heard anything like that before.

It was traumatizing, he kept on screaming for what felt like forever.

I don't remember what I was thinking at that time.

I was so scared and absorbed and getting this man.

Some kind of help.

At one point.

He yelled across the highway asking.

If I was okay, a good guy.

When EMS finally showed up the cops were along with them.

They said that he was massively drunk thanked me for helping asked me a few questions.

And said, I could go.

I cried so hard.

The rest of the way home.

I started to shake and ended up throwing up.

I didn't understand how he could have survived all of that and how close it was to me being hit.

All that night.

I had nightmares of that accident over and over again.

Whenever I closed my eyes, I could hear that man's horrible screaming.

Last summer.

I was headed out for an evening in Washington.

I took a cab to a local metro rail station and 30 seconds.

After I reached the top of the escalator and walked onto the platform.

I heard the train approaching.

Just like the train.

Rounded a slight bend, a man hopped off the platform directly into the path of the oncoming train and disappeared beneath it.

All of this happened about 20 feet in front of me.

There was no Gore.

He just disappeared.

The front car came to a stop.

Literally five feet in front of me and I heard the Frantic hysterical.

Cries of help from the train operator.

That was the worst part.

Standing there watching someone take the fact that they had just inadvertently killed.


When I was 7, my best friend and I were taking turns jumping off the high dive diving board of our swimming pool.

My friend was standing on the board when she went to adjust her goggles and she slipped and fell off the board onto the concrete pavement below.

It was about a 20-foot fall, and I just remember the crack sound that she made when she hit the pavement.

Thankfully, she ended up with only a broken collarbone, but the sound and the fear attacked me the second.

I saw her slip still haunts me 15 years later.

When I was 13, my dad and I were driving to the mall on the highway near our house.

We were approaching a bend and out of nowhere, saw a huge explosion with a mushroom cloud.

Just over the top of the ramp.

My dad kept driving and we saw a semi-trailer on fire.

A man jumped out of the cab fell down in the middle of the road and burned to death.

The next day, the local paper had it on the front page with a picture of a man's burnt corpse half covered up with a body bag.

There was a lot of controversy about this since people were enraged at the picture on the front page of their newspaper.

To this day every time I drive by that spot on the highway.

I remember seeing that man burned to death.

He fell out of his truck and started spreading around on fire.

Then fell to the ground and just kept burning.

I joined my local volunteer, fire department when I was 16 and shortly thereafter.

I became a certified first responder, and eventually a nationally registered EMT.

Only one call really bothered me.

I was driving just outside my district.

When the pager went off for facial trauma.

I turned around and raced down the road.

I was the first one on the scene and went up to the porch where the patient was sitting while cutting up a tree, his chainsaw kicked back and tore through his face.

It tore his lips off broke his orbital, bone, and narrowly missed his eye.

He survived the ordeal, but the worst part was that his son watched the whole thing go down.

I was seated in the second level of the Superdome at a Saints game.

The seat was in the end zone where the second and third levels were closest.

A drunk guy on the third level kept dropping his lighter on us, and we'd throw it back up to him.

After halftime.

The lighter dropped, followed by the drunk guy.

He kind of graced.

Our backs as he fell from the third level into the second.

I turn around to see a bunch of blood and what I'm pretty sure.

We're his teeth.

That's one of the craziest things I've ever seen in my whole life.

I used to work at a seafood restaurant, the back of the restaurant faced some water, and the front faced to residential neighbourhood.

One day police were all over the back of the restaurant and we found out that a guy had fallen from his boat, hit his head, and died as the paramedics were bringing his body out of the water.

A woman comes out of her house at the front of the restaurant and starts screaming for the cops to help her because she can't find her son.

He was about three or four, and she thinks he walked out of the house and was afraid that he went down to the water and Sound.

So, now, the entire neighbourhood is on foot looking for the child for over an hour, when someone looks in the car, in the driveway, and sees the kid, it is a 90-degree day.

And this was the middle of the afternoon.

So, the car was extremely hot.

They opened the door and took him out of the backseat.

He was completely lifeless, and they were never able to revive him.

The mother had fallen asleep by accident and the baby woke up.

Got out of his bed and wandered outside.

He went to the car and since they had childproof doors.

He couldn't get out and ended up dying of heat stroke.

Seeing them pull his body out of the back seat and watch his mother collapse.

While screaming will most likely stick with me forever.

It was horrible.

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vintageurban legendsupernaturalpsychologicalmonsterhalloweenfootagefiction

About the Creator

Bhangs Corporation

We are new to writing articles online, so please provide feedback to improve.

We are keenly interested in movies, web series, computer games, and finance so I will write some posts on them with my main focus on horror stories.

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    Bhangs CorporationWritten by Bhangs Corporation

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