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The Whispering Attic

The Whispering Attic

By Md. Sayhanul ArifPublished about a month ago 6 min read
The Whispering Attic
Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

The situation had been unfolding the entire day, and as the sun plunged beneath the skyline, the first drops of rain began to patter against the windows. Sarah huddled deeper into the easy chair, her book forgotten in her lap. The old house creaked and groaned around her, its wood challenging the wind's rising wrath.

She had inherited the house from her eccentric aunt Eleanor, a woman known for her reclusive nature and fascination with the occult. Sarah had never met her aunt, yet the house was filled with her belongings: dusty books on forgotten lore, strange trinkets, and a disturbing collection of animal skulls.

The power flickered and died, plunging the room into darkness. Sarah fumbled for the flashlight on the side table, her heart pounding in her chest. The only light came from the occasional flash of lightning, illuminating the room in stark, unsettling shadows.

Suddenly, a loud thump echoed from upstairs. Sarah's breath hitched. The house was silent except for the wind and rain, and the sound had been distinctly unnatural, like something heavy falling. Curiosity battled with fear, and Sarah knew she had to investigate.

She grabbed a flashlight from the drawer and cautiously ascended the creaking stairs. The air grew colder with each step, and the shadows seemed to reach out and grasp at her. The attic door stood ajar, a sliver of light spilling out from within.

Taking a deep breath, Sarah pushed the door open. The attic was a maze of cobwebs and dust-covered furniture. The only source of light was a single, flickering candle perched precariously on a trunk.

As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, Sarah noticed a rocking chair in the corner, slowly swaying back and forth. It was an old, ornately carved chair, its high back adorned with grotesque faces. A chill ran down her spine as she realized the chair was moving on its own.

Suddenly, a voice whispered from the darkness. It was a raspy, sibilant voice, barely audible over the storm's roar. "Don't leave me alone..."

Sarah whirled around, searching for the source of the voice. The candlelight flickered, casting bizarre shadows that danced on the walls. The rocking chair continued its eerie swaying, and the whisper came again, closer this time, "Stay with me..."

Panic surged through Sarah. She knew she had to leave. But as she turned to flee, the rocking chair stopped. A figure emerged from the shadows, cloaked in darkness. It was tall and gaunt, its features obscured by the gloom.

The figure reached out a skeletal hand, its long, bony fingers tipped with sharp, black claws. Sarah screamed, but no sound came out. The figure lunged, its claws sinking into her flesh.

Pain exploded through her arm, and Sarah stumbled back, tripping over a loose floorboard. She landed hard on the dusty floor, the flashlight skittering away.

The figure loomed over her, its cold breath washing over her face. It spoke again, its voice a chilling rasp, "You can't leave me... We'll play forever..."

Sarah scrambled for the flashlight, her fingers scraping against the rough wood floor. She finally managed to grab it and flicked it on, aiming it at the figure.

The light revealed a horrifying sight. The figure was not human. It was a skeletal creature, its bones barely held together by tattered flesh. Its eyes were hollow sockets, glowing with an eerie blue light.

Sarah screamed again, this time the sound tearing through the attic. The creature recoiled from the light, its claws digging into the floorboards.

Taking advantage of its momentary hesitation, Sarah scrambled to her feet and ran for the attic door. She burst through it and down the stairs, not daring to look back.

She slammed the attic door shut and locked it, her heart pounding against her ribs. The storm raged outside, but the sounds inside the house were far more terrifying.

Sarah huddled on the floor, listening to the scratching and scraping coming from the attic. She knew the creature was still up there, trapped but not defeated.

The storm finally subsided, leaving behind an eerie silence. Sarah remained crouched on the floor, the image of the skeletal creature burned into her mind. She knew she would never stay in that house again, not after what she had seen.

As she finally drifted off to sleep, she could still hear the faint whispers from the attic, "Don't leave me alone..."


The next morning, the house stood in an unsettling calm, as if the events of the previous night had never happened. Sarah woke on the living room floor, her body aching from the uncomfortable position. She sat up slowly, her mind still reeling from the terror she had experienced.

Determined to make sense of it all, Sarah decided to explore the house in daylight. Perhaps the light of day would reveal something she had missed. She gathered her courage and made her way upstairs to the attic once more.

The attic was just as she had left it, the rocking chair still and silent. The candle had burned out, leaving only a small pool of wax on the trunk. Sarah hesitated at the door, the memory of the skeletal figure fresh in her mind. But she had to know what it was, what had caused such terror.

She stepped into the attic, flashlight in hand. The air was still cold, and the sense of unease lingered. Sarah moved cautiously, her eyes scanning the room for any signs of the creature.

In the corner, partially hidden under a tattered blanket, she found a box. It was an old, ornate box, covered in strange symbols and carvings. Sarah hesitated before opening it, her fingers trembling.

Inside the box were photographs and letters, all addressed to her aunt Eleanor. The letters spoke of a man named Jonathan, someone Eleanor had loved deeply. As Sarah read through them, she realized Jonathan had died under mysterious circumstances. Eleanor had been heartbroken, retreating into her studies of the occult, desperate to find a way to bring him back.

One letter, in particular, caught her eye. It detailed a ritual, one that promised to reunite her with her lost love, but at a terrible cost. Sarah's heart sank as she realized the creature she had seen was Jonathan, trapped between worlds by Eleanor's misguided attempts to revive him.

Tears welled in Sarah's eyes as she understood the depth of her aunt's despair and the horror she had unwittingly unleashed. She knew she had to set things right, to free Jonathan from his torment.

Sarah spent the next few hours researching, using the books and notes left by her aunt. She found a ritual that could potentially release Jonathan's spirit, allowing him to rest in peace. As the sun set, she prepared the attic, drawing symbols on the floor and lighting candles to aid the ritual.

With a deep breath, she began the incantation, her voice steady despite her fear. The air grew colder, and the shadows seemed to pulse with an unseen energy. Sarah continued, her words echoing through the attic.

Suddenly, the room was filled with a blinding light. Sarah shielded her eyes, her heart racing. When the light faded, she saw Jonathan's figure, no longer skeletal but whole, standing before her. His expression was one of profound relief and gratitude.

"Thank you," he whispered, his voice soft and gentle. "You've freed me."

Sarah nodded, tears streaming down her face. "Rest in peace," she said, her voice breaking.

Jonathan's form shimmered and then dissolved into a shower of light, leaving the attic in darkness once more. Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her, knowing she had done the right thing.

She left the house the next day, vowing never to return. The memories of that night would stay with her forever, but she found comfort in knowing she had helped a lost soul find peace.

As she drove away, the old house stood silent and still, a monument to the love and loss that had haunted it for so long. Sarah knew she would carry the experience with her always, a reminder of the unseen world that lurked just beyond the veil of the ordinary.


About the Creator

Md. Sayhanul Arif

Md Sayhanul Arif, a scholar with more than 10 years of involvement, changes complex thoughts into drawing in satisfaction.

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    Md. Sayhanul ArifWritten by Md. Sayhanul Arif

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