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The Sudden Text

An Interesting Thought

By Jeffrey AllisonPublished about a year ago 4 min read
The Sudden Text
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash


"Hi, how are you?"

"Good and yourself?"

"Same, decent as always?"

"You can't hang up!"

"What, who is this?"

There was a slit pause he ran to shut the windows around him. He could hear nothing going on in the big city tonight. All alone in the apartment except for his beagle.

Photo by Grant Lemons on Unsplash

He returned not knowing what was happening. He slowly went to close the tab.

"Wait." It popped up, again.

"Can you see me?" He began typing.

"No, but can hear them." The mysterious typer wrote.


"Just trust me i'm no scammer. We must save him, we have to."


"Give me one minute, okay?"


"I will."

"I'm calling the police."

"No, don't please, they'll ... "

The green light went off. He had no clue what to do. He just waited staring into the computer. It was just one night of his life, why not be safe. He was young almost out of college, yet again. Almost in college to start. It was going on over half a year since he moved in and started to live at this apartment. He couldn't help, but feel safe at first. That was til tonight.

He paced back and fourth waiting to see what was to be done. He just kept riding it off in his mind to relax. He figured it was all over now, why worry. It was time to rest. He wouldn't wake up, til tomorrow. The computer began to ring it was a video chat. He didn't know to answer it only a few hours had passed he was making it through the night on his own. The message box popped back up as he leaned towards it.

"Hey, you there?"

No, he thought to himself as looked up the old messages. He chose to answer back to it to give life and still wondered on the police. What danger could he or she be in? Why, the late night mystery? He had to find out for their safety at least. In his mind, while he started to work on his own.


"Where did you go?"


"You left me and I had no clue!"


"They are getting stronger out there."

"They work non-stop?"

"Yes, Stealing and hurting those around them to gain favor and strength."

"How do we stop them in the end?"

"I can't tell you now, but all we know is don't die and we might live!"

"Okay, as soon as possible."

"They almost found you."


"Tracking through your web camera!"

"What do I do?"

"Find tape, almost clear!"

"I will."

Scuffling all around the apartment while the music played. Eventually th tape was found in the middle kitchen draw. It was almost unending the agony. He went back to the computer while the messages waited and placed the tape where it blurred him out.

"That will help, but not protect you?"


"Can you video call?"


"Try and see if you can see him, i'll connect you just answer."

"Okaay." He said more excited in his mood, it was late at night. He had to help.

"Here they are!"

He answered, a blurred vision of him looking, through. He could hear them hollering at him non-stop. Slamming around in their chairs. He felt safe, but was still scared. They wanted to know who he was. He hung the call up after the ten to fifteen minutes.

"Who are they?"

"People we are trying to escape from."


" I don't know, but we don't want captured."

"What do I have to do?"

"Can you make a phone call?"

"Yes! Anything?"

She sent him the number to the one place. Talking was unending in his mind sun was getting ready to start to come up. He had to help, but why hunt them down it didn't matter. All he could think was hurry and make the call, as he got the information from her. The phone rang a few times while he waited his heartbeat non-stop. They answered, he followed her lead and started to threaten them to stop and do what they say. They would have to listen. Understand why, they can't do what they do. The phone call was over to everyone.

"We made it!"

The sun started to come up, as the conversation ended. He was glad, while they waited. The relief hearing that from her. Their agony now over as the night went on and ended.

"Their gone now, it was a fight."

"What happened?''

"I had to fight them off."

He saw the video of the people in chairs with thier head down. He had a grim feel to it. What had happened to them? The video ended with the frozen picture on their. He stared in wonder at the image. Something broke through his apartment door.


They started to slam him on the ground with his night of terror. He had no clue what happened to him. All he knew was it was over as they cuffed him and carried him off. He couldn't stop laughing. The police were hollering at him collecting thier evidence.

The End!


About the Creator

Jeffrey Allison

In the wake of another morning as the world grows on I try to bring different views or alternatives to life that comes from different parts of the world as well as heart spelling stories that exercises your mind.

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Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  5. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (1)

  • Alex H Mittelman about a year ago

    Great story!

Jeffrey AllisonWritten by Jeffrey Allison

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