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The Shrouded Past

The Unsolved Mysteries of Elmwood House

By ZahrazeePublished 15 days ago 4 min read
The Shrouded Past
Photo by Ján Jakub Naništa on Unsplash

### The Abyss of the Mind

#### Descent into Darkness


Dr. Jonathan Reed was a renowned psychiatrist known for his innovative approaches to treating severe mental illnesses. He had a reputation for taking on the most challenging cases, often succeeding where others had failed. But his latest patient, a man named Daniel Hart, would push him to the limits of his expertise and sanity.

Daniel had been found wandering the streets, disoriented and speaking in fragmented sentences about "the voices" and "the darkness." His family, unable to cope with his increasingly erratic behavior, had committed him to Blackwood Psychiatric Hospital, where Dr. Reed worked. Intrigued by the case, Dr. Reed agreed to take it on personally.

From the moment he met Daniel, Dr. Reed sensed that this case was different. Daniel's eyes were haunted, reflecting a profound and inexplicable terror. During their first session, Daniel spoke of a place he called "the Abyss," a realm of endless darkness where malevolent entities whispered horrific truths. He claimed that these entities had been following him for years, growing stronger and more insistent.

Dr. Reed initially considered Daniel's descriptions to be symptoms of severe schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder. He prescribed antipsychotic medication and scheduled regular therapy sessions, determined to help Daniel confront and dispel his delusions. However, the more time he spent with Daniel, the more unsettling the case became.

During their sessions, Daniel's demeanor would shift dramatically. Sometimes he was lucid and coherent, speaking with a desperate urgency about his need to escape the Abyss. Other times, he would fall into a trance-like state, his voice dropping to a chilling monotone as he recited cryptic messages from the entities. These messages often contained detailed knowledge about Dr. Reed's personal life, things that Daniel could not possibly have known.

As the weeks went by, Dr. Reed found himself increasingly disturbed by the sessions. He began experiencing vivid nightmares, filled with shadowy figures and echoing whispers. He would wake up drenched in sweat, the feeling of being watched lingering long after he had turned on the lights. Despite his mounting fear, he refused to abandon Daniel, convinced that there was a rational explanation for everything.

One evening, after a particularly intense session, Dr. Reed stayed late at the hospital to review Daniel's file. The building was quiet, the halls dimly lit. As he pored over the notes, he felt a sudden chill and the distinct sensation of being watched. He glanced up and saw a shadow flicker at the edge of his vision. Dismissing it as fatigue, he returned to his work.

Moments later, the lights in his office flickered and went out. The room plunged into darkness, and Dr. Reed's heart raced. He reached for his phone, but it was dead. A soft, almost imperceptible whisper filled the room, growing louder and more insistent. The words were unintelligible, but their malevolent tone was unmistakable. He felt a presence behind him and turned to see a figure standing in the doorway—a figure that looked exactly like Daniel.

"Dr. Reed," the figure said in Daniel's voice, "it's too late. They've found you."

The lights flickered back on, and the figure was gone. Shaken, Dr. Reed left the hospital and drove home, his mind racing. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was being followed. That night, his dreams were more intense than ever, filled with visions of the Abyss and the entities that dwelled within it.

The next day, Dr. Reed confronted Daniel about the experience. Daniel's reaction was chilling. "They're coming for you, too," he said with a strange calmness. "Once you see them, they never let you go."

Dr. Reed's life began to unravel. He became paranoid, seeing shadows and hearing whispers even in his waking hours. His colleagues noticed his erratic behavior, and his work began to suffer. Desperate for answers, he delved into ancient texts and obscure psychiatric studies, searching for any clue that might explain what was happening to him.

His research led him to an old journal written by a doctor who had worked at Blackwood Psychiatric Hospital decades earlier. The journal detailed a similar case—a patient who spoke of the Abyss and was eventually driven to suicide. The doctor had experienced the same phenomena as Dr. Reed and had concluded that the Abyss was not a delusion but a real, malevolent force that preyed on the minds of those who delved too deeply.

With growing dread, Dr. Reed realized that he had become entangled in something far beyond his understanding. The boundary between reality and nightmare blurred, and he could no longer distinguish between the two. The entities from the Abyss were closing in, their whispers growing louder, promising eternal torment.

One night, unable to bear the torment any longer, Dr. Reed decided to confront the entities directly. He returned to the hospital and entered Daniel's room, where he found his patient sitting calmly, as if expecting him.

"They're here," Daniel said softly. "You can't escape them."

Dr. Reed felt the room grow cold, and the shadows deepened. The whispers filled his mind, drowning out all rational thought. In a final, desperate act, he reached out to Daniel, hoping to find some shred of reality to cling to. But as their hands touched, he was pulled into the Abyss.

The next morning, the hospital staff found both Daniel and Dr. Reed lifeless in the room, their faces twisted in terror. The case was closed, labeled a tragic murder-suicide, but the true horror remained hidden.

The Abyss had claimed two more souls, and its whispers continued to echo through the halls of Blackwood Psychiatric Hospital, waiting for the next curious mind to fall into its grasp.


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    ZahrazeeWritten by Zahrazee

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