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The Polisher

By Pablo Balderos

By Pablo BalderosPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

As I ran to school, I could feel the heat from the sun and my feet slapping on the tile pavement. I looked down and saw the odd dark spot ranging from different numbers on each panel. As I ran and felt gravity moving on my backpack, I noticed the shadows from a building. The architecture was quite upsetting. I looked through the window and saw an older gentleman with glasses. I developed the mentality, that if I’m late, then there’s no point to try to rush to school. I walked into the small furniture store. I heard the bell ring when I opened the door and saw him touching the tables placed around the store. I touched the leather and the texture felt so different compared to other stores I’ve seen. A nice old man turned around and smiled at me. I could see on his face that he was passionate about the store and just happy to be alive. I read his stature and could tell he was well calm and collected. 

“You like the tables,” He asked, “These tables were made from the finest leather I could find.”

“I love them,” I said, “I wish I had enough money to buy one myself.”

“You could come work for me, work a full month with me here and a table is yours.”

“My mom won’t let, plus I want a table for my own home, not the one with my mom in it."

“I understand it sport. Well hopefully, one day  I can teach you how to sell and make them. You’ll love it."

“I hope so as well, but I am late for school, I’ll see you later Mister?”

“Call me Mister. Mr. Trok. Runoff to school sunny. See you later.” 

“Likewise Mr. Trok.”

I walked fast out of the store and ran to school. I put all of my stuff in my locker and for some reason, I couldn’t help but just try to remember the way the leather on the tables and sofas looked. I walked into the classroom thirty minutes late. I could smell the pencils and glue inside of the room. I quickly walked to my desk and started to take the notes that the teacher was putting onto the blackboard. I was zoning out and kept thinking of ways I could’ve made more money. Just thinking of how I could put all that money to use. 

“Andrew,” The teacher screamed, “I need you to pay attention, are we at an understanding.”

“Yes Mrs. Kidd,” I said, “I’ll pay attention.” 

After my little wake-up call, I continued to jot down pointless notes that I couldn’t understand. The bell rang soon afterward. The entire day went by super quickly and I could feel wind chills attack my ankles, enough my socks were on. The final bell of the day rang and I slowly walked to my locker and was so ready to go home. The feeling of euphoria, soon dissipated as I noticed the pattern of the tables Mr. Trok would walk past. He would always circle the tables with the odd leather rather than the tables with the prestige leather. It showed me, that he really cared about those particular tables. It made me smile as I walked home. I heard the birds chirping and saw the way certain trees moved in the wind and how the squirrels ran in different directions. It was quite a spectacular sight to withhold. I also felt more chills than usual. Time moved quicker and every single day, I was curious about Mr. Trok. It was Saturday and I walked to the store. Mr. Trok was counting money behind the counter and I just observed the leather on the sides of the tables. I rubbed my fingers on it, and it felt very familiar on my fingertips. I felt the dopamine excursion in my head increase a little. It was and wasn’t noticeable to me, but it was something I would never truly look into. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and out the corner of my eye, it was Mr. Trok. I could smell his old must on his body and the addition of fragrance didn’t make it any better. 

“My wife of 6 years,” He said, “Passed away in her sleep. I dedicated this table to her. The structure and design. I know that she would love to see how much business the store has accumulated in the past couple of months. Once the world takes me, I’ll finally be able to see her and her smile.”

I was stunned, I didn’t know what to say. I kinda cracked a cringing smile but I just kept looking forward. He walked around the table and walked fast to the backroom that said off-limits. I noticed it but didn't notice it at the same time. As time progressed, I soon kinda felt his vibe was straight, but sort of off at the same time. Every day I got more and more curious. My curfew was 8 pm. His store closed at 10 pm. I snuck out of the house and crept to the store. I saw him closing up shop and locking the doors. I followed him home and saw his house. It looked gorgeous from the outside, but it gave ugly vibes from the interior, but a fairly simple lock to open. Once he walked into the house, the lights cut off, I immediately went for the window and I was in the house. The house had an odd odor. It was must mix with a peculiar smell I couldn't put my finger on. I heard a faint noise from below the house. I couldn’t quite put my finger on the screaming. I snooped around the kitchen and dining room table. I could sense nothing was wrong. I felt like my breaking and entering was unnecessary. I felt an evil presence surround the kitchen, then I saw a door. I didn’t know where it led to. I assumed it led to either a food closet or a basement. I opened the door. The door moved so easily and quickly. It brought chills through my spine. I immediately smelled something that made me want to vomit. I walked down the creaky and flimsy uneven staircase. I saw kidneys, lungs, large and small intestines placed on the wall, dripping blood and losing their main colors. I covered my mouth because I wanted to scream at what I was seeing. I slowly turned my neck to the right and saw bloodless hearts placed in a line on a wall. Some of the hearts were falling apart and other ones were perfectly sat up on the wall. I walked towards them, to see if they were real, then soon I lose my innocence. I turned to my right again and saw chains with half-eaten corpses. Some of them were plain skeletons. I noticed cut skin patterns on the decomposing corpses. It clicked in my head what the unique leather in tables was. I saw one girl alive and chained up. parts of her naked body were cut off. I tapped her shoulder in an attempt to wake her up. She woke up and immediately screamed.

“Relax,” I said softly, “What's going on here?”

She immediately started crying and I could tell Mr. Trok, as a bad person. I looked to my left and saw an umbilical cord laying in an odd pattern. 

“Who’s cord,” I asked, “Where’s the child at?”

“He,” she cried, “He ate my only child. He did it and put a dress on a skeleton. He made a joke out of it.”

I teared up, seeing her cry, knowing her child was gone. I made an attempt at rustling with the chains. I then heard the door open and saw footsteps slowly come down the stairs. I almost cried when I saw the sliver of the shadow from the staircase.

“Sport is that you?”


About the Creator

Pablo Balderos

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    PBWritten by Pablo Balderos

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