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The Old Woman and the Burning Candle in the Window, part 2

A follow up

By FindingYourFlowersPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
The Old Woman and the Burning Candle in the Window, part 2
Photo by CHIRAG K on Unsplash

Hello again friends, welcome to my second installment of this crazy tale. I've gone back to the house since the first part was written, and let me tell you, the amount of negative energy surrounding the place had me on edge the entire time. So, upon my arrival to the house, there was a gross smell, kind of like rotten meat mixed with mothballs. To me that only means one thing, a demonic presence, I took a short tour of the property to see if the smell was just in the garage or all around the house, and the smell was around the house but strongest in the garage, kitchen, master bedroom, and the greenhouse. The lady I had sit with, her daughter gave me a set of keys incase I wanted to get something from the house, like cookware or other bits and pieces of furniture they couldn't take with them when they moved, so I set out to take a look around.

I went to the greenhouse first, it was just off the den, once inside I felt very light headed and dizzy, a common occurrence for me when I'm in an area with a spirit of some sort, and all of a sudden, I felt something dripping from my nose. As I wiped it away, I realized it was blood, I tried very hard not to touch anything as I searched for a napkin in my purse to stop the bleeding, then I felt it, the presence of another being. It was cold, freezing, in the middle of summer, I could see my breath fog up the window, frozen in place, I could hear the den door open on its squeaky hinges. My heart dropped to my stomach, I was the only one in the house, no one else was supposed to be there. I could see a dark figure, a woman's silhouette and what looked to be a man's silhouette following close behind her. I stayed rooted to that very spot, watching and waiting for them to move and leave the room.

The figures floated around the room then paused right in front of the door leading to the greenhouse, I thought my ass was about to either expire on the spot or have to fight off these spirits. Thankfully, they move on and eventually disappear and I leave the greenhouse. I grab my pendulum from my purse and steady it gently, "Is there a spiritual presence here?" I call out into the unknown and hold my breath, I look down and see it spinning to yes, the cold chill sets back in and I feel a piece of ice lay on my shoulder, I looked and there was nothing there, so I ran out of the room saying goodbye to the spirit and I dipped out real quick. I ran into the kitchen where the cabinet doors flew open and closed all on their own 3 times, when I tell you I ran at the speed of light I'm not joking at all. I locked the door and got in the car speeding away, not noticing at first the figure in the window.

I told Jeri about the events that unfolded, and she said we had to go back. I felt like throwing up to be honest, the sinking feeling in my stomach increased as we pulled up to the house a few days later, we came prepared with palo santo, holy water, sigils for protection, and other incense that we thought would be useful.

Once we pulled into the garage, we both almost hurled from the stench, the smell of rotting meat was overwhelming and so present you could almost see it in the air. We went inside and checked the fridge just incase there was some meat left or brought in, we looked and the fridge was sparkling clean. So we moved to the washroom and other rooms of the house, there was nothing dead or rotting thank goodness. I decided that the formal sitting room would be best for our tasks, we moved the table to the middle of the room and closed the curtains, lit a few candles, and set our pendulum mats and did spread our tarot decks and got to work.

We asked what the spirits wanted, where they came from, and why did they show themselves now? The replies we got shook us to our core. They came from below, they want to scare us, and they thrive on our fear. We set out to protect the house, and tried to banish what spirits we could. It took a total of 4 days of repeated cleansing rituals, and we had to take another 4 days to recover, our energy was depleted in a matter of 2 hours.

Its been a few months since I've checked on the house, but I plan to return soon, around July, to see if anymore activity has begun or has ended.


About the Creator


Hello, I'm 24 years old and an amateur poet, I hope you all like what I write! I also post on Wattpad under Findingyourflowers

I look forward to my time here :)

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    FindingYourFlowersWritten by FindingYourFlowers

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