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This hike was different. Unlike usual, when my group of five close friends gathered at the foot of Mount Merapi, the atmosphere felt strange. The sky, which was typically clear during the hiking season, was now gray and windy, as if something was waiting for us up there. However, the spirit of adventure overcame the fear lurking in our minds.

By Nurrafly QuadPublished 7 days ago 3 min read

The Last Climb on Mount Merapi

This hike was different. Unlike usual, when my group of five close friends gathered at the foot of Mount Merapi, the atmosphere felt strange. The sky, which was typically clear during the hiking season, was now gray and windy, as if something was waiting for us up there. However, the spirit of adventure overcame the fear lurking in our minds.

We started the climb at sunrise. The forest at the foot of the mountain seemed normal at first, but the higher we climbed, the more we felt watched. Strange sounds began to echo from behind the trees, like whispers barely audible to the ear. My friends and I exchanged anxious glances, but no one wanted to admit the growing fear.

After a few hours, we reached a plateau wide enough to rest. We decided to set up tents there. That night, as we sat around the campfire, horror stories about other hikers who had gone missing or experienced strange things began to surface. Suddenly, our flashlights started flickering, even though we had just replaced the batteries.

"There's something here," whispered Rina, one of my friends who was most sensitive to the supernatural.

We all fell silent, listening to the wind that began to sound like moaning. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approached from the direction of the forest. I grabbed my flashlight and shone it towards the source of the sound. Among the trees, I saw the shadow of someone standing still, only visible for a moment before disappearing.

We decided to retreat into the tent and lock ourselves inside. That night was very long. The strange sounds continued, from footsteps to the voice of someone calling our names in a chilling tone.

The next morning, as the sun was just rising, we resumed the climb with growing anxiety. The path became steeper and foggier. Suddenly, Dika, our friend who was leading, fell and screamed. We all rushed to him and found that he was entangled in strange roots, as if the roots were alive and trying to hold him down.

We finally managed to free Dika, but he looked very pale. "I saw something," he stammered. "A large black shadow... like a creature watching us."

We quickened our pace, hoping to reach the summit and descend as soon as possible. As the day turned to night, we arrived at a higher, wider plateau. The fog thickened and the temperature dropped. We quickly set up the tents, trying to avoid the sounds that began again.

That night, as we tried to sleep, the strange sounds returned. This time, closer and more real. I braved a peek outside the tent, and what I saw nearly stopped my heart. In the midst of the fog, stood a large black figure with glowing red eyes, watching our tent.

Immediately, I stumbled back and woke my friends. "We have to leave now!" I shouted in panic. But before we could pack up, our tent shook violently, as if something was trying to tear it down from outside. We quickly ran out and started running down the mountain, not caring about the darkness and dangers around us.

In the panic, we got separated. Rina and I ran together, while the others went elsewhere. Suddenly, Rina tripped and fell. As I turned to help her, the large black figure appeared again behind her. With all my strength, I pulled Rina, and we kept running until we saw the lights from the mountain's base.

As dawn broke, we finally arrived at the hiking post, panting and battered. The staff who saw us immediately provided assistance. "You’re lucky to be alive," said an old staff member with a serious tone. "Many hikers go missing up there and are never found."

When we finally reunited with our other friends, we could only look at each other with pale faces and full of trauma. This hike on Mount Merapi was not just an adventure, but a nightmare that will always haunt us. We swore never to return there, leaving the mountain's mystery forever.

arturban legendtravelsupernaturalmonsterhalloweenfiction

About the Creator

Nurrafly Quad

Terror lurks in the dark. Discover horror stories and creepy pasta that will make your blood run cold. Prepare yourself for an unforgettable spine-chilling experience. Dare you to unveil the darkness?

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    Nurrafly QuadWritten by Nurrafly Quad

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