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The Lady in Waiting

A Ghost Story from Honolulu International Airport

By Paula RPublished about a month ago 3 min read
The Lady in Waiting

It was a balmy afternoon when I arrived at Honolulu International Airport. My flight was delayed, so I decided to relax in the waiting area, soaking in the ambiance of the tropical paradise. As I sipped on a refreshing pineapple juice, I couldn't help but notice an anxious blonde lady in a white dress standing at one of the gates. She seemed out of place, her eyes fixed on the runway as if she were waiting for someone.

Feeling a pang of empathy for her, I reached into my bag for some chocolate, thinking it might offer her a small comfort. But just as I was about to approach her, she vanished into thin air. My heart skipped a beat. I had just met the Lady in Waiting, the resident phantom of Honolulu International Airport.

Legend has it that this ghostly figure was once a young woman deeply in love. Her fiancé promised to marry her but left for a business trip abroad and never returned. Heartbroken and devastated by his betrayal, she took her own life. Yet her spirit remained tethered to the airport, forever waiting for her beloved to return, much like the loyal dog Hachiko who waited for his master in Japan.

Over the years, the local authorities have received numerous reports of sightings of the Lady in Waiting. She is often seen wandering around the gates and even in restricted areas of the airport. Some airport employees have reported eerie occurrences, especially in the public bathrooms. Unfolding paper dolls, toilet seats slamming shut, and toilets flushing by themselves are common phenomena attributed to her presence.

Despite the frequency of these sightings, no one has found a way to release her spirit from its eternal vigil. Perhaps her story serves as a poignant reminder to us all about the weight of promises and the heartbreak that can follow when they are broken.

Interestingly, Honolulu International Airport isn't the only airport with a spectral lady in white. The Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport in Mumbai, India, also has its own haunting tale. A pilot once spotted a woman in a white sari on the runway. He called for assistance, but she disappeared before help arrived. Numerous witnesses have reported seeing this phantom in various parts of the airport, including the cargo area and parking lot. Her backstory remains a mystery, but some speculate she is searching for lost luggage.

Another infamous haunted airport is Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, Thailand. Built on land that was once an ancient burial site, the airport has been plagued by mysterious events since its construction began. Workers reported hearing wailing, screams, and even classical music emanating from nowhere. The fear among the workers grew so intense that 99 Buddhist monks were brought in to perform a cleansing ritual. During the ceremony, a man claimed to be possessed by one of the spirits, demanding that a spirit house be built to appease the entities. The airport authorities complied, and since then, the airport has operated more smoothly.

Denver International Airport in the United States also has a reputation for being haunted. Built on land considered sacred by its former residents, the airport has been the subject of many urban legends. From mysterious murals and gargoyles to the colossal, supposedly cursed statue known as "Blucifer," the airport is a magnet for conspiracy theorists and ghost hunters alike. The statue's creator, Luis Jiménez, tragically died during its construction when a piece fell and struck him.

Historic Chandler Airport in Fresno, California, offers another tale of ghostly activity. This small airport has reports of disembodied voices and objects moving on their own. The most famous specter is that of an old man in the control tower, silently watching as if monitoring invisible planes.

Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport has a more romantic haunting. Legend says that if you land at dusk, you might see the spirits of Richard and Catherine Dotson, a couple who once lived on the land now occupied by the airport. They are believed to be greeting new arrivals, a spectral welcome committee of sorts.

Manchester Airport in the UK adds to the list with its own ghost stories. Passengers and staff have reported seeing figures in pilot uniforms and experiencing unexplained phenomena. One notorious phantom is that of a pilot in an old-fashioned uniform who appears disoriented, wandering Terminal 3. Another is a night watchman from the 1960s, seen patrolling the area only to vanish when approached.

These stories remind us that even in the most modern and bustling places, the past lingers on, and some spirits remain tethered to the world of the living, unable to move on. So next time you find yourself in an airport, keep an eye out—you never know who, or what, you might encounter.

urban legendsupernaturalhalloweenfiction

About the Creator

Paula R

Hi! I am delighted in the art of storytelling, I dreamed of bringing imaginations to life through my writing, turning childhood dreams into captivating tales and be amazed by the wonders of the world, world trivia, or mysteries.

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Comments (1)

  • Novel Allen20 days ago

    This would make a really great movie. Haunted airports, meet all the ghosts. Very interesting read Paula.

Paula RWritten by Paula R

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