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The Haunting of Elmwood Apartments

Uncovering the Dark Secrets Within

By LAKSHMAN MOHANRAJPublished 15 days ago 3 min read
Uncovering the Dark Secrets Within


Elmwood Apartments had always been an unassuming building. Nestled in the heart of the city, it was known for its affordable rent and convenient location. But it had a dark secret, one that few residents knew about and fewer dared to speak of.

Chapter 1: Moving In

When Claire and Tom found Elmwood Apartments, they thought they had struck gold. The rent was within their budget, the location was perfect for their new jobs, and the building had a quaint, old-world charm. The landlord, Mr. Donovan, seemed eager to have them move in and offered them a one-year lease on the spot.

On their first day, as they were unpacking, an elderly woman from down the hall knocked on their door. "Welcome," she said, her voice trembling. "I'm Mrs. Hawkins. If you ever need anything, just let me know. And... be careful."

Claire and Tom exchanged puzzled glances but thanked her for her kindness. They brushed off her warning as nothing more than the ramblings of an old woman.

Chapter 2: Strange Happenings

The first few nights were peaceful, but it wasn’t long before strange things started happening. It began with odd noises – soft whispers in the hallway, creaking floors, and faint footsteps outside their door. Tom assured Claire it was just the building settling, but Claire wasn’t convinced.

One night, Claire woke up to the sound of someone humming. She turned to see Tom fast asleep beside her. The humming grew louder, and she realized it was coming from the other side of the wall. She pressed her ear against it and heard a soft, melodic tune, almost like a lullaby.

The next morning, Claire mentioned it to Mrs. Hawkins. The old woman's face turned pale. "That was Sarah," she whispered. "She used to live here. They say she died in her sleep, but I know better. She was taken."

Chapter 3: The Locked Room

Claire’s curiosity got the better of her. She began researching the history of Elmwood Apartments and discovered a series of mysterious deaths over the past few decades. Each victim had lived in the apartment directly above or below hers.

One evening, while exploring the basement, Claire found a door that was padlocked. The label on it read "Storage Room 4B." Claire’s apartment was 4B.

Determined to find out what was inside, she convinced Tom to help her break the lock. Inside, they found old furniture covered in dust and a series of old, yellowed newspapers. The headlines told of disappearances and deaths, all linked to Elmwood Apartments.

Chapter 4: The Presence

The more they uncovered, the more frequent the disturbances became. Doors would slam shut on their own, and cold drafts would sweep through their apartment. Tom began to see shadows moving in the corners of his eyes, and Claire often felt like she was being watched.

One night, Tom woke up to find Claire standing at the window, staring blankly into the darkness. Her eyes were wide open, but she didn’t respond when he called her name. He shook her, and she snapped out of it, confused and terrified.

“I saw her,” Claire whispered. “The woman from the humming. She was standing right outside our window, looking in.”

Chapter 5: The Final Stand

Claire and Tom decided they couldn’t stay any longer. They packed their things, ready to leave the next morning. That night, as they tried to sleep, the humming returned, louder than ever.

Suddenly, the room grew icy cold. The lights flickered, and the humming turned into a sinister laugh. The door to their bedroom slowly creaked open, and a shadowy figure stood in the doorway.

Tom grabbed a flashlight and shone it towards the figure. The beam illuminated a pale, ghostly woman with hollow eyes and a twisted smile. She reached out towards them, and the temperature dropped even further.

In a desperate attempt, Tom lunged towards the figure, but his hand passed right through her. Claire screamed as the apparition moved closer. Remembering the newspapers, Claire shouted, “We know what happened to you! We will tell everyone!”

The figure stopped, its expression shifting from anger to sorrow. It slowly faded away, leaving the room in silence.


The next day, Claire and Tom left Elmwood Apartments for good. They shared their story with the media, and soon the building gained a notorious reputation. Elmwood Apartments was eventually condemned and demolished.

Claire and Tom moved far away, but the memories of their time at Elmwood Apartments haunted them forever. They never forgot the humming, the cold drafts, or the ghostly figure that had almost taken them. They had escaped, but the darkness of Elmwood Apartments lingered in their minds, a reminder of the horrors that could lurk in the most unexpected places.

supernaturalvintageurban legendhalloweenfootagefiction

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