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The Choke of Darkness

We all have experienced this grim....

By Mahedere HiwotPublished 16 days ago 5 min read
The Choke of Darkness
Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

In the hush of the night, where moonbeams danced with shadows, I found myself ensnared in a realm between dreams and wakefulness. My body lay still, tethered to the bed by an unseen force, as if the very air had turned to chains. It was a sensation both eerie and inexplicable, leaving me suspended in a state of disquieting uncertainty.

The room, shrouded in darkness, became a canvas for sinister whispers and sinister shapes. The moon, a silent witness to the unfolding drama, cast its silvery light upon the scene, illuminating the contours of the unknown. Shadows danced upon the walls, twisting and contorting in a macabre ballet, while the air itself seemed to hum with a malevolent energy.

Amidst this eerie tableau, a figure emerged from the depths, its form obscured by the veil of night. It moved with a fluid grace, gliding across the room with an otherworldly elegance. Its presence was palpable, a weight upon my soul that threatened to crush me beneath its oppressive gaze.

Silent and menacing, it crept closer, its eyes gleaming like twin orbs of malice. There was a darkness in those eyes, a depth of despair that threatened to swallow me whole. I tried to scream, to break free from the invisible bonds that held me captive, but my voice was but a whisper in the vast expanse of the night.

Every fiber of my being screamed to flee, but I was paralyzed, bound by the invisible threads of dread. The figure leaned in, its breath cold against my skin, its words a haunting melody that echoed in the chambers of my mind. I strained to make sense of its whispers, to decipher the meaning hidden within its cryptic cadence, but it was as if the very essence of its message eluded me.

Time became a twisted tapestry, each moment stretching into eternity as the figure pressed down on my chest, suffocating me with its oppressive presence. I felt as though I was teetering on the edge of oblivion, a fragile vessel tossed upon the tempestuous sea of darkness. The air grew thick with the scent of fear, a sickly-sweet perfume that hung heavy in the stillness of the night.

Just when I thought I couldn't endure another moment, the figure dissipated, melting back into the shadows from whence it came. But the chill of its touch lingered, a ghostly reminder of the horrors that lurked in the depths of the night. I lay trembling, my heart racing, my mind awash with questions and fears.

As dawn broke, casting its golden light upon the world, I rose from my bed, shaken but determined. The shadows may whisper their secrets, but I would not cower in fear. I would face the darkness head-on, armed with the light of my spirit, and emerge unscathed from the depths of the night.

For in the end, it is not the darkness that defines us, but the strength we find in the face of its shadows. And though the night may hold its terrors, I will not let them consume me. I will stand tall, a beacon of light in the darkest of nights, casting aside the shadows that seek to drag me down into the abyss.

Yet the nights that followed brought no respite. Each evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, a knot of anxiety tightened in my chest. The memory of that shadowy figure haunted me, a specter that refused to be exorcised by the light of day. I could feel its presence even in the most mundane moments, a lurking dread that sent shivers down my spine.

The days grew longer, and sleep became an elusive companion. I would lie in bed, staring at the ceiling, willing myself to stay awake. But inevitably, exhaustion would claim me, and I would drift off, only to be ensnared once more in that twilight realm.

The figure returned, night after night, a relentless wraith that seemed to feed on my fear. Its eyes, those dark orbs of malice, bore into my soul, stripping away my defenses. The whispers grew louder, more insistent, filling my mind with a cacophony of voices. They spoke of despair, of hopelessness, of an eternal night from which there was no escape.

In my waking hours, I sought solace in books and research, desperate for an explanation. I learned of ancient legends and folklore, of shadowy beings that haunted the night, feeding on the fears of the living. But no matter how much I read, I could find no remedy, no incantation or talisman that could banish the darkness.

One evening, as the sun set in a blaze of crimson and gold, I resolved to confront the figure. If I could not escape it, then I would face it, demand answers, and reclaim my nights. I prepared myself, lighting candles around my room, their flickering flames casting dancing shadows on the walls.

As I lay down, I whispered a silent prayer, steeling myself for the encounter. The transition from wakefulness to that dreaded realm was seamless, a gentle slide into the abyss. The figure was there, waiting, its presence a cold caress against my skin.

Summoning all my courage, I locked eyes with the shadow. "Who are you?" I demanded, my voice trembling but resolute. "What do you want from me?"

The figure paused, as if considering my words. Then, in a voice that was both a whisper and a roar, it spoke. "I am the keeper of your fears, the guardian of the night. You cannot banish me, for I am a part of you."

The revelation struck me like a physical blow. The figure was not an external entity, but a manifestation of my deepest anxieties, a mirror to my soul's darkest corners. I realized that to defeat it, I had to confront my own fears, to embrace the darkness within me and transform it with the light of understanding.

The nights that followed were not easy. The figure still visited, but its presence grew less oppressive as I worked to unravel the threads of my fear. I sought therapy, spoke with loved ones, and slowly, the shadows began to recede.

In time, I learned that the darkness holds no power over those who face it with courage and compassion. The shadows whispered their secrets, but I listened with an open heart, transforming fear into strength.

And now, as I lay down each night, I do so with a sense of peace. The moon still casts its silvery light, the shadows still dance, but they no longer hold me captive. I have become a beacon of light in the darkest of nights, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

For in the end, it is not the darkness that defines us, but the strength we find in the face of its shadows. And though the night may hold its terrors, I will not let them consume me. I will stand tall, casting aside the shadows that seek to drag me down into the abyss, and emerge unscathed, a beacon of hope in the vast expanse of night.

urban legendsupernaturalslasherpsychologicalmonsterhalloweenfictioncelebritiesart

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  • Esala Gunathilake16 days ago

    I am not a fan of horror but your work was outstanding!!! Liked it😊. I subscribed you 🥰to read your future works and if you wish you can subscribe me as well!

MHWritten by Mahedere Hiwot

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