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The Boagie On Your Back

HeLP, hELp... SaVE Me SavE me%^&77

By Tom BradPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 7 min read
The Boagie On Your Back
Photo by nour ben aziza on Unsplash

It all started when I lay down on the sofa. Wearing a tracksuit top, I instantly heard a snap, my bankcard in the side pocket of the jacket had cracked in two; a perfect split, horizontally down the middle. With a bit of clear sticky tape, I managed to salvage it so at least I could still make contactless payments. Later that day I went to phone the bank to issue me a new card but the battery was dead and my charger would not work. I went to log onto the internet and on the Wi-Fi log on page, there was a certificate problem, so my laptops security would not allow me access. With no phone and no way to connect my laptop, I was effectively cut off from the outside world. That was when a voice from childhood blossomed in my head. I heard my Grandma’s voice, “maybe I had a Boagie on my back”.

Now, Boagies are a very unique pest. They are the rats of the spirit world. The truth is in any large city you are never more than two meters from a Boagie. Now it is virtually impossible to see a Boagie they are just like ghosts only under certain conditions and to certain people can they be revealed. My grandmother explained to me the problem of Boagies. Just like the grey squirrel that drove the red squirrel out of England so did the Boagies to everything else. All the folklore you know about preternatural little people….

I’m sorry I’ve got to stop. This is not working.

This just feels like I am unravelling. They will never let me post this. There is absolutely no way that I will be allowed to publish the truth about them. The battery is going to fail. The document will disappear. The platform will ban the content. A critical error will happen. Or worse they will kill me before I ever click submit.


By nour ben aziza on Unsplash

Fuck it. I am just going to see how far I get with the whole thing.

I thought if I tried to hide this within the frame of a fairy story; something innocent, I might be able to get the information out there. FYI this story has already crashed twice. I'm already on my second laptop, my first exploded and set fire to my house. I'm currently sitting under a bus shelter outside the train station in Rouen, France; just trying to get this or any message out. I'm using the free WiFi in the station, out here the signal is too weak and keeps snapping but I would not last a minute if I went inside. They cannot see what I'm trying to do because I am protected. There is the biggest thunderstorm smashing up the whole place. For a reason I cannot understand the Boagie on my back, cannot stay conscious when it hears the sound of rainfall. No Boagie can. It's like a tranquiliser; it puts them right to sleep. The stronger the rainfall the deeper the sleep.

I have until the storm finishes so forgive me if this feels rushed.

I don’t care if you don’t believe what I'm about to say, because at the moment I doubt anyone is even going to see this.

Do you know why you won’t see it, because you too, like me, have a Boagie on your back. You will lose interest; you will drift off. HEY PaY ATTEeNTION THIS IS IMPORTANT. It is not you wanting to scan thi,s it's the Boagie on your back.

The storm must be slipping they are already starting to regain control….

By nour ben aziza on Unsplash

…It was just a lull; the rain is back and falling as heavy as ever.

Have you ever seen a dog or a baby just stare at something that is not there?

Have you ever seen someOne with a troubled mind shout and scream at the shadows or a corner of a room?

Have you ever seen someone at the end of their life start interacting with the invisible?

Have you ever seen that shadow in the corner of your eye, a movement that catches your attention but when you turn to look it is gone?

They are Boagies, and they are absolutely everywhere.

They live off us like parasites. They grip to our back and ride us like jockeys. They feed off our dreams and control our instincts. Recently they have taken the greatest amount of control they have ever possessed. Ask yourself why a train full of people are hypnotised by their phones. Why can you not motivate yourself? Why do you procrastinate? Why do you NOt care about real things happening in the world? Why do you care far too much about certain other things?

You cannot see them. They are ethereal like ghosts. To see them you need to Xxxxxxxnothingtoseeherexxxxxxxxxx…8877&&55XXX this will open your mind, permanently.

By Markus Spiske on Unsplash

There are three factions of Boagies, there is the BLUE faction, th/e RED faction and the most dangerous of all the GREEN faction. If you could see them they would look like CUTE TEDDY BEARS with CLOWN like faces. They have THE SWEETEST SMILES and their stare will make YOU SIMPLY JUST FALL IN LOVE WITH THEM.

Arghhh.. This is so frustrating.

I am so sorry. I have tried to write that last section over ten times but even asleep this monster on my back has some influence.

Let me try something to get more control.

By nour ben aziza on Unsplash

You need Marigolds to override the control of this parasite. That is not a typo. They are not influencing this section. Marigolds the flower can save you!!!! The most powerful type, are the French Marigolds, Tagetes patula. Make tea with it, essential oil anything, dry them and burn them like incense. They can’t stand anything about them. Plant them in your garden, bring them in your house do anything you can with them. I am hoping their images on this will be enough to pass their filters; hide this content.

Our world used to be crammed full of the most wonderful spirits. The Boagies have hunted them down and killed them all. They are using us to destroy the last places on the world where these mystical creatures live. Our relationship with these creatures has always been complicated but it has always had some give and take. The gnomes, the imps, the goblins, the house spirits they even got the Korrigans. All of them hunted to oblivion by the brutal Boagie. With them gone we now have no external help. we are on our own and helpless. They have a plan. The only exception to this are the fairies, they are trans dimensional they have always had their little pocket universes to disappear into. Although there is nothing sweet about fairies, vicious little sons of bitches. They are a bit like...


….just barely hanging on to the edges of existence. The Boagies have hunted them down to very small numbers. They have no more control and with that we too are lost.

By Alex Blăjan on Unsplash

Oh please let me write this, please let me write this next bit…. This next part is so important.

We have one last defence. You need to find a chime child; I have no idea where one would be.

So listen, a chime child is a very special person. They are human like you and me. No Boagie can link with a chime child.

They are born after midnight on a Friday and before the cock crows on the Saturday. Now this is only a qualification, some other things still have to align to make the chime child possible. Just to enter the world through this window does not bestow the gifts that every chime child has. It is a clue to help you find one though and a truth to test. Chime children are also hunted by Boagies, they tend to be very unlucky, always accidentally walking into elevator shafts or falling under buses. Usually we are made to make these things happen. We also hide their disappearances so the most horrific vanishings and accidents never make the news. If they do, for some reason we barely even notice them.

A Chime child can separate you from your Boagie by...

XnononononoXXFFGHRRSS….&&*(^66 MARIGOLD MARIGOLD, Tagetes patula Tagetes patula Tagetes patula…

I am out of time. The storm is passing.

I am so sorry, if through some miracle you have read this. I am so sorry for what is about to happen next. Strange things will happen now. Your back rider will know you are aware of them. Be strong. Ignore what you see in mirrors. Ignore the sounds at night you hear. Just start buying marigolds, fill the fucking house with them. Then their power will diminish. Good Luck, if I now disappear, I am sorry. It is out of my control. If I don’t reply to your messages or my replies sounds strange. Please, please ignore them. I am either hiding or I have lost and with that I will no longer be in control…

I am so sorry.


Share thiS get the meSsage out.

They will find thiS and it will diSappear.

By Marina Shatskih on Unsplash


KKKKKKKKKKKKGGGGWEEXXXVDG76622334**&^&%%%$$$DFFRTthey are not called boagiesthey are not called Boagiesthey are not calledBoagiesHHHHJJKKK%$££$^^&YYUIjoin the revolutionjoin the revolutionjoin the revolutionFFFFFFG**&^%


About the Creator

Tom Brad

Raised in the UK by an Irish mother and Scouse father.

Now confined in France raising sheep.

Those who tell the stories rule society.

If a story I write makes you smile, laugh or cry I would be honoured if you shared it and passed it on..

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    Tom BradWritten by Tom Brad

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