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Shadows of the Shore

John had always found solace in the vastness of the ocean, its rhythmic waves whispering ancient secrets that soothed his troubled mind.

By ModhilrajPublished 3 months ago 2 min read
Shadows of the Shore
Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

John had always found solace in the vastness of the ocean, its rhythmic waves whispering ancient secrets that soothed his troubled mind. However, on this particular evening, as he wandered along the deserted beach under the silver light of the moon, an unsettling sensation crept over him.

The wind carried with it an eerie chill, and the usual symphony of the sea was replaced by a haunting silence. John’s steps faltered as he scanned the shoreline, feeling as though unseen eyes watched his every move.

Ignoring the prickling unease crawling up his spine, John continued his solitary stroll, his senses heightened with each passing moment. But then, from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of something moving among the dunes.

At first, he dismissed it as a trick of the shadows, a figment of his imagination fueled by the late hour and the solitude of the beach. Yet, as he pressed on, the feeling of being watched intensified, and the distant figure seemed to draw closer with each step.

Heart pounding, John quickened his pace, his eyes darting nervously from side to side. But no matter how fast he walked, the figure persisted, its shape indistinct yet undeniably menacing.

Just as panic threatened to consume him, John stumbled upon a dilapidated shack nestled among the dunes, its weather-beaten walls barely standing against the relentless assault of time. Desperate for refuge, he flung open the creaking door and stumbled inside, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

The interior of the shack was shrouded in darkness, the only illumination provided by the feeble glow of the moon filtering through the cracks in the walls. John’s heart pounded in his chest as he strained his ears for any sign of pursuit.

But there was only silence, broken only by the distant roar of the ocean. Slowly, cautiously, John allowed himself to relax, the adrenaline gradually subsiding as he convinced himself that he was safe.

Yet, just as he began to calm his racing thoughts, a cold gust of wind swept through the shack, extinguishing the feeble candle he had managed to light. In the suffocating darkness, John’s senses were suddenly assaulted by a putrid stench, like the rot of centuries mingled with the salt of the sea.

Terror gripped him once more as he realized that he was not alone. Something was lurking in the shadows, something ancient and malevolent that had been drawn to his presence on this desolate shore.

With trembling hands, John fumbled for his phone, the dim glow of the screen offering scant reassurance in the face of the encroaching darkness. But before he could dial for help, a whisper echoed through the gloom, sending shivers down his spine.

“Leave this place,” it hissed, a voice both familiar and otherworldly. “Leave before it’s too late.”

Unable to suppress a cry of fear, John stumbled backward, his mind reeling with terror. Yet, even as he turned to flee into the night, he knew that the shadows of the shore would never release their hold on him, their ancient secrets destined to remain hidden beneath the waves for eternity.

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    MWritten by Modhilraj

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