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Trending scary videos

By Ojei DanielPublished 10 days ago 3 min read
Scary videos
Photo by Robert Zunikoff on Unsplash

Scary Videos

You're about to witness some of the scariest videos that are trending right now. Let's take a look. (ominous music)

Bigdaddyleo1037's Eerie Encounter
TikToker Bigdaddyleo1037, a popular content creator with over 1.3 million followers, is known for his skits and humorous commentaries a recent post has left his audience more creeped out than entertained.In the clip, which offers a behind-the-scenes look at one of his skits, Leo reveals that something eerie occurred during filming. He explains that while playing the video, a disembodied voice can be heard whispering, "Just let me in," which the auto captions feature on the app detected and automatically captioned. Leo is baffled by the incident, stating that no one else was home when he filmed the skit, leaving everyone wondering about the source of the eerie whisper. The unsettling clip has sparked a flurry of speculation and theories among his followers, with the mystery remaining unsolved.

Slapped Ham Shorts Announcement
You may have noticed we've been uploading some shorts to our main channel recently. We're finding this viewing experience a little jarring for our audience, particularly for those who like to watch on TV. So with that in mind, we've launched a new channel called "Slapped Ham Shorts." This will be delicious bite-sized servings of Ham released every single day of the week. If you want daily Ham, head over to our new channel, "Slapped Ham Shorts." Subscribe, turn on notifications, all that good stuff.

Night Marcher Demon in Hawaii
A chilling photo has emerged, revealing the moment a hiker unknowingly passed what appears to be a night marcher demon in a haunted forest in Hawaii. This haunting image was captured during a lunar eclipse, a time often linked with paranormal activities. Marathon runner Kay, and her friend Cassie, were traversing the trails of a Hawaiian rainforest when the unsettling incident occurred. Kay experienced a sudden excruciating pain in her right leg during the fourth lap, causing her to stop and cry hysterically. After notifying the organizers, Kay and Cassie returned to their Airbnb, where they noticed a bizarre figure in their photos, prompting them to research the area. Their investigation led them to the legend of the night marchers, ghosts of ancient Hawaiian warriors. Kay's encounter during the lunar eclipse, combined with the legendary lore, left her and many online users deeply unnerved.

Ryan Hutton's Ghostly Encounter
A follower of ours, Ryan Hutton from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, recently sent us an unsettling photo. Ryan's email detailed his mom's three-story house, which has a basement apartment where more than 10 people have reportedly died over the years. The photo Ryan shared reveals a strange transparent figure captured in the basement, raising the question, could this really be a glimpse of a ghost?

Jaalien's Haunted Mine Exploration
In 2021, YouTube user Jaalien uploaded some spine-chilling footage filmed at the Aranzazu mine, an old abandoned mining town in Zacatecas, Mexico. The area is renowned for its eerie, decrepit buildings and a haunting atmosphere. As the OP explores the old town, the camera captures an old doll sitting face down on a chair. Minutes later, the doll is seen sitting upright, despite the OP being all alone. This eerie movement has led many to question whether something supernatural is at play, adding to the mine's reputation as a hotbed of supernatural activity.

Leandcoel's Mysterious Mirror Reflection
A recent TikTok clip from user Leandcoel has gone viral due to its perplexing visuals. The video features a shoe being reflected in a mirror, but the mirror displays the shoe exactly as it appears in the foreground, almost as if it's not reflecting at all. This unusual phenomenon has sparked widespread speculation, with some calling it a glitch in the matrix. The debate continues as the clip gains more attention online.

Cruzdrosa92's Eerie Babysitting Experience
TikTok user Manny, known as Cruzdrosa92, recently captured some eerie footage while babysitting his niece. The video starts with Manny's niece pointing into a darkened room. Throughout the evening, the toddler continues to point at the same area, suggesting she's seeing something that the camera doesn't initially capture. The situation escalates when an object flies out of one of the dark rooms. The footage quickly went viral, with many viewers suggesting Manny burn sage to cleanse the space of any negative energy. The video has sparked intense speculation about what could have been caught on camera, with many believing it to be a sign of paranormal activity.

Unsettling Cave Footage from Cuba
Unsettling footage has emerged from a cave in Aruba, Cuba, capturing an eerie moment. The video, posted on Facebook by Marie Louise Montero, was taken by a professional photographer during a 12-day camping trip. The camera caught a distinct figure moving in the shadows, sparking numerous theories and much speculation. To this day, no one's been able to identify what was caught on camera, leaving viewers with a lingering sense of unease.

That's the end of the episode.


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    ODWritten by Ojei Daniel

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