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Created and Written by MICHELLE SHAAY

By MICHELLE SHAAY Published 4 years ago 8 min read
Photo by Zane Lee on Unsplash

The winds that day were almost a symphony of blissful perfection. Clouds hung low over the hills, while the beaming sun illuminated Friendship Lake. The gust of crisp autumn air made empty rocking chairs sitting on serene porches move wickedly back and forth.

The old but enchanting bed and breakfast sat in front of the large, winding lake. Ms. Ellis eagerly awaited the arrival of weekend visitors and took owning the place to heart. Friendship Lake was the main attraction in the quaint town of Belly Pointe. The Eagles Pike Inn was barely a dot on any map.

"Are you ready to relax honey? I want this to be quality time well spent," said Brent. While twirling her hair, Julie sighed and replied, "I know Brent and yes I need this so badly, thanks baby."

The attractive couple tenderly embraced and kissed briefly before exiting the SUV. Brent and Julie grew up almost 500 miles away from Belly Pointe, but always knew they would visit Friendship Lake to explore its scenic beauty and infamous history for peaceful days and nights. Their piqued interest finally compelled them to travel the distance and happily the coveted destination was just one more turn away.

Chase and Morgan another long-time devoted couple pulled up quickly behind them. As Chase's truck tires squealed and he slammed on brakes, they continued to argue loudly.

"Oh God Morgan, do you have to keep rehashing this?" "Damn it, I said I was sorry, ok." " I don't know what else to say!" "We really could have stayed home to argue instead of throwing away money for this weekend nightmare!" "Impossible!" Chase turns off the truck and jumps out without waiting for her to respond.

"What a loser." Morgan mumbles while applying more lipstick and combing her hair without using a mirror. She decides to get out of the truck and head towards the spot where Julie and Brent are talking.

"Hey Jules, what's up girl?" "Before you answer that, please tell me you brought the cannabis I asked for." Both laugh and Julie replies, " I thought you quit smoking anything, legal or not M, but yep I think I may be able to help." "I knew you'd come through for me, this is good, good, good-I freaking need it!" said Morgan while mimicking praying to heaven.

The four friends finish unloading their hiking gear including luggage and proceed to the large guest service counter. Brent taps the service bell as no one is there to initially greet them. He taps the antiquated bell a second time, and finally a hard, heavy third time as they become quite anxious.

Ms. Ellis, a middle aged petite woman , dressed in an oversized sweater and jeans appears from a hidden side entrance. The heavy door slams loudly behind her. The dark short hair cut frames her small square face. An old faded tattoo is also noticeable on her hand, a dagger with roses and a skull.

As they try to appear unstartled, everyone in the group laughs nervously but quietly.

"Oh hello, So sorry-I was in the laundry room preparing your linen." She extends her hand to each of the them and introduces herself as politely as possible. Then slowly proceeds to provide copies of written ground rules for staying at Eagles Pike Inn. The couples perused the document and look at each other with curious, blatant disbelief.

"Okay, it says here-number 3 ground rule is No co-ed living quarters or accommodations are available without proof of a valid marriage certificate." Chase laughs uncontrollably and sarcastically. "You've gotta be joking right?" He finishes his thought and adamantly yells at the serious looking innkeeper.

"It's none of your damn business lady if we're married or not!" "We're adults who paid, like actually prepaid to have a good time and W-e-e-e, can do what we want and Number 4-NO Cell Devices Allowed-well Screw you Lady!"

Everyone else tries to calm Chase down while Ms. Ellis remains silent, still and almost zombie like. Then suddenly she begins to utter softly but in an archaic language, growing louder each time. A tear drops down her stoic face while the chanting subsides quickly, but commands Julie's attention immediately.

"God Ms. Ellis are you okay, really sorry about our friend-are you going to be okay?" "Should I get you some water or something else?

She still doesn't respond to Julie but continues to stand silently with her eyes fixed solely on Chase. Then after a few moments pass, engages Julie with a sheepish smile.

"No, but thank you, I am fine." They all stop talking.

"Remember, what is done in darkness cannot yield light." While speaking she goes to each one and snatches the ground rules document from their hands. "Sorry for any inconvenience, please enjoy your stay." "Breakfast and dinner will be served daily." She provides keys to their individual suites and exits the guest area.

Reminiscing on her own days of youth, haunting words along with a trance like state grips Ms. Ellis again.

"I won't have a whore and a bastard child living under my roof. I told you he wouldn't want nothing to with you after using your flesh for lustful pleasure and sin. You get out of my house! You have to be pure! Men always marry virgins never whores."

The couples finally find their rooms and decide what to do next. Chase and Morgan retire for the day and night, shower, have make-up sex loudly, and share a small blunt. They eventually fall fast asleep.

Julie and Brent head out for dinner and decide to explore the area near Lake Friendship. They take selfies and enjoy the clean, crisp air. Brent also records some of their surroundings while commentating on the trip thus far.

"So, I am here at Friendship Lake with Jules." "Love you and think we made a good choice." They kiss and continue to explore and walk along the lake. Splashing their hands in the cool lake entertains them while talking.

"Hey, it's getting late and seems to be turning dark really fast, maybe we should go back now Brent." He agrees with her and as they navigate back to the truck, a foul and nasty odor catches them completely off guard.

"What the heck is that?" Smells like one hundred pair of old, sweaty gym socks!" Both laugh, agree and take one final selfie before driving back to the inn.

Now it is nightfall and friends Morgan and Chase have not gone anywhere. Morgan decides she has slept long enough, washes her face, puts on a robe and leaves Chase sleeping. As she walks toward the dining area, she calls out to Ms. Ellis. She quietly and quickly appears from seemingly nowhere.

"Oh, there you are Ms. Ellis-you scared me." "Has dinner already been served?" The inn keeper leads her to the dining table. "As a matter of fact, no it hasn't." She slowly goes to the kitchen and returns with a large plate of cold cut sandwiches, chips, and iced tea. Morgan looks at the food with disgust and sheer disappointment. She was sure she marked on one of the dated guest cards her food preference.

"I'm vegetarian, I don't eat meat or drink iced tea." Her tone was unfriendly. "Could you possibly prepare a garden salad for me instead?"

Ms. Ellis clears her throat and complies with Morgan's request. She hurries back to the kitchen and returns with a beautifully crafted garden salad, balsamic dressing, and a glass of iced water. She places it in front of Morgan who smiles instantly.

"Now this I can do. Oh wow, this is so good." She devours the food ravenously and drinks the entire glass of water too. Ms. Ellis coldly stares, sits down on the opposite end of the dining table and continues to watch Morgan eat the meal.

"Morgan, isn't that your name?" asks the inn keeper. Morgan nods while eating to avoid talking. Ms. Ellis continues speaking to her and bluntly says, "You eat very healthy but live like a whore." Morgan sits motionless, almost choking while eating and glares at her.

"Excuse Me, what the hell did you just say?" yells Morgan. Ms. Ellis then repeats the vulgarity but much louder and faster, with a threatening cadence. Morgan hops up angrily from the wooden chair, knocks over the glass and hurls and even louder threat.

"Look you old, crazy witch-I will come over there and knock the hell..."

Before Morgan can finish Julie and Brent enter the inn. They hear the commotion and run to the dining hall. Chase also bolts down the stairs to find out why Morgan is yelling. "What is going on down here?" Chase immediately asks while eyeing Ms. Ellis.

As Morgan begins to charge in Ms. Ellis's direction, she begins to gag and choke violently. Without warning, blood begins dripping from her mouth uncontrollably as her tongue dissolves into nothing.

Chase with disbelief, tries to help Morgan but notices smoke around his feet. They suddenly ignite and he attempts to fan the surreal looking flames. His hands and then entire body becomes a fiery combustion as Julie and Brent look on in horror. Ms. Ellis begins another round of the archaic chanting while pointing to them. The language cannot be deciphered by Julie or Brent and they begin to run towards the doors of Eagle Pike Inn to escape. But there is none, no escape. The translation of her powerful chant is simple and dark.

"Purity prevents purgatory for your sins. Great sacrifice offers new life."

Three vicious canines kept locked away would be used to finish her fanatical task. Ms. Ellis purposely starved them to increase their aggression and they obeyed only her commands. Sadly, the attack was brutal and short. No one heard their cries or screams.

Four new sacrificial offerings satisfied her need to purge evil, pain, and damage she suffered in life. Purity was an attribute she lost and could never entirely be regained, but still desirable. Any attempt to achieve some semblance of it was better than putting forth no effort at all.

As she dug the shallow graves for the young, spirited, unsuspecting foursome-she planted a kiss on the dirt that covered them. A silent prayer was lifted, their vehicles were discarded the same night, and the canines were returned to their secluded place.

An owl gave a nocturnal hoot while Ms. Ellis looked on at the winding, sparkling lake as a beautiful, full moon cast bright light down upon the inn. She made her way back to it walked to the well-lit kitchen.

A crackling fire roared in the fireplace and some hot lemon tea was being steeped too.

Another weekend was slowly ending on a quiet note at Eagle's Pike.



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