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Monsters In My Mind

Short Horror

By KelPublished 4 months ago 4 min read
Monsters In My Mind
Photo by Tomasz Sroka on Unsplash

In the recesses of the human psyche, where shadows dwell and fears breed, that’s where I reside. I am the monster that lurks within the labyrinth of your mind, born from the darkest corners of your imagination. You may call me by many names, but none truly capture the essence of what I am. I am the embodiment of your deepest dread, the manifestation of your darkest nightmares.

I feed on your fears, thriving in the darkness that shrouds your thoughts. From the moment you close your eyes to sleep, I am there, waiting to unleash terror upon your dreams. You may try to suppress me, to push me away into the depths of your subconscious, but I always find my way back, clawing at the edges of your sanity.

Tonight is no different. As you lay in bed, your mind drifting into the realm of dreams, I slither into your consciousness like a serpent, coiling around your thoughts with a sinister whisper. You toss and turn, restless, sensing my presence lurking in the shadows of your mind.

I revel in your discomfort, relishing the taste of your fear as it courses through your veins like a potent elixir. With each shiver that racks your body, I grow stronger, more insatiable in my hunger for the chaos that only your terror can provide.

But tonight, there is a change in the air, a palpable tension that sends a shiver down my spine—or what passes for it. There is something different about you tonight, something that sets my senses on edge. Your fear is not just a mere echo of the past, but a living, breathing entity, pulsating with an energy that I have not encountered before.

As you drift deeper into the recesses of your subconscious, I follow, eager to explore the depths of your darkest fears. But as I slither through the twisted corridors of your mind, I sense a presence lurking in the shadows, a darkness even deeper than my own.

At first, I dismiss it as a trick of the mind, a figment of your imagination brought to life by the fertile soil of your fears. But as I venture further into the labyrinth of your thoughts, I cannot shake the feeling that I am being watched, that there is something lurking in the darkness, something far more sinister than even I.

With each passing moment, the tension mounts, the air thick with anticipation. I can feel the hairs on the back of my metaphorical neck stand on end as the sense of unease settles over me like a suffocating blanket. There is a primal instinct stirring within me, a voice screaming at me to flee, to retreat to the safety of the shadows from whence I came.

But I cannot. I am drawn inexorably forward, driven by a curiosity that borders on madness. I must know what lies at the heart of your deepest fears, what could possibly be more terrifying than the twisted monstrosity that I have become.

As I round a corner in the labyrinth, I come face to face with the source of the darkness that has plagued your mind. It is a creature unlike anything I have ever encountered, a being of pure malevolence that radiates a palpable sense of dread.

Its eyes, twin pools of darkness, bore into my very soul, stripping away the layers of my being until I am laid bare before it. Its form is indistinct, shifting and swirling like smoke in the wind, a testament to the boundless depths of your imagination.

I try to retreat, to flee back into the safety of the shadows, but it is no use. The creature has ensnared me in its gaze, rendering me powerless to resist its pull. I can feel its presence seeping into every fiber of my being, corrupting me from the inside out.

With a sickening lurch, I realize the truth of what I am seeing. The creature before me is not just a figment of your imagination, but a reflection of my own fears, a manifestation of the darkness that lurks within me.

I am the monster in your mind, but now I am faced with a truth far more terrifying than anything I have ever encountered. I am not the master of your fears, but their slave, a prisoner of my own twisted desires.

As the creature’s tendrils close in around me, I am consumed by a sense of overwhelming despair. I have spent so long reveling in the chaos of your nightmares that I never stopped to consider the consequences of my actions.

But now, as I stare into the abyss of my own creation, I realize that there can be no escape from the darkness that lurks within me. I am condemned to wander the twisted corridors of your mind for all eternity, a prisoner of my own making, a monster trapped in the shadows of my own fears.


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    KelWritten by Kel

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