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By ayesha nadeemPublished 28 days ago 6 min read

Emma's eyes fluttered open to the dull gray light of dawn filtering through her bedroom curtains. Her heart pounded as if she'd run a marathon, and her hands were clammy with sweat. She stared at the ceiling, trying to shake off the lingering sense of dread. It was the same nightmare again.

In the dream, Emma was trapped in a decaying, abandoned mansion. Every night, the dream began the same way: she stood in front of the mansion's grand entrance, its massive doors hanging crookedly on rusted hinges. The air was thick with the scent of mold and decay, and a chill seeped into her bones. Each step she took inside the mansion echoed through the empty hallways, the sound swallowed by the oppressive darkness.

The mansion was a labyrinth of rooms and corridors, each more unsettling than the last. Faded portraits with hollow eyes seemed to follow her every move, and the wallpaper peeled away in long, curling strips, revealing the rotting wood beneath. A sense of being watched pervaded the dream, though she never saw another soul. She was always alone, wandering through the house, searching for something she couldn't quite remember.

The dream always ended the same way: she found herself in a small, windowless room with a single flickering light bulb hanging from the ceiling. In the center of the room stood a mirror, its surface cracked and tarnished. As she approached the mirror, a figure began to materialize behind her, its features obscured by shadow. Just as she turned to face the figure, she would wake up, her heart racing and her breath coming in shallow gasps.

Emma couldn't remember when the nightmare had started, but it had been months since she'd had a full night's sleep. The dream haunted her waking hours as well, the details so vivid they felt like memories rather than mere figments of her imagination. She couldn't shake the feeling that the dream was trying to tell her something, but what?

Her exhaustion began to take a toll on her daily life. She was late to work more often than not, her once-sharp focus dulled by sleep deprivation. Her friends and colleagues noticed the change in her, the dark circles under her eyes and her growing irritability. She brushed off their concerns, not wanting to burden anyone with her strange, inexplicable problem.

One evening, after another restless night, Emma sat at her kitchen table, nursing a cup of coffee. Her eyes were drawn to an old photo album on the bookshelf, one she hadn't looked at in years. On a whim, she pulled it down and began flipping through the pages. The photos were of her childhood, snapshots of birthdays, family vacations, and holidays. She smiled at the memories, but her smile faded when she came across a photo of a house.

It was the same house from her dream.

Emma's heart skipped a beat as she stared at the photo. She hadn't thought about that house in years. It had belonged to her grandparents, who had passed away when she was a child. She remembered visiting them during the summer, playing in the sprawling garden and exploring the old mansion. But there was something else, something she had pushed to the back of her mind.

As she stared at the photo, a memory surfaced. She had been about six years old, exploring the mansion with her older brother, Tom. They had ventured into the basement, a place they were forbidden to go. The basement had been dark and musty, filled with old furniture and boxes of forgotten belongings. In one corner, they had found a small, locked door. Curious, they had pried it open and discovered a hidden room.

Inside the room had been a large, ornate mirror, covered in a dusty sheet. Emma had been drawn to the mirror, her reflection distorted in the cracked glass. Tom had warned her not to touch it, but she had been mesmerized. She reached out to touch the surface, and the last thing she remembered was a sudden, overwhelming sense of fear.

Her parents had found them hours later, huddled together in the basement, trembling and unable to speak about what had happened. They had moved away from the mansion soon after, and the memory had faded into the depths of Emma's mind.

Now, it all came rushing back. The dream wasn't just a figment of her imagination; it was a fragment of a forgotten past. The mansion, the mirror, the sense of being watched—it all made sense now. She had to go back.

Emma took a deep breath and made a decision. She would return to the mansion, confront whatever was haunting her dreams, and put an end to the nightmare once and for all.

The next weekend, Emma drove to the outskirts of town, where the old mansion still stood, its grandeur faded with time. She parked her car at the end of the long, overgrown driveway and walked toward the house. Her heart pounded with each step, a mix of fear and determination driving her forward.

The front doors creaked open, and she stepped inside. The air was thick with the scent of decay, just as it had been in her dreams. She made her way through the dark, empty hallways, her footsteps echoing in the silence. The house was just as she remembered it, every detail matching the vivid images from her nightmares.

She found the basement door and descended the creaking stairs. The basement was as dark and musty as she remembered, filled with the remnants of her grandparents' lives. In the corner, she found the small, hidden door. It was still unlocked, just as they had left it all those years ago.

Emma pushed the door open and stepped into the hidden room. The mirror stood in the center, covered in a thick layer of dust. She approached it slowly, her reflection distorted in the cracked glass. Her heart raced as she reached out to touch the surface.

The moment her fingers brushed the mirror, a wave of memories flooded her mind. She remembered the fear she had felt as a child, the sense of being watched. But she also remembered something else: a presence, a shadowy figure that had been trapped in the mirror for years.

The figure began to materialize behind her, just as it did in her dreams. But this time, Emma didn't turn away. She faced the figure head-on, her fear replaced by a determination to understand.

"Who are you?" she whispered.

The figure stepped closer, its features slowly coming into focus. It was a woman, her eyes filled with a sadness that seemed to span centuries.

"I am Eleanor," the woman said, her voice a soft echo. "I was trapped in this mirror long ago, cursed to remain here until someone could release me."

Emma's heart ached for the woman. "How can I help you?"

Eleanor smiled, a ghostly but grateful expression. "By facing your fear and acknowledging my existence, you have already begun to break the curse. Thank you, Emma."

As the words left Eleanor's lips, the mirror began to crack and shatter, the pieces falling away to reveal a bright, blinding light. Emma shielded her eyes, and when she opened them again, the hidden room was empty. The mirror was gone, and so was Eleanor.

Emma felt a sense of peace wash over her, a weight lifted from her shoulders. She left the mansion, the oppressive darkness replaced by the warm light of the setting sun. She knew that the nightmare was over, and with it, the lingering fear that had haunted her for so long.

As she drove away, Emma glanced in the rearview mirror at the old mansion one last time. It stood silent and empty, a relic of the past. She smiled, feeling a sense of closure. The recurring nightmare had been a message, a call to confront her fears and remember the forgotten. And now, with the past laid to rest, she could finally move forward, free from the shadows that had once haunted her dreams.


About the Creator

ayesha nadeem

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Comments (1)

  • J. L. Green28 days ago

    Awe, this has a sweet ending. Very well done!

ANWritten by ayesha nadeem

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