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I wish for death

Sometimes death is better than life.

By Makenna BoltonPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
I wish for death
Photo by David Babayan on Unsplash

The cabin in the woods had been abandoned for years, but one night, a candle burned in the window; into the room where they kept her. Two curious campers wandered through the woods. It was eerily silent, they didn’t hear a single animal, neither the wind nor the leaves rustling together. You could almost hear the blood pumping in their veins. Clouds formed a dark canvas above them, but there was no rain. They continued on, their breathing becoming weak as they stumbled upon the cabin. The only sign of life was the burning candle, and their curiosity gripped tightly and guided them into the cabin. But, when they entered, it did not look abandoned at all. The old cabin was fresh, and warm, as if someone has been living here all this time. They admired the vintage beauty held in the walls, furniture and the art; eventually being drawn into the room with the candle. A girl named Lanira once lived in the cabin with her family, however, Lanira’s family always found her to be quite odd. The family was always very weary around her, and they always seemed to get a twisted, gross feeling around her. Lanira would look out her window and stare for hours upon end. Everyday her family found her stiff, frozen, blankly staring out that window. One night a candle mysteriously appeared at the sill of Lanira’s window, and it was already burning. The candle enchanted the cabin and burned for days and days, yet the wax never shed a tear, no liquid melting residue; it stood strong, just as it had when it first appeared. Then, one night as the candle was burning, the earth stood still. There was no wind, no sound, and no breath filled the air. The next day, the earth resumed its lively rotation, but the family was gone, all but Lanira. Who still watched through the window, only now the flame was dead and the candle sat cold. Years past and eventually Lanira died in that room, watching as her reflection closed its eyes for the last time. The campers stepped into the Lanira’s room and stared at the candle burning in the window. They began trembling, feeling a disturbing presence that made them ill. They dragged themselves toward the candle still haunted by its enchanting flame, and as the neared it, it began to flicker, and the room became cold. One of the campers reached out and tried to touch the candle before the other stopped him. All of a sudden voices crowded their minds, screams of terror, cries for help, and they couldn’t move. They were paralyzed with this force consuming them from the inside. They began to go insane and in that moment they wanted nothing more than death to come and end their suffering minds. But they had a fate coming, far worse than death. The camper who tried to touch the candle before had had enough of this psychotic reign, wondering what he could do to end this horror he had never endured; he thought if there was no candle then there would be no scare. He slowly and painfully turned his head, with all hope and strength, blew out the candle, and they were gone. Just like that, the earth had resumed life, the wind blew, the sun shone, but not a single trace of the campers found. The end. You may be wondering, what happened? Where did the campers go? What is this candle? Who exactly is Lanira? Well, my friends, you shall get your answers soon. Oh, and I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Lanira. Goodbye.


About the Creator

Makenna Bolton

Hi! My name is Makenna Bolton, I am 20 years old. I grew up in Wisconsin and in June I graduated from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in LA; with an Associates in Dance and Theatre. As well as writing, I love acting, and dancing.

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    Makenna BoltonWritten by Makenna Bolton

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