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Hospital Hauntings: A Transporter’s Tale

In 2018, I began working as a transporter at City Hospital during its transition from an aging, creaking building to a new, modern facility. The old hospital, steeped in decades of medical history, was preparing for closure, its East Wing already silent and eerie in the dimming twilight.

By Bhangs CorporationPublished 3 days ago 4 min read
Hospital Hauntings: A Transporter’s Tale
Photo by Hoshino Ai on Unsplash

The year was 2018, and I had just started working as a transporter in a hospital. My job was to move patients, equipment, and sometimes, even medical records from one place to another. It was a simple job, but it kept me busy. The hospital where I worked was moving from the old city hospital to a new, modern facility. The old hospital was built in the 1930s and had served the community for decades. But now, it was showing its age with its creaking floors and dimly lit hallways.

Scene 1 - The Last Days of the Old Hospital

As the moving date approached, the old hospital was gradually shutting down. Each floor had an East and West Wing. The East Wing of the fourth floor was the first to be closed, about two weeks before the big move. This part of the hospital had always felt eerie, especially at night. The walls seemed to hold onto shadows longer, and the silence was thick, almost suffocating.

Scene 2 - A Night to Remember

One night, around 9:30 p.m., I was on the fourth floor to pick up a patient from the West Wing. As I stepped off the elevator, I saw a small group of nurses and aides. They all used to work in the now-closed East Wing. Their faces were pale, eyes wide with fear.I approached them, sensing something was wrong. "Is everything okay?" I asked.

One of the nurses, her voice shaky, said, "We decided to take a walk through our old wing for old times' sake. We were just talking, remembering the good times, when the phone at the nurse's station rang."

Scene 3 - The Unlikely Call

The nurse continued, "The computers and phones were supposed to have been moved already, but this one rang. Not knowing what else to do, I answered it." She paused, clearly unsettled. "There was a woman's voice on the other end. She sounded confused."

The conversation, as she recalled, went like this:

Nurse: "This is Nurse Jane. How can I help you?" I'm a nurse. Is there anything I can help you with?

Caller: "Where am I?"

Caller: "This is City Hospital. Are you a patient here?"

Okay, Then the line went dead.

Scene 4 - The Source of the Call

The nurse said, "I looked at the screen on the phone to see where the call was coming from. It showed the room number directly across from the nurse's station. But the rooms were empty, and the phones had been removed. We could see right into the room, and there was nobody there."

That's when they ran towards the West Wing, where I had just stepped off the elevator. Their fear was palpable, and it sent a chill down my spine. I decided then and there to avoid the East Wing for the remainder of my time at the old hospital.

Scene 5 - An Unsettling Discovery

A few days later, curiosity got the better of me. I started asking around about the East Wing. An older nurse, who had worked at the hospital for over thirty years, pulled me aside. "You know," she said, "there's a story about that wing."

She told me about a nurse named Margaret, who had worked in the East Wing back in the 1950s. Margaret was known for her dedication and kindness. One night, there was a terrible accident on the highway, and the hospital was flooded with injured patients. Margaret worked tirelessly, tending to the wounded. But in her exhaustion, she made a fatal mistake with a patient's medication, and the patient died.

Distraught, Margaret took her own life in one of the rooms in the East Wing. Since then, there had been occasional reports of strange happenings—phones ringing with no one on the other end, the feeling of being watched, and even the faint sound of a woman crying.

Scene 6 - The Final Night

The night before the final move to the new hospital, I was scheduled for the late shift. The hospital was nearly empty, with only a few patients left to be transported. As I walked past the closed-off East Wing, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me. I quickened my pace, trying to ignore the prickling sensation on the back of my neck.

Just as I reached the elevator, I heard it—a faint ringing sound. It was coming from the nurse's station in the East Wing. I knew I should ignore it, but something compelled me to answer. I walked slowly towards the sound, my heart pounding in my chest.

The phone was there, on the counter, ringing insistently. I picked up the receiver with a trembling hand. "Hello?" I said, my voice barely a whisper.

There was a moment of silence, and then I heard her. "I'm a nurse. Is there anything I can help you with?"

I dropped the phone and ran. The elevator couldn't come fast enough. As the doors closed, I glanced back and saw a shadowy figure standing by the nurse's station, watching me.

Scene 7 - Moving On

The next day, we completed the move to the new hospital. The old building was left empty, awaiting demolition. I never spoke of that night to anyone. The new hospital was bright and modern, with no dark corners or creepy wings. But sometimes, late at night, I think about Margaret and wonder if she finally found peace.

I hope she did. But deep down, I can't shake the feeling that some part of her remains, forever tending to her patients in the shadowy halls of the old City Hospital.

tv reviewurban legendsupernaturalpsychological

About the Creator

Bhangs Corporation

We are new to writing articles online, so please provide feedback to improve.

We are keenly interested in movies, web series, computer games, and finance so I will write some posts on them with my main focus on horror stories.

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Comments (2)

  • Mark Graham3 days ago

    What a great psychological thriller you wrote. I am a nurse and this struck home,

  • No words to say. Top level.

Bhangs CorporationWritten by Bhangs Corporation

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