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Haunted Halloween Party

Horror fiction

By RabiyaR ButtPublished 2 days ago 3 min read

It was Halloween and of course at night and it was a stormy night and a full moon at that and all the kids were dressed up and they all went to the old mansion on the hill. Undoubtedly, the Dr. and Mrs. Smiths had done everything they possibly could for the show, the cobwebs, the skeletons and the haunted house, located at the basement. However, suppose with increasing numbers of nights, the celebrations were being roused to the next level which was fatal.

A young woman dressed like vampire killed; she was lying on the pool of blood in the garden. At first, all the people were sure that it is some sick joke that somehow went terribly wrong and everyone was sure of it, until more and more people were dying one after the other then they realized it is real, it is not a joke.

Meet our awkward private detective, Jack who becomes a vampire in the undercover and his friend or better say, the assistant, Larry – the werewolf. They chose to solve the murders with the intention of establishing the truth concerning the incidences. Jack being a student of paranormal about himself was all ears wanting to know the truth disregarding the fact that he was a paranormal Lage meanwhile the real motive of Larry was to locate the buffet.

The show began from the moment when the authors were interrogating the suspects and it was introduced such characters as a witch that was preparing the ‘killer’ punch, a specter who is more interested in the music from the disco and a Zombie who want to go to the disco.

”He yelled back, “I did not do it!” ” You will turn into a silly prude whose knickers only clamp themselves at the sight of her husband. ” said the witch and w ith a white wooden spoon, stirred the contents of the cauldbon. ‘All I want to do is to make the right potion,’ she replied not really understanding why anyone would be suspicious of her actions.

“Yeah right,” repeated Jack with and extremely pessimistic glare on his face. “But of course, the eye of newt and the wing of bat are most likely going to be on the pizza to enhance it taste. ”

At the same time, Larry was finding it difficult actually, not to burst into full throated laughter. ‘Come on Jack let’s go look for some real evidence,’ said Victor, with his face painted in green and a furry mask.

As they continued their investigation, they discovered a cryptic message scrawled on the wall in blood: These are the CURwriter’s own words when he located the monster among the people; However, who was this monster? Weldon says, “ Well, what was their motive?”

The stalking continues and people die one by one and as the night elapses Jack and Larry are the remaining two individuals who are alive to try and ensure that they pin down the killer before the killer stabs the remaining two.

In the end, they looked for many hours and they located the experimental laboratory which was situated in the basement of the building. And there, in the center of the room, they found the monster: It is a very big monstrous person like creature with large globular eyes, spines and nails.

Banias A lebanon nymph took care of it A monster began transforming in front of everyone’s eyes to An ant fawned over by a black wombat Possessed by a vixen Slept with by a serpent . . Dr. Smith!

Laughing wickedly the scientist addressed them shouting, You fools ‘You will never stop me from releasing my creation to the world. ’ ’

It could very well be but all that Jack and Larry could exchange at the time was a wary glance. This was in no doubt, completely alien to the kind of job position that these employees had agreed to take up with the company. But one day, whooping up all their courage and telling few medical jokes they are able to overpower the doctor and his monster.

After they emerged from the mansion of the Grendel’s house, Jack, looking aside, spoke to Larry, Yes, that was indeed a scream. ” Meanwhile Larry stared at him, and screamed, “You are really a comedic babe, man!”

And thus, the both friends went back to the police station to make a statement and in addition to that they got some money for the valuable information they provided. However, as they started to exit they started to have the feeling that they have just witnessed something creepy. Indeed, such revelations are very daring, especially when Jack said: “It is as if the scriptwriters have taken all the clichés of TV drama, most of the plot devices … and said: ‘You can’t make this stuff up … or can you?’ ”


About the Creator

RabiyaR Butt


I love to write. Writing is an art and I want to excel my skills with passion. Just a pinch of effort with a plethora of hard work and a strong determination in the way can help in the journey.

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    RabiyaR ButtWritten by RabiyaR Butt

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