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Happy Wife Inc., Ch. 1


By Kathryn BrownPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Happy Wife Inc., Ch. 1
Photo by Colin Maynard on Unsplash


On the morning of their wedding day, they projected tornadoes. They had planned to be married in the rose gardens on her grandmother’s farm. It had been planted by Bethany’s great-great-great grandfather for his daughters when a company he owned found success shipping wood pellets. It was an obscure business that had long since been sold, but the grandeur of the family home remained to stand witness to the economic success that was William Brage. Past storms had damaged the home, which they had repaired to a more modern era, and had destroyed the outbuildings, which had never been rebuilt, but the rose garden had never seen any appreciable damage.

The gardens were the pride of Bethany’s grandmother, and she spent most of her days enjoying her iced tea in the garden. It was where Bethany had learned to walk, and her grandmother had passed on her love for gardening over the years. It was the most peaceful place in Bethany’s life, where she had learned how to care for and love the world around her. The place had remained virtually untouched by storms, by the economic collapse, by political upheaval, by the outside world at large. It was as if, once you walked past the gate you passed into a haven against the world.

Even so, as the sirens roared to life, family and guests of the happy couple tucked away under shelter to wait for the pellets of hail to cease and for the green-black sky to turn blue again.

“You know, they say rain on your wedding day is good luck!” Bethany’s grandmother squeezed her hand and smiled with her thin, wavery smile. “It’s good for fertility.” She winked, patting her hand, and turned back to the bouquet laying across her lap. This wedding was likely one of the last big events she would see, Bethany thought.

When they were finally freed from their basement shelter, Bethany’s mother enlisted the help of the guests to carry their own chairs outside to the garden which was strewn with branches, wilted leaves, and broken trellis. The large arch focal point of the garden and been split in two and the top hung crookedly to the ground. The sky was clear, and the party carried on with a slightly less picturesque ceremony than planned. Bethany’s white flats crunched across the grass towards her husband-to-be. He was unbothered by the debris tossed around the garden, too enthralled with the beauty in white that was his bride.

“Today is the first of many day’s together, and like today, there will be days when you face storms, both physical and emotional. As you grow together as husband and wife, be patient and kind toward one another. Speak gently, forgive quickly, and love strongly. Know that, like today, the storms of life will pass and you will still be standing next to each other to love and support the other. Carlisle, repeat after me.” Carlisle cleared his throat to ready his voice for his vows, holding Bethany’s hands tightly.

“I, Carlisle Buchanan, do take thee, Bethany Bage, as my lawful wedded wife.”

“I, Carlisle Buchanan, do take thee, Bethany Bage, as my lawful wedded wife.” Carlisle caressed the top of Bethany’s hand with his thumb. Wife. The word hung in the air like a chord struck on a piano. Bethany exhaled quickly, short of breath at the mention of her new title. She took a short, quick breath back in and felt the dust in the air stick to her teeth. The storm had stirred up pollen and dust and it hung in the air, refusing to settle despite the storm having been forgotten.

It occurred to her, in that moment, that it had not rained.


About the Creator

Kathryn Brown

Find more at www.heykanb.com :) thanks in advance for the visit!

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    Kathryn BrownWritten by Kathryn Brown

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